Hellobee Boards


IVF Thread

  1. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @justdarling: I did feel like we were buying a house! I start Lupron on the 12th. They are estimating that my retrieval will be between the 27th and 29th.

    @twodoghouse: I start Lupron on the 12th. I would be starting Monday, but my RE is going on vacation. So I have to wait an extra week!

    How exciting is it that you are both starting your injections today! You have to let me know how it goes.

  2. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Leialou: The 12th will be here before you know it! I'm so excited for you!

    @justdarling: How'd your first injection go? My husband stuck me with 10 units of Lupron this morning and it was fine. I hardly felt it. I think he was more nervous than me about getting everything right! I did get a rash though almost immediately. After about an hour it was mostly gone and now it is totally non-existent. My nurse told me that occasionally happens on the first injection and to move forward with my instructions tomorrow and report back if it happens again.

    I also started my prescription prenatal and Dexamethasone (steroid) this morning. I'm still taking my BCP and baby aspirin as well. I cannot believe this is really happening. I've been doing a good job tempering my expectations, but one of my co-workers just left my office and she has me so excited (she knows all the gory details and her sis is actually a nurse at my clinic!). It's so weird to think after 2.5 years of trying this is probably my real first shot at getting pregnant!

  3. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @twodoghouse: My first injection went well. I had 20 units of Lupron this morning and will have another 20 tonight. My skin got a little red after the injection but it is gone now. I'm glad your first shot went well.

    I started the prescription prenatal last week - that thing is HUGE! and will start an antibiotic on Friday. Friday is also when I start the stims. I want it to be retrieval day already! It is odd to think that after all this time trying and planning this, it is actually happening.

    @Leialou: You'll be starting injections soon! That is so exciting. There are a lot of August IVFers!

  4. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @justdarling: Glad your injections went well. Wow, our protocols are really different. So exciting that you'll start stims so soon! When we got our calendar, I realized we'll be doing Lupron for a million years. Or, until 8/19 which is when we'll be doing daily monitoring. I won't start Follistim until 8/13 and Menopur begins 8/15. With your calendar, how many days of stims do you have? Do you know when your estimated retrieval will take place? We're looking at 8/23 or 8/24 for retrieval!

  5. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @twodoghouse: Sounds like you are on the long lupron protocol. I am doing the micro dose lupron. I start stimming on Friday (the 3rd) and then have a monitoring appointment on the 8th. They will tell me on the 8th how much longer I need to stim for and set up more monitoring appointments. They estimate that my retrieval will be between the 12th and the 15th. It's funny how different doctors do things differently. You are on lupron for a long time!

    My doctor also only does frozen transfers. He sees better results with the FETs. So after the retrieval he lets the embryos grow for either 3 or 5 days and then freezes them (using vitrification). I won't actually have the egg transfer until probably late September or early October. Do you have an estimate ET?

  6. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @justdarling: That's so interesting about your clinic exclusively doing FETs! I hope your stims go well when you start those later this week. You'll have to let us know what it's like. I'm worried they will be a lot harder! Will you have to mix up the Menopur powder with water? That's what I'm most worried about for some reason. As long as things go as planned, we'd be looking at ET 8/26-8/28.

  7. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @twodoghouse: I'm going to have to mix my menopur and bravelle. That's what I am most nervous about too! My protocol sounds very similar to yours. I'll be on 10 units of Lupron for a long time! The IVF nurse made it sound like I'll continue to take it along with the bravelle and menopur.

  8. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @twodoghouse: I'll keep you updated. I do have to mix the Menopur and Bravelle with the water. I did the menopur for a IUI cycle so I'm not too worried about it. Did they show you how to do it? Are you noticing any side effects of the Lupron? I've had a mild headache all day and I'm starting to wonder if it is a side effect.

  9. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Leialou: @twodoghouse: @justdarling: I'm so excited for all of you! Just thought I'd pop in and tell you that I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

    I also wanted to share what I learned about mixing the Bravelle. I did an IUI cycle with Bravelle injections. There were no classes, I used the online videos and honestly it was @spaniellove who really helped me understand how to handle injections. But in the end, the best thing I found when mixing the liquid with the Bravelle powder was to make sure I pulled back the empty syringe to the exact amount that I needed prior to inserting it into the liquid vial. That way just enough air went in, and then the right amount of liquid came out.

