apricot / 483 posts
@Apex: that's so fantastic! i'm glad it went well - how are you feeling?
clementine / 770 posts
Thanks everyone. @PastaAndPotato: I'm doing great today, I feel like me again. I slept off most of the day yesterday, I couldn't seem to stop peeing tho (TMI, Sorry). Now, I just have to wait for the RE's office to call me back with an update today.
clementine / 770 posts
Just got my update...Of the 18 eggs retrieved, 16 were mature and 12 Fertilized!!!!!Now we wait for the ET on Monday, i'm so excited and hopeful for my LO.
pear / 1531 posts
@Apex: Awesome fert report! I had 12 eggs fertilized as well on this cycle (which ended up successful!)
honeydew / 7230 posts
Since I've talked about my sister's IVF on this thread before, I thought I would give a little update. Today her cycle was cancelled because her estrogen levels got too high. They were originally thinking retrieval would be Friday and she had a lot of follicles but they weren't getting very big (as of yesterday, she had one at 18, two at 17 and the rest were all smaller). On Friday her estrogen was high and Saturday it was nearing 7000 which really worried them. They took her off all her meds on Saturday and scheduled more bloodwork for this morning. She just got the call that her levels were nearing 10,000 so they are cancelling the whole thing. She is going to try again in August (when my DH and I will be cycling!) so we'll see what happens then. Her dr is going with the same protocol as this cycle but lower dosage. Hopefully it works then. I hope the other IVF girls here are doing well, though.
How are you ladies feeling about Father's Day? We planned our Father's Day festivities (just dinner with my in-laws) for last night so we could have a low key day today. Father's Day isn't as emotional as Mother's Day for me, but it's still a reminder that we aren't (human) parents yet. We did go over to the dog park so we could get in some "dog father's day" celebrating.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@twodoghouse: I'm so sorry your sister got cancelled and am really hoping she is doing okay, especially in avoiding OHSS!
honeydew / 7230 posts
Thanks you @spaniellove: for the good thoughts for my sister. We are all devastated for her, but she is trying to look on the bright side. They are watching her very closely for symptoms of OHSS so I hope she'll be ok in that respect.
clementine / 770 posts
Not so awesome news today bees, my estrogen levels were not so great, 3 eggs did not make it to today and while the other 7 are still growing, I still have to freeze all my eggs this month and do a FET in July because of my high hormone levels I'm so upset and disappointed even tho I know its all for the best, but I can't help it.....
honeydew / 7230 posts
@Apex: Oh honey, I am so so so sorry to hear this! I hope the FET in July goes well!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@Apex: I'm so sorry! It may seem like such a letdown now to have your timeline totally changed, BUT - your chances of success are going to be that much higher! A frozen transfer has a higher success rate than fresh because your body hasn't just gone through an intense stim process and your uterus will be much more receptive to a pregnancy. It's going to work out!
pear / 1531 posts
@Apex: Oh, that is really a bummer but all for the best. This process really tests one's patience! Glad you have 7 still in the game. That's great! Are they freezing them today or growing them another two or three days?
clementine / 770 posts
Thanks ladies, you really made me feel so much better. I'm soooo grateful for you guys. My DH is a lost cause. He had no idea as to why I was upset and what to say, lol- guys!.
Anyways to answer your question @raintreebee: they froze a couple yesterday, and they should be freezing the rest in the next couple days.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
Hi ladies! I'd love to join in because my DH and I are getting ready to start our first IVF cycle.
Current Status
-I started taking BCP on Friday. I won't be starting meds until the first week of August.
Egg Retrieval
-August 22-26th. My RE is going on vacation in August so they are doing all of the retrievals and transfers a week later than normal that month.
Embryo Transfer
-We'll most likely have a 5 day transfer so between August 27-31.
