nectarine / 2648 posts
@Mrs Lavender: Glad you have a transfer plan for March. I agree with the other ladies - some of this definitely is just a roll of the dice. I feel like since we got lucky and had DD on try #1 we were statistically due for some transfer failures.
AFM, in Greece still. I’m CD13 and not doing anything this cycle since we did the hysteroscopy 2 weeks ago. AF should come around Feb 20/21 which will be CD1 for another retrieval. I’m ordering my meds when I get back in a few days. 🤞
apricot / 302 posts
@yellowbeach: Hope Greece is all you thought it would be and more!
I had my saline sono done this morning. My uterus is looking good and all clear. We talked about my protocol a little. I'm thinking about switching from taking my Estrace orally to vaginally. This also means I won't have to take Lupron! I've done some research on this protocol and I'm pretty convinced I'm going to try it. I have to let my doctor know this week what I want to do. Then I'll get my official calendar. Keep you all posted...
apricot / 302 posts
I may have to post this as a thread... However, does anyone know what is preventing you from ovulating if you are on an Estrace only FET protocol with no Lupron? From the time AF starts, how many days were you on Estrace before transfer? What kind of Estrace were you on - oral, vaginally, patches?
nectarine / 2648 posts
Just got off the phone with the Pharmacy to order my meds for this retrieval. They are coming tomorrow by FedEx overnight. The kicker - 100% covered by insurance - not even a copay! My same insurance made us pay for the PIO for our last two medicated FETs. Wow, right??? Last retrieval with the same insurance I think we paid ~$1800 for meds as our policy wasn't covering IVF yet then.
apricot / 302 posts
@yellowbeach: Ooo that’s amazing! I’m super jealous. lol Maybe I’ll get lucky when I order mine this time around. 🤞
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Mrs Lavender: Realized they forgot to sent the trigger shot though, so called again today and that's coming later this week.
apricot / 302 posts
This thread is too quiet.
I took my last BC pill last night. Baseline on Thursday for FET #2!
@yellowbeach: How's it going? Any new updates?
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Mrs Lavender: excited to hear you are gearing up for FET#2. I agree the thread is way too quiet.
AFM, I’ll be 10DPO for this regular cycle tomorrow. DH and I were NT/NP this month but got a BFN this morning. AF should come in 3/5 days which will let us start this 2nd retrieval. 🤞
kiwi / 662 posts
@Mrs Lavender: Exciting! Any idea when you might have your next transfer?
@yellowbeach: Fingers super crossed for you!
apricot / 302 posts
@yellowbeach: Sorry for the bfn but glad you can start up with another retrieval. That's exciting! Do you know your protocol yet?
@foodiebee: Thanks girl! Transfer is planned for March 15th.
nectarine / 2648 posts
Question for you ladies who have been through multiple cycles, transfers and failures.
After 4 failed FETs in a row, we are doing another retrieval this cycle. Just waiting for AF. I asked DH yesterday which (if any) parts of the cycle he wants to be present for so that I can schedule the appointments accordingly. He basically said "anything that's important to you where you want me there." He freely admitted he's lost all sentimentality in the process. I honestly think he'd let me go the whole thing alone except I'll need someone to drive me to and from retrieval. He's ho-hum about even attending the transfer this cycle. He's not saying no and will support me however I want, but he personally seems to have no hope or investment in the process.
I'd be upset or disappointed with him, except I hate to say I feel pretty much the same way. By even the 3rd FET, I know I had to remember to take a picture of us because I wasn't truly expecting anything to happen. I think it's a way to stave off disappointment - if you have low expectations, there's no fall. But that's not true. It's still a kick to the gut.
So, what are your thought on this? Is it normal or ok to feel this way? Is my negative (or at least neutral) attitude something I should change? I can't erase what we've gone through and the emotional damage it's done. I'm generally an optimist in life, but not usually one of those flowery "positive vibes" kind of people.
I actually researched to see if attitude and outlook had any effect on IVF success but didn't find anything.
kiwi / 702 posts
@yellowbeach: I can definitely relate and think it's a totally normal way to protect ourselves from continued disappointing results. For my first pregnancy my husband literally came to every check up appt, and for my second pregnancy my husband only came to the 20 week ultrasound, and the 28 week one (because I had partial placenta previa--it was resolved at 28 weeks) and that was it. These things just lose excitement over time and I think that is OK. That being said, I think the retrieval and transfer are super super important. For support and for medical reasons, you'll need DH. Other than that it's your call but if you are upset he doesn't want to come to other appts, definitely be honest about that.
