pear / 1786 posts
@tequiero21: Thanks for your post. I currently get all my monitoring visits and injectibles covered by insurance, but just not the IUI procedure and andrology fees. So we are paying $500-700 per IUI. So it is a reasonable expense vs. paying IVF completely out of pocket. I think that one of the major factors for my cold feet on IVF.
pear / 1786 posts
@Apex: Thanks for your positive thoughts! I expect to know one way or the other by the beginning of next week. I was so hopeful when I started this cycle. DH and I have been saying "This is it!" and "3rd times the charm" but since things didn't go as well as we had expected, I have lost some hope. I am such a Type A person and having a plan for the next cycle has been the only way I have survived this IF journey, so it's just in my nature to try and determine what's next. Plus I make decisions rather slowly, so I need to have an idea what we are going to do if AF arrives.
pear / 1786 posts
@spaniellove: Thank you! You always have such a thoughtful, balanced point of view. Yes, I think in my rambling post, you are correct. I do have two issues.
With the current office, I don't feel my questions are given weight. Actually I feel like the person I primarily see is a little condescending when I ask a question. So yes, that problem would still exist with IVF. The second issue I have there has been timing. They do see patients for IVF egg retrievals/transfers on weekends. But I think as an IUI patient I am not as important/don't have the opportunity for weekend monitoring. So that would change with IVF.
Secondly, whether I am ready for IVF or not. You all have helped me realized that I may not be as emotionally ready but I am concerned about waiting any longer. I thought that doing this 3rd IUI would make me feel satisfied that we had made every attempt before moving onto IVF. But with he complications I am feeling hesitant.
You have really been a great role model for being my own best advocate. I am not made to feel comfortable in that role at my current office, so I think I owe it to myself to at least go to that initial consultation for a 2nd opinion. Thank you for all your support!
pear / 1786 posts
@raintreebee: Thanks for taking time to post. I am thinking that may be the way we go! If we go that route, I need to make a list of my concerns to share with my current office in hopes of not repeating them again.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@justdarling: Yay! I'm glad to have a cycle buddy.
pear / 1786 posts
@spaniellove: I also meant to comment on your post about Oing before IUI. That is actually very reassuring!!!
I felt O pains on Saturday night. I know those pains aren't definite signs that you are Oing at that time, but I just feel so much frustration that I had already Od by Monday morning which she hadn't seemed to even anticipate when I was there on Friday. And this was the second time that happened to me. Our own personal situation with no BD that weekend and DH having a low count due to being sick, just added to my disappointment. Perhaps, against all odds, this cycle can work out but I want to be ready with a decision either way. Thank you again for your advice!!!
pear / 1786 posts
I hope you all don't mind answering my newbie questions. AF has arrived again :(. Since I won't get to see the other dr for a 2nd opinion until later this week, I am going to go see my current RE for a baseline visit tomorrow and see what they recommend. I may do one more IUI cycle with them while getting things started toward IVF (possibly doing that with the new RE).
So what questions do I need to ask about getting started toward IVF? I will ask both clinics about the process so that I can compare. Thanks in advance for your help!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@kentuckygirl: I think you should ask about the process, looks like everyone does it a lil differently, whether there are videos to watch, what meds you would have to take, how they do the ivf - some places do assisted hatching for some, some use icsi, mine did half, half (half icsi and half just ivf), I believe they did assisted hatching for both. What happens if u get ohss. Some places will offer a guarantee program, so if u don't get pregnant within 3 cycles, they refund your money. More expensive though. What their success rate is and how that compares to the average.
Most importantly, how much it costs! Without insurance, ivf can cost around 15k and about 10k in meds? Meds were more expensive than I thought!
pear / 1786 posts
@tequiero21: Definitely good questions, thanks! I have been looking back at older threads too and have written down to ask about communication (i.e. will there be a nurse or someone who I can call directly with questions).
apricot / 452 posts
@kentuckygirl: besides what @tequiero21 mentioned, I would ask what tests/blood work you need prior to starting IVF. I didn't ask this and now I am scrambling to get it all done!
apricot / 452 posts
I have a question for everyone. We are getting to the point where we need to decide what payment plan we are going to do and I have no idea how to decide. The RE offers 3 plans and I qualify for all three.
