grapefruit / 4110 posts
@Apex: @Leialou: I'm not sure I am chilling. But I did 2 days of bed rest and went almost crazy by the time I was done. But I am almost completely through Downton Abbey. Back to work and nauseaus so hopefully that is good signs. Only one more week...
honeydew / 7230 posts
Oh girls, things are really escalating quickly! Today's monitoring went really well. Right away my dr. said my lining looked great (he measured it as 21 and said it was the thickest he'd seen today so far). Then he did the ultrasound to check my follicles. We have a lot and they are big! I don't know exactly how many we are at because he was just shouting out the measurements to the nurse and she was writing them all down. Every once in a while he would ask her what number we were at for each side. The first 9 he called out were all on the right side and in the 17-19 mm range. Then there were a bunch more smaller 15-16 mm on the right. On the left we only had three big follies, but about 6-7 that were in the 14-16 mm range.
We had tentatively planned for ER on Saturday, but the dr. is pretty sure I will trigger TOMORROW and do ER on Thursday. I am in absolutely awe that everything went well and that I have so many big, beautiful follicles! I will stim with the same dosages tonight and go back tomorrow for another appointment with the hope that some of the smaller follies will catch up. Then they'll let us know when to trigger!
I know there is so many things that could still go wrong and so much that will be left up to chance, but I just feel so relieved that we have gotten to this point and everything is going so well.
clementine / 770 posts
@msmug: Hi Lady, You all ready for your FET tomorrow? Did your RE make you take antibiotics beforehand too?
apricot / 403 posts
@apex: hey there! thanks for remembering! Yes, tomorrow is the FET! They have me scheduled for 2:15pm and we are transferring back 2! I don't have to take the antibiotic. They said it was just if I was doing a retrieval... Does your RE have you taking an antibiotic? I guess it's worth asking my nurse again. When is your transfer date? Good luck to us!
clementine / 770 posts
@msmug: My RE has me on Doxycycline which I HATE because it makes my stomach hurt and then Medrol, Estrace and progesterone inserts. My Transfer is scheduled for Friday, so I don't have to take time off work for bedrest.
clementine / 770 posts
Because this quaint little family is gradually growing, I figured we should have a mini list to help us follow and support each other easily. I tried as best as I could to get everyone on there with the right dates/estimated dates, please let me know if I got them right or if you're not so comfortable being on the list.
Brownie: FET-8/15, BFP coming soon
Msmug: FET-8/20
Twodoghouse: ER- 8/22
Apex: FET-8/23
Leialou: ER- 8/28
Justdarling FET-September
Kentuckygirl: ER-Mid-September
Spaniellove: Cycling in Sept or Oct
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@msmug: @Apex: So excited for you! I was on Doxy as well and it is the WORST medicine in the world. I have only been carsick once in my life and that was from Doxy. Good luck to you. Maybe we can all be on the May 2014 boards together!
apricot / 452 posts
@twodoghouse: it sounds like you had a great appointment!!!! Lots of follies!!!!
apricot / 452 posts
@Apex: Thanks for making the list. Good luck on your FET this week. I was also on Doxy, and it sucked!!! I seriously did a little dance yesterday when I finished my last one.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@Apex: thanks for the list! It's pretty exciting to see.
apricot / 403 posts
@apex: thanks for the list!
@brownie: how exiting! you must be counting the days til your bfp! hope you have found a few ways to keep yourself busy until the big day. please share any good tips you've found! in the past, I've driven myself nuts and i anticipate doing the same this time around. haha
honeydew / 7230 posts
@Apex: My sister started stimming on Saturday for another fresh cycle! They have her on much smaller doses of everything this time around so they can watch her more closely. As a result, she's not sure exactly when to expect egg retrieval. I think she goes back in to her doctor on Wednesday to start monitoring. We are thinking if all goes well with both of us this cycle, we would be due a couple weeks apart! Thanks for asking about her!
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
You all realize that with so much IVF going on, someone or multiple people here are likely to get some sticky babies this month?! (aaahhh, exciting!)
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@msmug: Yeah, I'm not sure. At this point I am trying to focus on work. I am still working 2 jobs at the moment so that keeps me pretty busy. But I am also analyzing every little twinge. Downton Abbey is helping but I only have 3 more episodes.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@twodoghouse: That sounds like an awesome appt!
My fingers are crossed for @msmug and @Apex to have great transfers this week!!!
@Apex: Thanks for the list! We actually decided not to do IVF so I'm just here to cheer everyone on!
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@Apex: thanks for the list! It makes my stalking of this thread much easier
pear / 1786 posts
@twodoghouse: So exciting to read your report! FX for your visit tomorrow!!!
@Apex: Love the list!!! Thank you!
pear / 1786 posts
@Apex: @msmug: I am so hopeful for your FETs!!!
@brownie: Eager to hear your results soon! I am thinking positive thoughts for you!
honeydew / 7230 posts
@msmug: Happy FET day! I hope everything is going well! Update us when you get a chance!!