I have an appointment on July 8th for a trial transfer and sonohysterogram. I know I have quite a few weeks until my retrieval and transfer, but I'm so happy to have dates now.
honeydew / 7230 posts
@Leialou: Congrats on getting started with IVF! We will be on pretty similar schedules, although I haven't gotten all my details yet. I'm waiting for AF to show (should be today?) then will start BCPs and baby aspirin. I'll call my clinic when I get home from vacation and we'll get everything else planned out (mock transfer, meds ordered, etc.) We're scheduled to start monitoring on Aug. 19 and proceed from there. I hope this is a lucky summer for us both!!
clementine / 770 posts
@Leialou: Yay for Progress. I think we'll probably be on the same schedule, I just had my FET rescheduled for the end of August. I can't wait!!! Good luck lady.
apricot / 452 posts
I've been on vacation so I am a little behind on this thread.
@Apex: I have also heard the same thing about frozen transfer being more successful. Actually, the clinic that I am going to does not allow any fresh transfer and only does the frozen ones. The theory is that they want to let your body come down from all of the hormones. They see better success rates this way.
@Leialou: Congrats on getting started!!! I will be right behind you. I get my timeline tomorrow of when we are going to start this whole thing.
pear / 1786 posts
Hi ladies, I hope you don't mind my dropping in with a question. I am in my TWW from our 3rd IUI and trying to decide if this doesn't lead to a BFP if we are going to move on to IVF. I am 37 (will be 38 in October) and DH is 39.
My question is how you knew it was time to move to IVF? Did your RE recommend it, did you know due to a specific diagnosis, or did you struggle with the decision?
I had told myself that after this 3rd IUI we would move onto to IVF but we had some timing issues on this one and DH's count wasn't as good as usual. Since this IUI had "complications/issues" I am wondering if we should do another one.
I am also thinking about seeing another RE since this is not the first time that I Od before the IUI. And I just feel they don't give me a lot of info or want to answer my questions at my current office. I have actually scheduled an appointment with another RE but it will likely be too late in my next cycle to actually be treated there for the cycle.
I am concerned about the cost of IVF and want to make every effort before moving to that. On the other hand, I don't want to waste time. I would appreciate your experiences or advice. Thanks ladies!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@kentuckygirl: I have to run out to an appt right now but my short answer is - if you feel like you haven't exhausted all your options yet, then get the 2nd opinion/try another IUI/do what you need to do, because IVF especially OOP is a lot to take on and you need to be 100% sure.
apricot / 452 posts
@kentuckygirl: This is actually a tough question to answer. We had done 3 failed IUIs. My doctor was very frank with me and said that with DH's motility numbers, the best option for us would be IVF with ICSI. She said that we have done the IUI's under the best circumstances possible, and our chances would not get any better by doing more IUIs. She pretty much told me that we would be wasting money and time by doing more IUIs.
This was very hard for me to hear. Logically I could understand what she was saying and money wise, it is a waste to continue more IUIs since we were paying out of pocket for the majority of it. Logically, I was on board with this. I had a really hard time accepting this emotionally. She told us this in February and we are just now starting IVF (going on BC today!). I needed a few months to really work through this emotionally and be ready to accept this next step. It has not been easy.
My suggestion is to listen to what your RE says, and get a second opinion if you want to. You have to be comfortable with moving on to IVF. One thing that we did during our little break was that we went to free seminars that the IVF clinics had. This gave time to decide which clinic we wanted to choose and gave me more confidence in our decision to do IVF. If it takes you a few months to be sure that IVF is what you want to do, take the few months. I know in the IF world, a few months seems like a lifetime, but it may be necessary. I agree with Spaniellove in that you have to be 100% sure that this is what you want to do and that you have exhausted all other possibilities.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@kentuckygirl: we moved on from 3 failed iuis w clomid. Our last iui was in feb. everything looked good, but it just wasn't happening. She said we could do another mont of clomid, that shes had cases of people getting pregnant on the 4th. I definitely didn't want to do another month of clomid. And honestly, I didn't think it would work. She said we could do injectibles, or some people jump to ivf because w injectibles, chances are not much greater than doing it on your own or w iui. But ivf, chances were 50%!!! Luckily cost was not a real issue for us and our insurance covered 80%, so it was a no brainer for us. Especially since with injectibles, you are doing essentially ivf but u don't get to keep the eggs. I didn't want to go thru a failed injectible and then go thru ivf again, but that's just us. Everyone is different and has different needs and cost can be a huge factor. Lots of women get pregnant w iui, I just didn't think that would work. I never got an official diagnosis, but I think our issue was the sperm and eggs weren't meeting. It met once after an hsg, so maybe I have some sorta blockage, even though they said I was clear. I really did feel like ivf was our only real option.