kiwi / 702 posts
On a funny note, I recently started watching Friends from College on Netflix. In Season 1, Episode 4, one couple is going through IVF retrieval and while it was a totally crazy exaggerated scenario I was snort laughing at the small threads of reality that I could relate to from the episode. If you want a laugh, check it out. The show in general is kind of "meh" but that episode had me cringing and cracking up.
nectarine / 2648 posts
AF finally came today, so I was able to contact my RE for a rough schedule for our retrieval this cycle. I go in tomorrow for a CD2 lining check and will start meds tomorrow night if all looks good. Then labs and ultrasounds every other day next week with a tentative retrieval date of Wednesday March 6, maybe the 7 or 8 if I’m a slow responder. But last retrieval I responded well and didn’t need any extra growing time. So FET of our two remaining embryos from last cycle should be the 11th or so. Hoping for good results this retrieval again. Felt like the first one we did was straight forward with good news each step of the way. Doing this 2 years later I expect a lower percentage of PGS normal embryos but am not sure which other steps along the way might be affected by the fact that I’m older now.
Feeling more excited today. 🤞
nectarine / 2648 posts
Did a baseline ultrasound today and got the green light to start meds tonight. He’s starting me at a slightly higher dose of follistim than our first cycle since I’m 2.5 years older now. Next US next week. He also wants to repeat DH’s semen analysis just in case.
apricot / 302 posts
@yellowbeach: Glad to see things are moving along! This is very exciting! Good luck starting meds tonight. I know many people don't mind Follistim but I thought that drug was super annoying. lol I hated feeling every click of the pen.
kiwi / 702 posts
@yellowbeach: good luck lady! it is super exciting to have a plan in action and get moving.
nectarine / 2648 posts
Just finished US and waiting to get labs drawn. Lining is already 8.2 and have about 6 follicles on each side most good size but one troublemaker on the left is leading at 15mm. Start ganirelex tonight and might change follistim dose depending what this lab work shows. 🤞
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@yellowbeach: That sounds like a great start! One leading follicle isn't too bad or big deal. I always had leading follicles, but they were just sacrificed and my RE focused on the largest cluster of similar size.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@PurplePumps: Yeah that’s exactly what she said we’d probably need to do. Didn’t have that issue on our first retrieval, so caught me a little off guard.
@MrsLavender: we still have 2 frozen embryos from our original cycle we are going to transfer on this go. The new ones need to go off for PGS testing, so can’t do a fresh. We aren’t expecting anything out of these last 2 since we think the whole batch was hurt/damaged after last freeze/thaw for PGS but they are there so might as well try.
Estrogen level was 246 (they wanted anything over 100), so staying on same follistim dose 225 twice daily and took my first ganirelix tonight. Next US and labs on friday.
On another note, DH is driving me nuts this cycle. He’s huffing and puffing about having to show up and give his sample - how it feels “rushed and inconvenient.” I’m thinking to myself - do you realize I’m going to appointments and getting labs every other day and stabbing myself now three times a day??? You have one job here... that is not that hard. Ugh. I know he’s not excited because he’s just gotten used to letdown after our 4 failures, but c’mon. Suck it up buttercup. I’m working the same full time job you are and doing most of the heavy lifting for the IVF. Ok, that felt good to let out.
kiwi / 662 posts
@yellowbeach: Yeeeeeess, the amount of work and investment is so lopsided in all this, not that there's anything anyone can do to change it! But "suck it up buttercup" is right!! It's why my husband wanted to give me all of the shots; he felt so guilty about it all.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@foodiebee: DH was the same way on our first retrieval - now he’s just a little checked out. I’d be upset with him but I omhonestly think it’s our TFMR and 4 failed transfers plus then being told the whole batch was bad that’s taken an emotional toll on him.
Does anyone have ideas on how to get him to reengage? I think he just needs a little injection of hope.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@yellowbeach: I know it's nowhere on the same level, but I could have strangled my husband when he bitched about having to do his SA. O poor you, you had to rub one out with no lube, I have to get a pelvic every 26-28 days while on my period and take Clomid or Femara. Suck it up!
I wish I had suggestions for reengaging. Hopefully he comes around soon
kiwi / 662 posts
@Sams Mom: Omg this cracked me up so much!
@yellowbeach: I'm certain DH and I would have both struggled if we'd had to do another round of IVF after a batch failing, not to mention everything you both have been through. Injection of hope is probably exactly what he needs, but hard for you to give him right away. Can you try a moment of real honesty, in the right convo setting, and say something like, "I need your help. I know your heart isn't in this like it was before and I get it and respect your feelings, but I need you. Can you be here more as a gift to me?" Maybe stressing that this is something he can do for you will help shift his perspective? Otherwise, it sounds like he needs some way to remind him why you're doing this in the first place, but I'm not sure how to go about that...
pomegranate / 3904 posts
Hi everyone!