    I got better over time, and for me I found it easier to use the needle alone instead of the q-cap. But to be honest, my very first time I was a wreck and my husband helped and we spilled half of the Bravelle vial all over the kitchen counter! Luckily I was starting with half doses, but STILL! I felt like dollar bills were just spilling on the counter!

    Lots of luck and hugs to you guys

  10. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @sweetooth: thank you!

  11. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @sweetooth: Thank you! I can't believe you spilled Bravelle! I would have died. We have the q-caps with the Bravelle and they confuse me. I think we are just going to stick to using the needle to reconstitute it.

  12. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @justdarling: Spilling it definitely stressed me out! I blame the q-caps and just our general nervousness. I took @spaniellove's advice too and made it a ritual like setting where I would set everything up all neat in a clean space, and light a pretty smelling candle, to try and make the mood calm. I even dim the lights. Almost like I'm creating a romantic setting to make a baby But in all seriousness, it really did help calm me and make it so I never spilled Bravelle again.

  13. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @justdarling: I think @sweetooth gave great advice! Maybe it was just me, but I found that even after pulling back the exact amount of air, the first time I drew up I'd often get a large air bubble kind of stuck to the plunger and would have to draw up again after pushing the plunger to the point that there couldn't be any air bubbles left.

    And yes, I've also screwed up with getting all the air out at the end - either forgetting to, or doing it too quickly and squirting my solution on the counter.

    Mixing the Menopur and Bravelle though is basically the same as using multiple vials of one thing...you can mix up to 6 vials at a time I think and once you get to 7 you have to split them.

  14. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @spaniellove: Thanks for the tips. I will only be doing 3 vials of the menopur and bravelle so I can mix them all together.

    @sweetooth: I like the idea of the candle and the calm mood! That would make doing these shots a lot better.

  15. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    Hi Ladies! I am officially joining you on this IVF journey! We have an appointment tomorrow with my new RE. They call it "Education Day" and I am supposed to get my treatment plan, injections training, DH gets a new semen analysis, etc. My next cycle should begin in late August and that is when I should start injections with egg retrieval in mid-September. I'll obviously know more tomorrow afternoon, but that's my story for now.

    I asked this RE a lot of questions when I went for my consultation back in July. I feel like I should have more questions when I go tomorrow but can't think of anything. Is there anything that you asked about or wish you had asked when you were in the prep stages or when you got your treatment plan?

    I'm excited, hopeful, scared and a little numb all at the same time.

  16. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @kentuckygirl: How exciting!!! One thing that I wished I had asked is what type of pain reliever can you take if you have any of the side effects to the injections such as a headache? Also really figure out where to do the shots, and have them show you on your belly. It's hard looking at a picture and translating that to your body. I can't think of anymore right now...but I will update if I do think of more.

    Good luck tomorrow. I totally know all of the emotions that you are going through.

  17. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @justdarling: Thanks! Those are great questions to ask! It's kind of crazy the number of emotions that you can have at once! How is your cycle and the shots going?

  18. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @kentuckygirl: that's so exciting! You'll be about two weeks behind me. Excited, hopeful, scared, numb. That sounds familiar! I go through all those emotions!!

    My meds were ordered over the weekend! They should arrive on Thursday. I'm not going to work that day so I don't miss the delivery. I have to sign for them.

    I expected us to pay around $2500 for the meds. We paid our lab fees and RE fees out of pocket. Well, our prescription insurance covered everything (Lupron, bravelle, menopur, HCG shot)! We paid a copay of $110. I still can't believe it. I feel so incredibly lucky.

  19. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @Leialou: Wow!! You are really lucky!!! I've had to pay out of pocket for everything, so the meds were expensive! You are on the same meds that I am on. When do you start taking them?

    @kentuckygirl: so far so good. I started the stims on Friday so now I do 4 shots a day! You can play connect the dots on my stomach! I am starting to feel achy ovaries and bloated. Hopefully this is a good sign.

  20. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @justdarling: I start Lupron on the 12th! I'm so ready.

