My DS is 3.5 years old and he definitely is more toward the not compassionate side.

I am not feeling very well tonight. I already told him I am not well and he needs to go to bed/stay in bed so I can rest. But he just kept getting out of bed every 15 minutes whining mommy, mommy, mommy...argh! Another example: If I was very sad and I cried, he would not come and comfort me or ask me what's wrong. If DH and I get into an argument, he pretty much would play contently as if nothing's going on! Basically if he's not in trouble he pretty much doesn't really care. It kinda breaks my heart a little.

We are definitely not the "elephant parents" where we pick him up when he falls down and cries...etc. We are more on the spectrum of "hey you are fine shake it off" (unless if he really hurted himself, of course). Not sure if we are molding him into how he is now.

How about you? how old is your LO and is he/she compassionate? What does he/she do? And what kind of parent are you? Just curious to hear!

(I am just sitting here at my desk with a massive headache, hoping DS would go to sleep)