- Fee for services plan - $14000 - plus meds and a few other things. Will most likely end up around $18000. We only get one shot. If it doesn't work then we need to pay additional for the FETs.
-Shared Responsibility Plan - $17,400 - plus meds and a few other things. Will most likely end up around $21,000. We do an egg retrieval and then FETs for as many embryos that we have. If it doesn't work then we get 80% back and can try again. Can do this up to 3 times.
-Option plan - $16,000 plus meds and other things. Will most likely cost around $20,000. We get an egg retrieval and then use all of the embryos for a FET. If none of those work then we get another egg retrieval and all FETs. But, we have to pay for meds again for the second retrieval.
We're leaning towards either the shared responsibility plan or the option plan but I just don't know how to decide. If you had these options, what did you do and how did you decide?
clementine / 770 posts
@justdarling: Question...Regarding the Shared Responsibility Plan. If it works the first time, do you get anything back for the other unused attempts?
apricot / 452 posts
@Apex: No, you don't get anything back. That's the risk that you take. If it works, you paid more, but if it doesn't work you have more chances and get money back.
pear / 1531 posts
@justdarling: re: the shared responsibility plan, how does your clinic freeze embryos? 5 days or 3 days or it depends? My clinic only freezes if the embryos make it to 5 days (because if they don't they would not have made it inside you anyway). As a result, only about 1 in 5 women have any embryos to freeze so in that case the shared responsibility plan isn't that attractive. Nearly all will only get one FET cycle out of a retrieval.
pear / 1531 posts
@kentuckygirl: I would talk to your doctor about how many embryos to transfer, genetic testing, ICSI, and what protocol he recommends for you and why (antagonist v. agonist being the big decision).
apricot / 452 posts
@raintreebee: My clinic does things a little different than most. He doesn't do any fresh transfers at all. All are FETs. So, they do the egg retrieval and either grow to 3 or 5. They don't have a set protocol of waiting until a certain day for the freeze, but do it when they feel they have the best chances. They do a fast freeze, called vitrification which apparently has really good thaw rates and he is seeing more pregnancies with FETs which is why he stopped doing the fresh transfers.
After the egg retrieval I then wait a month before the FET. The reason for this is to let my body regulate after all of the hormones and so that they can deal with prepping the uterus for implantation separately.
In order to even have the option for the shared responsibility plan I had to meet certain requirements - like more than 10 antral follicles and certain AMH and FSH. Pretty much the people that meet these requirements are the ones who they think IVF will work on the first try and will at least get a lot of embryos.
I know, a ton of information to process! That's why I need help with this one.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@justdarling: what happens if u don't meet the requirements for shared responsibility?
I'm not sure what exactly the difference is for shared responsibility and option plans are.... For shared, if first fails, then u just pay 20% for 2nd? But free with option plan?
apricot / 452 posts
@tequiero21: I've already been told that I meet the qualifications for the shared responsibility. If you don't meet the qualifications then you can't use the plan. You are stuck with the fee for service.
The difference between the two is that with the shared responsibility you get 80% back if it doesn't work and then you can decide to do another round up to 2 more times. With the option plan you don't get any money back, you just get one more round.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@justdarling: I think if I were in your shoes, I'd probably go for shared. I like the idea of getting back 80%.... What if u tried once and u realized u never want to do it again? Nice to have an option to get money back. It's doable but for some women, may be really hard on the body and they may feel like the don't want to go thru it again? I think u guys had Mfi but u were ok, right? Sounds like ivf would definitely be a good shot.
apricot / 452 posts
@tequiero21: Thanks for your response. I think that is what I am leaning towards, but it is so hard to decide. If it does work the first time, then we paid $3,000 more than we should have, but I guess that's the risk we might have to take. Yes, we do have MFI and no issues with me.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@justdarling: do u know what the rate of success is with your doctor? I know it's like 3k more if you were successful the first time, but it also saves tons of money if, unfortunately, it doesn't work, u know?
Maybe u can start a thread to figure out what the rate of success on hb is.... Maybe the type of infertility issues determine whether the embryos stick.... Have u gotten pregnant before? I did, which ended in mc, but the doctors knew I could get pregnant, even tho I wasn't for whatever reason. I've seen people here get pregnant on ivf, but others where it took a few tries, or didn't work at all. Not sure why. For me, I'd rather have that security knowing that if it failed, I wouldn't have to shell out the full price again.
