I go back to work tomorrow (at a temp job) which means my 3 month old will be going to daycare for the first time. It's my second and it's no easier letting go than the first time. DD 1 had no bottle issues but DD 2 does NOT like the bottle! I'm afraid she won't eat all day tomorrow which I know is OK because some babies do do that and then nurse like crazy when with mom. And she'll eventually *have* to take to the bottle.

I'm sitting here trying to get her daycare bag ready. My work and pump stuff ready and I'm really sad! I'm also not looking forward to washing bottles and pump parts! And also my body does not react well to the pump. We have been EBF since she's been 2 weeks but I'm afraid I won't be able to pump enough. I am more than fine with supplementing because I had to with DD 1. But it would just suck that I have enough for her but need to supplement because I can't pump enough.

I'm just sad and rambling.

Was it easier for you to put LO2, etc into daycare?