persimmon / 1085 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: that's fantastic news!! Congrats!!!'
Just got the call and it's show time. Not too happy about it, since my husband and I were really thinking it would be a day 5 being that we have so many. But the nuts said our RE said since we have two grade A that today is the day. 40 minutes 'til transfer.
nectarine / 2433 posts
Holy shit ladies! There are 2 lines!!!!!!!!
My first beta will be tomorrow morning and then again on Wednesday. I now have ALL day to figure out how to tell my SO!
kiwi / 613 posts
@mrswin: Yes! Congratulations on your BFP! Good luck figuring out how to break the news!
persimmon / 1316 posts
@momazon: @tequiero21: @kentuckygirl: @Jenn23: Thanks Girls!!
@mrswin: YESSSSS I knew you would be!!! Congrats:) Great feeling huh? Let us know how you tell your DH. Mine was a lame phone call. I was heading into work and he wasn't home so I wouldn't have seen him until tonight and I just couldn't wait any longer!
@momazon: Your next!!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Jenn23: Wishing you an easy transfer and sticky embryos!!!
@mrswin: Hooray!!! Hoping for good betas and a H&H nine months!
pear / 1556 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: Yay! I am so happy for you! Wonderful news!!!
@Jenn23: Good luck!!! I am thinking of you and sending lots of positive, sticky vibes your way!!!!
@mrswin: Oh my gosh, that's awesome! Congratulations!!!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@Jenn23: GOOOOD LUCK! i think 3 day is LUCKY! i got my TWO! =D
@mrswin: PICTURE!!!!! i love seeing two lines! CONGRATS!
pear / 1750 posts
Good morning! May I join in?
I'm doing my first IVF cycle - started stims yesterday. I thought I was gonna be all tough self-injecting (I've given DH lots of injections) but that first Menopur shot hurt! I had to ice it. I have to go take one now and I'm kind of dreading it.
To make things even more complicated, DH had a fall in the bathroom on Friday night and BROKE his left arm! Thank goodness it's his (already weak) left arm, but he's all black and blue and in so much pain. We will find out today if he needs surgery. Terrible timing!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@macintosh: Welcome! I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's fall I didn't take Menopur but I know some of the other ladies said icing helps a lot.
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@macintosh: ice before the injection! It worked better for me. Good luck! I hope your husband doesn't need surgery.
pear / 1750 posts
@mrswin: thank you and congratulations!
@swedishfish: good advice. I just did it and I did ice before, which helped. Except I forgot to swab with alcohol first and then some of the liquid leaked out of the syringe during. Looks like I didn't screw the needle in all the way.
Sigh. I have the Follistim pen that I'm taking at night. That is much easier. Monitoring tomorrow.
kiwi / 636 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: @mrswin: congrats to the both of you!
I was hoping to see the POAS announcement in the check in but then thought that you may not post in there. I'm really excited for the both of you.
If you don't mind ladies, I would like to join in as I am in the pre-IVF process. Our first IVF consult is in 2 weeks & I'm getting nervous about this next step. What were/are some of the decision making factors that led to your decision to go the IVF route (if you had a choice). Right now, I have done 2 IUI cycles & am allowed one more IUI/clomid & 3 IUI/injectables cycles. My RE thinks I'll be a great candidate for IVF, that it's a matter of personal preference & emotional/financial readiness. I hope this is the appropriate thread to post my question.
persimmon / 1085 posts
@mrswin: yay!! Congrats!!! I knew that cramping was a good sign!!
Well, we transferred three! I misunderstood the nurse on the phone, thinking we had two excellent so that's why the transfer was today. Not the case. Our embryos aren't nearly as good as last time so that is why we did day 3. Then the embryologist recommended three instead of two so that was upsetting. But, our best one is decent at least. It's a 7 cell grade b. The other two are both 6 cells B-. So who know how likely this all is, but we are hoping for the best! :). Transfer went smoothly and now I'm on bed rest. Thanks, all!!
@macintosh: definitely ice before menopur. It helped me!! Good luck on your cycle!! Excited for you!! Sorry about your husband.
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@lazypanda: we tried one IUI cycle of back to back IUIs with 50 mg of Clomid. I ovulated from two follicles but my husband's washed numbers were not good. My RE offered to let us try more IUIs but, when I asked what his opinion was, he recommended going straight to IVF. I was terrified but agreed to it. Good luck with your consult!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@macintosh: @Shutterbug: @lazypanda: Thanks!
