persimmon / 1420 posts
@apex: I have experience with IVF+ICSI+AHA! We did it on all of our embryos.
I also did one fresh and one FET, if anyone has questions. Sorry to butt into this thread, as I'm not currently doing IVF, but the name catches my eye every time I see it.
clementine / 770 posts
@tequiero21: I actually haven't filed yet cos this is my first time doing IVF, BUT I think @spaniellove was right regarding filing it as a medical deduction
clementine / 770 posts
@meganmp: Nice, thanks lady, expert opinion is always welcome. So did you do ivf more than once and do you think the AHA was any help at all?
pear / 1531 posts
Hi Ladies--tax is my specialty. Spaniellove is right that the deduction is now limited (as of 2013) to the excess of 10% of your adjusted gross income. No special IVF deductions unfortunately.
honeydew / 7916 posts
It just occurred to me that our IVF was this year, so we went over 7.5% with just copays and meds and we'll get the deduction again next time...
clementine / 770 posts
I just got all my meds this morning. Which means that by this time tomorrow, I would officially become a pin cushion, lol
pear / 1531 posts
@Apex: Excited for you! Let me know if you have any questions as you start stimming! What meds are you on? I am currently on 300 units of Gonal F and 3 powders of Menopur.
On Day 9 of stims and will likely trigger tomorrow or Wednesday for egg retrieval Thursday or Friday.
clementine / 770 posts
@raintreebee: oohhhhhh you are almost done!!!, yayyy can't wait to hear how many they would be able to retrieve, keep us updated.
To answer your question, I'm starting on 10 units of Lupron for the next 2 weeks before moving on to bravelle and menopur in the first week of June, wish me luck.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@raintreebee: Good luck with retrieval! Fingers crossed that you are fruitful!
pear / 1531 posts
@Apex: @spaniellove: Thanks guys! I will let you know. There are a lot of follicles in there, but there were a lot last time as well. Just hope the quality is there (although will of course take my good fortune in having quantity).
persimmon / 1420 posts
@Apex: I'm not sure if it helped or not, becuase I don't really have anything to compare it to. They did AH on all of our embryos, and we had one failed cycle and one successful cycle (FET). Both cycles, we got to see the embryos actually hatching (on screen, it was incredible) right before they were transferred. I actually put more stock in some other things that we did differently- I used PIO instead of Crinone, and I did acupuncture right before transfer. My acupunctureist is an infertility specialist, and EVERYTHING that she said would happen did- I was having trouble starting my period, she got that to happen. I wasn't ovulating and they were going to have to cancel my FET, but she made ovulation happen. I also liked the PIO much more than the Crinone- yeah, it hurts, but Crinone is awful (for me, anyway).
clementine / 770 posts
@raintreebee: Good luck with your retrieval today. I pray they get like 20 eggs and that they all fertilize nicely
clementine / 770 posts
@meganmp: Thanks for the insight. I checked everywhere I could find and based on my history, there really is no reason for my RE to recommend AHA, but at this point, there's no point questioning it. i'll take whatever ups my chances.
pear / 1531 posts
@Apex: Thank you! 17 eggs! I am pretty exhausted and crampy but feel okay. I will update you with fertilization report tomorrow.
honeydew / 7230 posts
How are all the IVF ladies doing?
@raintreebee: How did your eggs do with fertilization? I assume by now you've had your transfer? Hope you're doing well.
We're still in waiting mode for a while, but my sister started her injections on Sunday (she's going through IVF as well). Crossing my fingers everything goes well for her. It will be so hard if IVF works for one of us this summer, but not the other.
pear / 1531 posts
@twodoghouse: Kind of a disappointment. We were only able to get two early blastocysts out of the lot, which is much worse than our prior failed cycle. I have pretty much given up on this one.
clementine / 770 posts
@raintreebee: awww, i'm so sorry hon, but you can't give up now. Look on the bright side, you got TWO transferred!!! Anything can happen with those 2. I know someone who got about 20 eggs retrieved and nothing made it to transfer. Hang tight, there's still hope.
pear / 1531 posts
@Apex: Thank you for the encouraging words! Maybe the progesterone is impacting my mood.
clementine / 770 posts
@raintreebee: So far so good, no noticeable side effects, thank God. Although i'm still on Lupron until Saturday when I start the menopur and bravelle (2 vials each). We'll see how that goes.
honeydew / 7230 posts
@raintreebee: I'm sorry it was disappointing, but it only takes one right? I am sending you a lot of "stick baby stick" thoughts.
@Apex: Hope the side effects stay away and the rest of your stims go well!
pear / 1531 posts
@Apex: Aw, thanks for checking on me. We are at our lakehouse and had a bunch of friends over this weekend, which was a blast and helped to pass the time. My beta is Thursday, but I am a believer in POASing the day before. So I will find out on Wednesday.
clementine / 770 posts
So, quick update. I went in to my RE this morning, and everything is looking awesome.
10 egg follicles of each side, so 20 total, each measuring between 17-19
Lining is about 13.something, so thumbs up on that.
HCG set for today, retrieval set for Wednesday and transfer confirmed for Monday.
Wish me luck my dear sweet bees, I can't wait for this to be over so I can meet my babies already.
honeydew / 7230 posts
@Apex: Yay, that is great news. I'm send you lots of luck and good thoughts!!! Keep us updated on how everything goes this week!
clementine / 770 posts
@twodoghouse: @justdarling: Thanks Ladies, will definitely keep everyone up to date
apricot / 483 posts
@Apex: i am! it looks like we'll be suffering through the TWW together, with your transfer on monday!!!
pear / 1531 posts
@Apex: Thank you! And great news on the follies. That is awesome!!!
@PastaAndPotato: Good luck on Friday!!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@Apex: @PastaAndPotato: good luck ladies!!! I'm definitely rooting for u!
apricot / 483 posts
@spaniellove: @raintreebee: @tequiero21: thanks ladies!
@Apex: yay! i am so ready to get this show on the road!
honeydew / 7230 posts
@PastaAndPotato: Wishing you luck on Friday! Are you doing a FET or fresh cycle? (Sorry, haven't been keeping up with everyone very well!) My sister is expecting egg retrieval on Friday so I'm hoping this is very VERY lucky cycle for you, my sister and @Apex: !
apricot / 483 posts
@twodoghouse: this is a FET cycle (and no apologies needed!) - good luck to your sister, too! you know, they say good things happen in 3's
clementine / 770 posts
18 eggs retrieved today, phew. Will update with fertilization report as soon I get it.
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