The nanny we hired is coming over tomorrow to go over everything she needs to know before starting to keep H on Tues when I return to work. I want to make sure she has everything she needs, knows where everything is, understands H's semi-schedule, and also how to use things like the Snuza Hero and to put it on her every time she sleeps..

Here is my list, but I'm sureI'm missing very important things, so if you have any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it!

- Nursery location of items-clothing (mainly wears sleep and plays while at home), swaddles, sheets, wipes, thermometer, etc
- Schedule- just basically EASY method....
-Activities- Gym, tummy time, playing with her
- how to operate the UBV if they want to go for walks, etc
- How to install car seat w/o base, just in case, although we don't plan on her taking H anywhere....And we don't want to pay $80 for an extra base for her infant seat when we'll be buying a convertible car seatin a couple of months
- No blankets in crib, obviously I'm sure she knows that

House Rules:
- We get a lot of solicitors coming right up to our door and I have a rule of NEVER answering the door. At all. Ups and FedEx will leave packages at the door. We live in FL and people are crazy here, so I'd prefer that she just never open our door for anyone.
-Alarm code, & I'd prefer for it to be set on "Stay" throughout the day and just disarm it to go outside for anything
-Pediatrician info

And I am going to drive her to the nearest hospital so she can see where it is...She lives in another area so isn't totally familiar with our hood.

Anything else?