We appear to be living with an early onset threenager! She was very verbal from an early age so we missed the frustrated tantrums stage (thank god) but all of a sudden, at 2.5, she has opinions on everything, always wants to do the opposite of what we ask her to do and the things she comes out with, oh my!! Its hilarious!!

Today, we've had:

"Elliott is very cross with you, Daddy" (when DH stole a chip from her plate)

"I don't want to get dressed. I dont like my clothes. I need new shoes today"

and my personal favourite

"Turn this song off. I don't like this song. Its rubbish"

Then last night, it was time for bed but E was still drinking her milk (slowly!). She kept getting up to run about but then said she hadn't finished her milk when we asked her to come up to bed. DH said "sit down and drink your milk. The next time your feet touch the floor, you're going to bed". So she dangled off the edge of the sofa, feet 3cm off the ground, waving them side to side, singing "not touching the floor daddy".

Sassy little madam!!

What has your LO come out with recently?