My older daughter goes to a home-based daycare/preschool, and the preschool takes the normal holidays, plus 5 floating days whenever she wants. She emailed all the parents last night and said that she wants to switch the upcoming holiday from the 18th (MLK Day) to the 21st. So she'd be open on what was the holiday and closed on the 21st instead. I emailed back and said this didn't seem fair, since we have the 18th off work and we can't switch our holiday, so we would need to find separate childcare for the 21st. Plus, we'd end up paying for the 18th for nothing, since we wouldn't send her. I suggested she keep the 18th as a holiday and use one of her floating holidays if she needs to take the 21st. She said the majority of other parents were fine with just moving the holiday, so she's going with it.

I don't actually think I'll make a stink or say anything more, but I was surprised other parents were ok with it. I mean, she's moving a holiday day so she doesn't have to use one of her vacation days - you don't really get to do that in any other job, right?

Or am I the crazy one here?