Hellobee Boards


IVF Thread #4

  1. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @NorthStar: So embarrassing but I guess because of hormones I had some..."interesting" dreams last night. And I've been crampy ever since. Kinda scared.

  2. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @SweetiePie: oh no! I've totally had those and still do! The hormones during this process are super crazy. I know that you are scared that you already ovulated them, but trust your doctors. They have this process down...but, definitely update us after!

  3. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @NorthStar: I guess it's natural for your mindset to be there when you're about to ovulate naturally because of hormones so it makes sense. Haha.
    When I was pregnant (each time) one of my first signs were vibrant dreams

  4. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    All done! The number they gave me was 8!!! I fully expect that many of those will be immature but it was so much less deperessing than hearing 2 or 3, lol.

  5. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @SweetiePie: Woohoo! How are you feeling? Any cramping?

  6. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @yellowbeach: yeah just some light cramping. We walked to the office because we don't live far but I def can't walk home. Grabbed some breakfast and heading home now.

  7. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @SweetiePie: 8 is totally awesome, even if they are not all mature! What a relief! So, now you just have to wait to see the fertilization rate, etc and then the testing? How long before you get some results?

  8. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @NorthStar: Thanks! Looking at a calendar I'm guessing I'll get results somewhere in the week of 10/10.

  9. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    Transfer done! 2 blasts, 1 of them pgs tested. Beta on Monday 10/3

  10. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @PurplePumps: Wahoo! rest up and take it easy Little bean, snuggle in deep!!!

  11. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @PurplePumps EEEEEE! So exciting. Lots of news is coming our way on this board in the next several days. Wishing everyone so much luck and love!

  12. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @PurplePumps: yayyyyy! So glad to hear it went smoothly. Stick baby(ies)!
    Do you think you'll test before beta?

  13. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @SweetiePie: wow, great numbers after a crazy start. Awesome news!

  14. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @PurplePumps: That's wonderful!!! So glad it went well! Praying for you and thinking sticky thoughts!! My beta is the day after yours! I'm going to POAS though. I just don't know when. I don't want to get myself upset for no reason! @SweetiePie: That's wonderful news!! I will keep praying for them to grow and grow!!

    Feeling super emotional! It's like the rollercoaster ride from hell. One minute I think it worked and then the next I talk myself out of it! Two of my students barrel hugged me this morning, so that didn't help. All I kept thinking was they've detached! I also walked and did way more at work then planned! Sigh! I know I can't beat myself up and I just have to trust God, but these devil hormones are getting the best of me! Not to mention I can't even walk or sit without pain because of those devil PIO!! I'm just a mess today! Sorry for the long vent! DH got to pick up a lot of the pieces already!!

  15. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @yellowbeach: So happy you've reached such a milestone!! Congrats!!!

  16. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    This comment has been deleted by the original poster.

  17. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    @SweetiePie: @Winnie13: I think I'm gonna poas next Friday. Last time my beta was one week after transfer and I tested that morning and got a positive... so I'm thinking if it worked it should be positive by then again. I think he just didn't do a Friday test cause i can't retest on Sunday this time.

  18. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    @SweetiePie: hope you're having an easy recovery!

  19. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @PurplePumps: Yes I think 7dpt you should get a result, though may be faint. I got a faint bfp at 4dp5dt, but I always had early bfps.

    Recovery is definitely worse than I remember last time. I'm much achier and more sore. Standing and walking hurt and I only feel no pain if I lay down. So I've been on my back most of the day. But I got caught up on tv and enjoyed the relaxing as much as I can.
    I'm not worried, just uncomfortable.

    And I am feverishly googling different combinations of "IVF" "retrieval" "mature" "fertilization rate" "pgd" and "balanced translocations" 😆

  20. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @PurplePumps: Love and luck to you guys! x

  21. momazon

    kiwi / 613 posts

    @SweetiePie: OMG eight?!?!?!?!!!!!! That's awesome news! Fingers crossed for growth and excellent screening results!!!!!

  22. momazon

    kiwi / 613 posts

    @PurplePumps: Wishing you lots of snuggle-in luck with your little blasts! We'll all be pulling for you and sending lots of universe good vibes in your direction!!!!!