This morning I had another monitoring appointment. I have 16 good-sized follicles (ranging from 19-24 mm). We are triggering tonight at 11:15 pm and will go in for our egg retrieval at 9 am on Thursday!
I was expecting to have to do our HCG trigger in my bum, but instead the nurse told us to do it in the arm. So excited about that! They even drew a circle on my arm so my husband can't miss. I think he is more nervous about this shot since it's so important and the needle is longer. I know he'll do a great job though.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@msmug: good luck today!
@twodoghouse: yay!! That's so exciting to hear. I hope your retrieval goes smoothly and you have lots of eggs.
I had an appointment this morning and it went great! I have 14 follicles (and six much smaller ones). My RE said I'm right on track. I go back on Friday and probably over the weekend as well. I'm hoping to trigger by Monday at the latest.
apricot / 452 posts
@twodoghouse: Yay!!!! Good luck with the trigger tonight and the retrieval on Thursday. I can't wait to hear how many follies you get!!!!
@Leialou: 14 Follicles is great!!!! Sounds like you had a great appointment.
I got my final embryo report last night and I was a little disappointed. We have 3 expanded blastocysts that were frozen on day 5. They said that they are excellent blastocysts and they are very happy with them. There were a few more that they let grow to day 6 but did not make it to the blastocyst stage. So out of 15 eggs, we end up with 3. Those 3 will get the genetic testing. We find out next week how many of those are normal. The RE says that they all look great so he has great hopes for them. I am really praying that my 3 little guys are perfect!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@justdarling: That is disappointing but it only takes 1. Great embryos are wonderful.
honeydew / 7230 posts
@Leialou: 14 follicles sounds great! Hope things continue well for you! Have you been feeling ok on the stims?
@justdarling: I'm sorry that you're disappointed by your embryo report. I'm hoping your three frostie eggs come back perfect from the genetic testing! Are you hoping to transfer more than one when the time comes, or is that something you'll decide once the testing comes back? I'm crossing my fingers for you that your testing results come back great!
apricot / 403 posts
thanks for the well wishes! I'm back home from the FET. Doctors ordered 24 hrs bedrest, which I'm not complaining about! They said everything went well, that my lining looked great and my 2 embryos thawed great. Even got a compliment on my pedicured toes. Lol! Hope I don't lose my mind the next 2 weeks.
apricot / 403 posts
@twodoghouse: ER in two days! Awesome.
@justdarling: I understand feeling somewhat bummed. I too had something like 16 eggs, only to be able to freeze 3 embryos. But try to stay on the bright side. Some couples unfort don't get to freeze any. So 3 is a great number!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@msmug: wishing u tons of luck and stickiness!
@justdarling: wishing u tons of luck too! All u need is one! Or two, if u want twins! Lol.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@justdarling: I will pray that your embryos are perfect too!
@twodoghouse: I feel fine for the most part. My stomach muscles feel really tight. My biggest complaint is that I am so tired! How was the trigger shot?
honeydew / 7916 posts
@msmug: @justdarling: Not freezing any...that was me Ours didn't work and we had nothing to freeze. So 3 blasts is awesome!
honeydew / 7230 posts
@Leialou: The trigger shot went fine last night. My husband did a great job and I barely felt it go in. It did make my arm tight/sore almost immediately though! Today if feels like after I got my TDap vaccine. Stiff and sort of heavy feeling? I am having some terrible nausea this morning which I assume is just from the heavy dose of HCG in my system. Hopefully it subsides soon, but if not, it'll be worth it, right?
pear / 1786 posts
Can I just tell you all how often I keep checking this thread for more info on how you all are doing?!?!? I am living vicariously through you as I very eagerly await the start of my new cycle.
@twodoghouse: Your arm HCG shot was a surprise to me too! I hope the soreness goes away soon, but I definitely had that with my bum HCG shots in the past. I am thinking good thoughts about your ER tomorrow morning! Please let us know how it goes!
I ordered some of my meds on Monday and am still working through insurance on some of them, but I will have enough to get me through CD 8, so I should have plenty of time to get the rest delivered. I anticpate AF on or around Tuesday and hope to go for baseline 1 week from today! AHHHHHH, I can't wait!!!!
pear / 1786 posts
Question for all who have or will have ER soon... I will not be "knocked out" for ER. I know many REs do full anesthesia. I will take a Valium and have a local anesthesia. What does your RE do?
apricot / 452 posts
@kentuckygirl: My RE doesn't use full anesthesia, but instead puts you into "twilight". So basically you are asleep and could potentially wake up in the middle of the procedure. He said that sometimes people will talk in their sleep or snore, but I didn't do either.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@kentuckygirl: I'm pretty sure I was knocked out. I don't remember anything after being taken in.
clementine / 770 posts
@kentuckygirl: I got knocked out. turns out my bladder was too full, so I leaked a little....oops
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