  21. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    Hi ladies. Looks like I'm joining the club. We had a failed fresh cycle back in March, and were planning on going ahead with a FET cycle in May, when my pre-existing back problems got severe. I ended up canceling the FET and had back surgery in May. I'm recovering well and we've started back on the FET cycle. Had my baseline appointment on the 3rd, and my FET is scheduled for the 20th! Wishing all of us luck!!

  22. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @msmug: welcome! August is going to be an exciting month!

  23. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @msmug: Welcome! Good luck with the FET. There is a lot going on here for the month of August!

  24. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    Thanks everyone! Hope August is a good month for us all!!! Have you all decided how many embryos you are transferring back?

  25. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @msmug: I want to transfer two if we have two good ones. I don't know if my RE will be against that because of my age though (I'm 24).

  26. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @msmug: It depends on if we decide to do the genetic testing or not. We will transfer 2 if we do not do genetic testing and only 1 if we do. How many are you transferring?

  27. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    @justdarling: We are going to transfer back 2 but I'm a little torn. My RE recommends 1 bc I'm still fairly young (33yo) and bc of my back problems. However, we've been trying for over 3 years and the entire process has been so frustrating and heartbreaking.

  28. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @twodoghouse: How are you doing? How are the shots going?

    I had my first monitoring appointment this morning and am a little disappointed. I was hoping for at least 10 follicles and we only had 9. They were ranging in size from 8 to 12mm so I still have to stim for a little longer. I go back on Sunday for another appt. There could be smallers ones in there that he didn't see and they could grown between now and Sunday. That's at least what I am hoping for.

  29. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @justdarling: If your follies are 8-12mm now, there could definitely be some smaller ones too! So much can change between the beginning and end of your monitoring. FX for your next appt!

  30. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @justdarling: I'm still just on Lupron (plus oral meds) so nothing too exciting here. I had some more bloodwork today and started my period. Next week I start Follistim. I'm sorry you were disappointed by your follicle count. I'm hoping there are some small ones hiding out ready to grow grow grow before your next appointment!

    @msmug: We hope to transfer two, although my RE considers singleton pregnancies ideal. I think the final decision will come down to how many we have (we would really like to have something to freeze), what quality they are and what my RE suggests based on all the factors.

  31. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    My meds arrived this afternoon. I can't believe how much there is! I cleared everything off my bathroom counter and turned it into an injection station. I'm as ready as I can be for Monday!

  32. PointeShoesTutus

    clementine / 797 posts

    I'm a lurker and future IVFer coming out of hiding...
    @justdarling: hope there are some more little ones hiding there for you!
    @Leialou: oh my goodness that's a lot of stuff. Good luck starting your shots on Monday. Giving yourself shots is not fun but it does get easier. (I do two shots once every 4weeks for nonIVF stuff and they sting like crazy...but it does get easier)

  33. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Leialou: Yay, so excited for you to start on Monday!

  34. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    I know these next 2.5 weeks are going to pass so slowly while i wait to start my next cycle. Meanwhile I will eagerly follow all of you who have or are getting ready to start your treatment protocol.

    My protocol has me taking Femara on days 3-8 and on day 5 I will start Bravelle & Menopur.

  35. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    I had another monitoring appointment yesterday. I now have 10 follicles with 3 of them over 18mm. I took my trigger shot last night and will have my retrieval tomorrow! I am so happy to be done with the shots!

    @Leialou: Good luck on your first day of meds!!!

    @kentuckygirl: The next two weeks are going to be very slow, but they will be here soon enough!

  36. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @justdarling: that's so exciting! Good luck tomorrow! And thanks! The shot wasn't too bad. The Lupron burned a bit.

  37. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    This thread is getting super exciting! Good luck to all. Let's hope for lots of May babies, right?

  38. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @justdarling: Oh my gosh, so excited for you! What time will your retrieval be? How are you feeling (physical and emotional)? I am sending lots of good vibes your way for tomorrow!

    @Leialou: Woo hoo, glad you're on the Lupron train now too. I am still plugging along on just Lupron (plus oral meds) but tomorrow night I'm starting Follistim!

    @kentuckygirl: Hoping the next couple weeks pass quickly for you!

    @Mrs. Jacks: Thank you for your well wishes!

  39. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: thank you!

    @twodoghouse: that's so exciting!!

  40. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    I'm so happy to see this thread starting to get exciting! Best wishes to @justdarling: tomorrow, and I'll be watch the news for everyone else

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