  23. momazon

    kiwi / 613 posts

    @Winnie13: I'm an emotional mess too due to the PIO. We're in this together - we can do it! But seriously, everything makes me weepy (sad weepy, happy weepy, hilarious weepy, etc.)

  24. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @momazon: thanks!!! Every time I think about my fert report today my stomach doesn't a flip! We'll be at a 4 year olds bday party today and that's probably when they'll call based on the time 😬 I hope it's good news so I don't cry.

  25. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @Winnie13: PIO is the absolute worst. You have my sympathy!

  26. momazon

    kiwi / 613 posts

    @SweetiePie: They better hurry up and call you! What percentage did you end up losing last time, that didn't fertilize? It cracks me up that some people refer to it as the Embryo Hunger Games. Good luck today! And hey, if you cry, you cry. This is a huge deal, and so filled with pressure (even though you're already open to another retrieval if needed.) xoxo

  27. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @momazon: last time I had 13 retrieved and 10 fertilized. But they retrieved about what was estimated last time, maybe even a little less. But this time since they only saw 3-4 mature before trigger I feel like the other 4-5 they got are probably immature.
    So I'm prepared for them to say today that I only have 2 or so fertilized. It will suck but I am mentally prepared.

  28. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    I'm in shock, they were able to icsi 7 of the eggs and we have 6 growing embryos! I know it's still a long road to biopsy and freezing but I can't believe we have so many to start with.

  29. momazon

    kiwi / 613 posts

    @SweetiePie: WOW! So happy for you!!!

  30. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    @SweetiePie: that's awesome! Yay!!!!

  31. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @SweetiePie: This is a brilliant start! Well done you x

  32. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @SweetiePie: that is totally awesome!!! Yay!

  33. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @momazon: @PurplePumps: @jaguar: @NorthStar: Thank you 😊

  34. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @SweetiePie: That is amazing news!! So happy to hear that! Praying for you sweet friend!

    So, my pharmacy messed up and my PIO was supposed to be delivered yesterday and now it won't be delivered until tomorrow evening! Grr! I only had a little more than half dose for this morning and I won't be able to give my next PIO until tomorrow evening. Until then, I have to supplement with my Prometrium suppositories from my IUI! I'm calling my clinic in the am to see if they have any leftover... I'm definitely a little freaked out that it's going to mess something up, but I'm thankful I have a little bandaid to cover me until tomorrow!

  35. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @Winnie13: I would be SO stressed, I'm so sorry that happened The prometrium is a good compromise though! I'm not doing pio this time around (if/when we have a transfer) so I'm doing suppositories and oral progesterone only. So I think if you do enough of the suppositories it should be sufficient. Does your RE have an on-call number so you can ask how much suppository to supplement? Or your pharmacy? Freedom pharmacy has a pharmacist line you can call to ask questions!

  36. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @SweetiePie: Oh, well that makes me feel better!! Thank you! I'm praying my clinic has some though, so I don't have to wait until the end of the day. Sometimes Fedex doesn't come until 7:30!! I had a complete meltdown this morning! It was not pretty! I talked to my Dr. yesterday, but that was before I knew we didn't have enough for today (DH didn't let me know until I saw the vial this morning and that triggered the meltdown). From everything I've read online, IVF users have used 3 200mg suppositories, which makes sense because for my IUI we used 2. I'm using 3 today, just to cover my basis! I also read that you can't have "too much" progesterone.

  37. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @SweetiePie that is amazing news. Any updates today? Hoping those embies are growing growing growing!!

  38. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: thanks!! Well they said they wouldn't contact me again until this Saturday!!! 8 days after retrival! 😳But that seems kind of insane to not give me any updates until after biopsy. I'm going to ask tomorrow for a day 3/4 update. I do assume that no news from them is good news. If they lost all of them I probably would hear from them sooner I suppose.

    ETA: just realized tomorrow is your day!!! 🎉

  39. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @Winnie13: @PurplePumps: How are you ladies? Any gut feelings?
    I'm a nut job and I'd totally already be peeing on all the sticks 😂😳
    I've even peed on two wondfos already just to see the positive line from my trigger. Like I said, nut job!

  40. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @SweetiePie OMG that is waaaaay too long to not know what's going on with your FUTURE CHILDREN! I got a call every day until freeze 3 years ago. That was so reassuring to be kept in the loop. Fingers crossed for you.

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