What I would ask your doctor is, how much does an fet cost if your first time fails. Fets are usually a lot cheaper than full ivf, since u already have the embys and all u have to do is thaw and transfer. If its say, "only" 5k, which is a fraction of the full price, maybe it's worth it to just not go for the option or shared and hope u get pregnant on the first try and if not, just get another fet at that price....which may be just a lil more than the shared.... But u save 3k if u do get pregnant. Fet should not cost the same amount as the full ivf.
clementine / 770 posts
Finally got the calendar for my FET, yayy. I go in for my baseline on the 15th of August and the FET on the 23rd, so I get the be on bedrest for the weekend. Can't wait
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@Apex: Already!!!! I am hoping for almost the same exact schedule but we don't get to start until I get my period (anticipating it to start July 28th at this point). Then 3 days later is the baseline, then 14 days later is the earliest they will do the transfer.
honeydew / 7230 posts
@Apex: @brownie: Wishing you both luck in your FET! So exciting that you should be on about the same schedule.
As for me, I'll have my mock embryo transfer next Monday, July 29 and then right afterward we will have our injection lesson, calendar review, etc. I am hoping I feel more comfortable after that appointment. So far I feel like I'm going into this a little blind. I understand the process, but not when I'm going to start doing what, so I'm just getting nervous. I do know on the 31st I'll start my Lupron injections.
Yesterday I finalized my pharmacy order, but I actually don't know WHAT I ordered. My RE's office ordered everything and the pharmacy just called to confirm my information and tell me the final #. It only came in at $2,352 which is lower than I was expecting! I guess they submitted as much of it to my insurance as possible and insurance actually covered some things. I talked to my sister about it and she said her insurance covered all of her Lupron because having endometriosis, Lupron can be covered as a medical expense, not an IVF expense? I wasn't sure if that was true with my insurance provider though, but if it is, that's awesome.
Speaking of my sister, she STILL has not gotten her period from her cancelled IVF cycle in June. She's hoping it comes soon so she can get in on her clinic's August cycle. Her doctor won't induce her period unless it gets really extreme (I think she's on day 45 or so?) so she's just playing the waiting game, ugh.
clementine / 770 posts
@twodoghouse: Wow, Day 45!!! I feel bad/sad for your poor sister. She must be so frustrated. Our regards to her
I kinda felt the same (lost) way when I entered the IVF process. The Lupron was easy peasy stuff. Although by the tail end of the menopur and bravelle injections, I certainly felt overstimulated and uncomfortable. But i'm sure you'll get a hang of it all in due time. There's really not much to it besides taking the injections and going for the blood draws and ultrasounds. It somewhat exciting in a weird way to see things happening accordingly.
Anyways, based on when you're starting your Lupron injections, I think you might just fall into the end of Aug ET group, yayy. One more for the ride.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@twodoghouse: I know what you mean about going in blind! I've been feeling the same way. I keep thinking what if I miss something or do something wrong?
We're going for our injection class and to sign the consent forms on July 30th. That's also the day we make our payment! I'll be on BCP until August 12th. That day I'm going in for a baseline ultrasound and that night I'll start Lupron. It's all so close!
apricot / 452 posts
@twodoghouse: We're starting the Lupron on the same day!!! I am currently on BC and will stop that on the 28th, have my baseline ultra sound on the 30th and start lupron on the 31st! Good luck to you. I know how overwhelming this all is! You got lucky that your insurance covered some of the meds. The bill for mine came out to a lot more!
Good luck to everyone this month!
honeydew / 7230 posts
@Apex: Thank you for the good thoughts for my sister. It's sort of funny but we (even my husband and dad!) are all crossing our fingers that she gets AF soon! Ah, the things that only infertile couples understand, right?
@Leialou: I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling like I don't really know what's going on. I know it will all come together, but at the moment it feels insane. You're so so close! We'll do our consent forms and all that jazz next Monday. My sister said the consent forms are crazy because you have to sign off on what happens if one of you dies or you divorce, etc. I'm glad she's been through it so she can give me the heads up on this stuff. I can't believe it's nearly August. It felt so far away when we were planning this months ago and now it's getting real.
@justdarling: Sounds like we'll be cycle twins! Yay! When I start Lupron, though, my dr. will still have me do a few days of BCP still. I wonder why? Did you have to do a MET? I'm scheduled for mine on Monday and then have all my instructions, etc.
