Well, I'm a mama of 2! Last Thursday I was 39+6 and at the end of my rope. I had a midwife appointment that afternoon and I actually cried in her office in frustration. I'd had no signs of any labour coming on and was fiercely uncomfortable. We decided not to do a cervical check because a small number would just make me crazy. She just told me to love up on my little family and relax, it will happen when it's time.
That night around 6pm I was making dinner and started having some really mild low cramps, very menstrual cramp like. I passed it off as regular discomfort, had dinner (tacos and a half glass of bad red wine!) and that was that. A few hours later the cramps were still coming and going and had a cadence to them, by 8:30 I decided to start timing them and they were coming 7-15 minutes apart and lasting around 50seconds each.
By 9:30 they were still coming regularly so I decided to call my folks and put them on alert that we might need someone to come over in the night if we had to leave for the hospital. I also notified my doula then went and snuck into DD1s room for a snuggle. I had a feeling that it might be our last night as a family of 3 so I wanted one last cuddle with my girl.
By 11pm the interval was getting close to 5 mins apart so DH and I decided to do a final pack of our hospital bag and put everything into the car. We tucked in downstairs (I had been sleeping in our recliner downstairs for a few weeks because I couldn't get comfy in bed) and watched some TV. I made DH stay down there with me because I didn't want to be alone. At midnight we turned the tv off to try and get some sleep.
Between midnight and 2am the contractions kept coming, longer stronger and faster. I was having to vocalize to get through them. I would shut my eyes and nab a few minutes of sleep between each contraction. They were about 4 minutes apart at this point and lasting a little over a minute each. I was in complete denial that this was active labour. I had not had any bloody show, water hadn't broken and I didn't want to wake everyone up just to be sent home.
At 3am I finally thought this might be the real deal and I woke DH up. I was really vocalizing through each contraction and starting to fight them. Not long after that I went to the washroom and got sick a couple of times. We decided to phone our team and get going. DH called my mom, our midwives and doula and warmed up the car. I was still worried that I wasn't really in active labour so I refused to miss timing one single contraction. I needed the proof that when we went in if I was only 2cm it felt real to me.
The drive to the hospital took about 30mins and DH only ran one red light out in the middle of nowhere. The drive was less than awesome, and at one point I felt really dizzy and loopy.
When we got to the hospital they already had a room for us and one midwife was there waiting. I got into my nightgown while answering some questions and the midwife wanted to check me. At this point it was 4:20. When she checked her exact words were, "8-9cm and really stretchy with a very tight membrane. I'm going to page the second midwife right now, try not to push until she gets here!" I'm pretty sure I high fived DH at that point. I was so happy that it WAS real and they weren't sending me home. For reals, I was sure they were going to say 2cms, go back home!
The second midwife and our doula arrived, then they broke my water. First midwife told me just to go with what my body felt and they would follow my lead. Within a few minutes of my water being broken I had the urge to push. I'm not sure how many pushes it took, but she was born at 5:07am. Less than 45minutes from our arrival at the hospital!! She had a hand up by her face which lead to a small tear (2 stitches) but otherwise everything was textbook.
She weighed in at a whopping 8lbs6.5ozs and nursed right away. We both rocked all of our post partum checks and were cleared for early discharge. 2 hours post delivery we were bundled up and on our way home to have breakfast with our big girl! 4 hours door to door home with our new little girl.
DD1 is mostly not fussed with her new little sister. She's still the centre of the universe in her own mind. We've got her in daycare full time this week (and probably next week too) until I'm fully adjusted. Little sister is a lazy eater with a lazy latch so we're working on that, but otherwise all is well!
If you hung on this long, thanks for reading! Lol!