Good luck!
clementine / 770 posts
@kentuckygirl: My case was very much like @justdarling except that we did just 1 iui, and when that failed, my DH was too upset to try the iui route again. That coupled with the compared cost of 3 IUI's vs. 1 IVF plus my RE's suggestion which was based on DH's low-ish motility, we went with the IVF option.
Since technically, this cycle is not exactly over/failed yet, hang in there, who know, you might actually not need the IVF route.....FX for you.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@kentuckygirl: Your question seems to have two parts:
1) Is now the right time? You seem unsure that you've exhausted every option. I don't know if you're OOP for your IUIs but do you think you could find yourself questioning what if you'd tried IUI one more time? Most people don't go back once they start IVF. It makes sense that you're thinking about your age, too, so maybe it would be a reasonable goal to move on to IVF (if you have to, that is) within a short time frame. About the timing of your current IUI, FWIW my clinic actually will not do an IUI until they can confirm that you've released. They'll send you home and make you come back the next day!
2) Is this the right clinic? When you think about the things that go on with your clinic...can you imagine going through IVF with the same things happening? Do you think the same things could happen at other clinics? I learned that you have to cycle or at least go through a few tests there to really get a feel for a new clinic. At least get the second opinion.
Between the three opinions we've received, one doctor told us our MF was abysmal and the only possibility was IVF w/ ICSI, the next told us we didn't need IVF at all and there was no MF, and the third said we most likely needed IUI or IVF because of MF. So in the end I just have to be my own advocate, but if I'd only listened to the first RE it would all be doom and gloom. Still hopeful that this is your lucky cycle!
apricot / 452 posts
I just went to the RE and have officially started the IVF process. I had a date with the vag cam today. They did the antral follicle, gave me the prescription for birth control and let me know what protocol I would be on. I start BC tonight and will hopefully start stimming at the end of July/early August for a mid August retrieval. They will call me in the next 2 days with my exact calendar. Looks like I might be cycle buddies with @Leialou!! I can't believe that we are actually starting this!
apricot / 452 posts
@Apex: Menopur and Bravelle. He still might change it, but this is what he told me today. I'll get my final schedule/calendar with a list of drugs in the next few days.
@spaniellove: Thanks! I can't believe that I am excited about this!! It's funny how things change.
pear / 1786 posts
You ladies are awesome !!!! Thank you so much for your input!!! I am at a restaurant on my phone & am now I can't wait to get home so I can re-read & respond to you all if you in more detail!
pear / 1531 posts
@kentuckygirl: I have family over but just wanted to quickly suggest that you could go on with IUI with the current clinic while starting process with new clinic. You could also do anther iui while you check off all the to dos before ivf, which can be extensive. But you just might not need anything else!
@justdarling: yay! I'm excited for you!
pear / 1786 posts
@justdarling: You are right that a few months seems like a lifetime in IF terms. I wish there were more options here in town to visit clinics. I am currently at the only private RE practice here and I have not heard good things about the other RE that is based at the local university. So the appointment I have next week is near Cincinnati, OH and I will be driving at least an hour each way to get there.
I am so sorry that you too have struggled with the decision to move to IVF. I think the past four months that I was waiting (due to a cyst) to do IUI #3 gave me some time to adjust to the idea of IVF but now that this cycle didn't go as planned, I am getting cold feet. I am so excited and hopeful for you as you start your IVF process! Tons and tons of luck and best wishes!
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