I'm so glad that we'll all be doing this thing around the same time so we'll have each other to talk to. And hopefully there'll be an August IVF baby boom next Spring on Hellobee!
Today I had a surprise when I got home from work. My meds already arrived! We've been photographing every little step on our way to IVF so we can show our future baby what we went through to get him/her, haha. So here's me with my big box of meds:
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@twodoghouse: omgosh, that is a big box!! I'm intimidated looking at it!
honeydew / 7230 posts
@Leialou: I just inventoried it and it isn't really THAT much stuff. It was just a really big box!
pear / 1786 posts
@twodoghouse: Such a cute pic & I love that you are doing photos to document the process!
I am thinking of each of you & trying to learn from you! If this cycle is a BFN, I will do a med free cycle in August & IVF in Sept!
apricot / 452 posts
@twodoghouse: I love the picture of the box!!! Mine should be coming next Tuesday. What protocol are you doing? I am on the Micro Dose Lupron Flare protocol. He is having me stop BC a few days before my first dose of Lupron. I don't have to do a separate MEC. They do it after the egg retrieval while I am still sedated. I think every RE does things slightly different. I'm excited to have a cycle buddy!!!
honeydew / 7916 posts
I guess I'm joining this thread again...we decided to do one last IVF! The only thing we haven't decided is whether to wait until Sept or Oct. As much as I'd like to get it over with, it would be nice to have more time to save up.
Looking forward to following along with everyone in the meantime!
honeydew / 7230 posts
@justdarling: I don't know what the protocol is called. Maybe they will tell me that at my appointment on Monday? I really feel like I'm going into this without a lot of information, but I think (hope!) my doctor's office knows what it's doing...
@kentuckygirl: Hopefully you will get preg this cycle so you don't have to go through IVF in September! What CD are you? Crossing my fingers for you.
@spaniellove: Welcome back to the group! Let us know what you decide about Sept. or Oct.!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
We're going to sign our consent forms and have the injection class today. We're also making out payment (except for meds). I just talked to the business office to find out what we owe so I can get things settled at the bank before our appointment. At first the lab fees were way more than I expected because they had us down for PGD. I'm so glad I called because we decided against it and that is 3k more!
I can hardly concentrate at work. I'm so excited for the appointment because I'm so happy to be doing something!
apricot / 452 posts
@Leialou: Isn't it funny how something like injection class is exciting!!! There are a lot of consent forms to sign! It was almost like buying a house! Congrats on getting things moving. When do you start your cycle?
@twodoghouse: How did your mock transfer go yesterday?
Today we signed all of our consent forms and had the baseline ultrasound and bloodwork. So far everything looks good and we got the green light to start lupron tomorrow. I can't believe this is finally here!
grapefruit / 4703 posts
I don't mean to thread-crash, as I'm only on IUI as of right now, but I'm getting so excited to follow along in all of your upcoming cycles!! This thread is about to be busy!!
honeydew / 7230 posts
@justdarling: The mock transfer went really well - thank you for asking! My doctor counted 23 tiny follicles which will be our "Class of August 2013" apparently. He thought that was a good # to start with. We start our injections tomorrow too! I can't really believe it's here. I have a feeling I will hardly be able to sleep I'm so excited for my first injection!
@Leialou: What time is your appointment? I hope you were able to make it through the day and you're at your appointment now. Our injection class was pretty lowkey - I hope we really know what we're doing! I found some good videos on YouTube that we watched as well. When will you be starting meds?
@Shutterbug: How's your IUI cycle going? If I remember right, you were having issues with your E2 levels? I hope everything worked out and you'll get lucky with this cycle!
For those who were following along with my sister's IVF saga, she finally got her period after her cancelled June cycle!! She started birth control pills on Sunday and is going to be able to squeeze into her clinic's August cycle! My mom is absolutely beside herself that if all goes well, she could become a grandma twice over in the same month, haha.
pear / 1786 posts
@twodoghouse: 23 follies to start sounds amazing!!! I am "old" so for my IUI's usually see 6-8. I am so excited for you starting your injections and that your sis gets to move forward too! What a thrill for your mom WHEN you both get PG!
@Leialou: Yay for injections class an even better that you realized you don't have to pay $3k!
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