Signing on over here since we decided yesterday to do ivf.
Quick background on me:
I’m 35, and have had three healthy children with just using clomid or vitex to get pregnant. My first son passed away at 6 weeks old, but my dd is 4 and ds2 is 2.
We have been ttc since last December, but with meds since April. I have gotten pregnant 3 times and miscarried around 5, 8, and 11 weeks. The last miscarriage was due to t21, but we don’t know the other two.
We decided to do ivf with pgs testing to get the healthiest embryos possible.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
I should also add that we think we will do an April egg retrieval (giving time for genetic testing to come back for me and dh), but haven’t decided when to transfer. I’m thinking July or August to minimize risks of having a newborn in cold and flu season.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@LAZB: glad to have you on the board!
AFM, at today’s US I have 15 follicles that are 11-13mm and still that pesky leading follicle which is now about 19mm. We plan to just let that one go and go after the bunch. Still on track for a Wed retrieval. 🤞
nectarine / 2648 posts
So I had another US this morning and my RE wants to do another day of meds and push retrieval from Wed to Thurs. There's maybe 18-20 follicles with potential, but he wants to give them another day of meds to mature more. Lining still looks great. Estrodiol level is pending.
It's disappointing to push back a day, but worth it if it yields better numbers. Also, I am currently scheduled to work on Thursday, so I just sent out a flurry of emails to find some coverage. Fortunately I pick up shifts a lot when others are in a pinch, so hopefully someone will return the favor. The other upside of a Thursday retrieval is that DH is off work. If no one can pick up my shift, he'll have to work it and my mom drive up to take me to the appointment. He gave a sample last week that they froze, so he'd just be there for moral support.
I guess this pushes our transfer date out to Mar 12 as well.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@yellowbeach: do you know how many follicles are visible if you had a base scan without meds? I think maybe it’s called AFC? My main concern with doing ivf is that we won’t get enough follicles and therefore eggs and therefore embryos, but my doc said she thinks I’ll respond well to meds. Even though I have a super low amh (.18) and high fsh (17), I had about 7 follicles when she first looked (even though that was like 10 months ago), so she thinks my labs aren’t completely accurate about my ovarian reserve.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@LAZB: Nah - don't remember having a baseline scan - maybe because this was our second retrieval and we did ok on numbers the first go around? Sorry I can't help.
kiwi / 662 posts
@LAZB: Welcome to the club! Happy to have you but sorry you have to be here (you know what I mean). As for your question, I had just started meds when I had my baseline scan (been on them 3 days). I had 12 follicles at the start, ended up with 6, only 5 mature eggs. I can relate to your worries about getting enough. I had normal AMH but ended up not responding well. Every scan was an exercise in bruising my self-esteem because my numbers went from 12 to 10 to 8 to 6. Down, down, down. Retrieved 5, and only 1 embryo made it to transfer. I used to roll my eyes, but we're living the "it only takes one" story, so truly. You do only need one!
nectarine / 2648 posts
Last ultrasound just now and have at least 15 follicles that are 18-22mm and a bunch more that are smaller that they might grab as well. We got the green light for retrieval on Thursday. so that means our FET of our 2 frozen embryos will be 3/12. I’ll likely POAS 3/19 with low expectations. Results of PGS testing will come around 4/1. Here we go!
apricot / 302 posts
@yellowbeach: I've been quiet but totally stalking your updates. 15 follicles is wonderful! So trigger tonight?!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Mrs Lavender: Yep - just had a missed call (rang once and stopped) from my RE who is supposed to call me with a time for Thursday and tell me what time to trigger tonight. Ugh! I think they have 4 retrievals on Thursday, so they were trying to get the scheduling sorted out. I'm so ready!
ETA: Triggering at midnight, retrieval at 11am Thursday!
kiwi / 702 posts
@yellowbeach: Yay how exciting! Will be thinking good thoughts for your retrieval and upcoming transfer. So much happening right now. It must feel great to be moving forward on 2 "tracks" towards your rainbow baby!
@LAZB: welcome! IVF is no picnic but we're so happy to support you through this process.
apricot / 302 posts
@yellowbeach: Good luck tomorrow! I'll be checking back for an update! So exciting!
apricot / 302 posts
My lining check is tomorrow morning! I'm super nervous about ovulating. 🤞I did not ovulate and my lining is where it should be!
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