@Jenn23: Thanks, the cramping still terrifies me but I am just trying to keep focused on the fact that there is two lines today I'm glad your transfer went well, I put a lot of faith in the embryologist recommendation to only transfer one and it worked out so I hope the same for you.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@lazypanda: Welcome! I didn't want to post on the check in thread right now, timing didn't seem right and I would like to wait until my betas are done.
For us choosing IVF was not an easy decision for a number of reasons. First, we pay 100% out of pocket for any treatments so cost was a definite factor. Our IUIs were $500-$800 each and our IVF cycle was/is $9,500 plus $3,500+ in meds.
The second factor was our diagnosis which was "a little of this and a little of that.." I have endo and mild DOR while my SO has some count issues. There was no clear problem and as a result we were classified as "unexplained".
Last was the fact that we had done 4 IUI's with no success and is was wearing on me. Our RE felt that our issue was probably more of a sperm meeting egg issue/fertilization one and they would be able to control that with IVF using ICSI. Our IVF cycle marked the 2.5 year point in our journey and constant treatments, etc were emotionally draining on us individually and as a couple. We were ready to try something that had a better chance of success.
Feel free to ask any questions you have!
kiwi / 636 posts
@swedishfish: @mrswin: thanks for the input. IVF is looking to cost us 15-20k upfront and out of pocket for the procedure alone I think. Huge difference when my IUIs are covered and with copay, for the meds, cd13 monitoring & lab work that is only $30 per cycle. It's the medications, specifically clomid that has been emotionally draining, to the point where I am still taking an unmedicated cycle due to my fears of the side effects. DH also needs to schedule his pre IVF Krueger test (?) before we finally decide on IVF. His SA was normal but my RE said that the Krueger test will yield more info.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Jenn23: Glad your transfer went well! Thinking lots of sticky thoughts for you (and will also sing a chorus of the "womb song" if you think it would help )! They're exactly where they will be happiest! Be sure to treat yourself and the embies to something good!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@macintosh: So sorry to hear about your DH! I really hope he won't need surgery! FX that your stims go very well!
(And DEFINITELY ice before the Menopur!!!). Are you anticipating retrieval sometime mid-next week or so?
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@lazypanda: I think it depends on your finances...and how much patience you have to continue what you're currently doing, especially if that hasn't worked so far. The emotional burden of waiting cycle after cycle with diminishing odds was what motivated us to do IVF for our "unexplained" IF. You might ask the RE (during your IVF consult) how the side effects for the FSH meds compare with the meds you've already tried (I would hate to suggest that IVF meds would be easier on you, just based on my own experience, because I also tolerated Clomid well). Best of luck to you, whatever you and your DH decide! Please feel free to wall me (or whatever) anytime, if there are questions I can help answer!!!
We talked about it 1-2 weeks ago...will it be okay if I start a new thread for IVF, as a continuation of this one?
nectarine / 2433 posts
@lazypanda: Let me know if you have anymore questions after your consult.
@littlek: Thanks!
@FliegepilzHut: I think a new thread would be great, why don't you go ahead and start it
pear / 1556 posts
@macintosh: Welcome! So sorry to hear about your DH's fall! Ice with the Menopur is definitely helpful. Honestly, the first Menopur shot for me was the worst. I had heard before that it would burn/sting but I forgot before the shot, and I was shocked when it did! It was strange though, some days it would sting, and other days it didn't at all. Maybe I got used to it. Good luck with your stims!
@lazypanda: Welcome! We did 3 IUIs with Clomid that failed before moving on to IVF (we just hit 3 years TTC). My old RE and current RE (same practice) don't like to do IUIs with injections. My old RE left unfortunately (and is now the head of ASRM), but he said he felt that the price tag was steep on the medications, and in previous studies he did, there was only a 2% higher chance (than Clomid + IUI) that a couple would end up with a baby. He also said it was harder to control multiples. He also said if you are going to go through injections and spend all that money, you might as well save up for a cycle that gives you much higher odds like IVF does. That conversation made up our mind for us. I also don't tolerate Clomid well at all and found the IVF medications easier to handle which shocked me. Good luck with your consult! Feel free to ask any questions you may have!
@FliegepilzHut: I think starting a new thread would be a great idea!
persimmon / 1085 posts
@lazypanda: I'm so sorry you have to go the IVF route next, but so many of us can vouch that it works great and is totally worth it in the end!!! As for your question, I can't answer that one, since I didn't have a choice. IVF or nothing for me! Good luck too you.
Forgot to post a pic of my embies earlier! #7 is our best one. #5 is the 2nd best and it is compacting. Anybody know exactly what that means?
kiwi / 613 posts
Just posting the link to the new IVF thread:
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