pear / 1786 posts
@Apex: oh, no! I dread the full bladder requirement I normally go to the restroom every hour!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@kentuckygirl: I had to have a full bladder for transfer and they wanted me to use a bedpan afterwards! I couldn't imagine lying there peeing in a pan so I tried to tough it out the whole 20 or whatever minutes and probably made things worse by tensing up. At the end I couldn't take it anymore and had to ask for the pan, and by then I had to go so badly that when the nurse came back in I was still peeing. The shame!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@spaniellove: The first time we transferred I was actually over full and they had to empty my bladder with a catheter (they asked if I thought I could just pee a little and I said no way). They offered the catheter after this time but I just held it. I also drank a lot less. They made me wait for the bladder to fill, but at least I could hold it until it was over. @kentuckygirl:
honeydew / 7968 posts
@spaniellove: um... I used the bedpan for like the first time in my life and lets just say I got my undies wet. They are not my friends.
apricot / 452 posts
Embryo update: We got the results from the genetic testing. All 3 of our little embryos are normal. I was really excited to hear this! It means that we now have 3 chances at a baby! It was so nice to finally get some good news!
apricot / 452 posts
@tequiero21: My RE recommends that we only transfer one. I think that is what we are going to do. After IVF, we can't afford twins!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@justdarling: Woo hoo, great news! So an 80% chance each time x 3. Who is good at statistics here? Sounds pretty good to me
honeydew / 7230 posts
@justdarling: Yayyyy! That is amazing news! I am so happy for you!
As for me, I had my egg retrieval this morning! I was a hot mess of nerves and hormones, but it went great. Very fast once they got the sedatives in my IV line. I think my husband said it was only about 20 minutes later that they came and got him.
We got 12 eggs (a perfect dozen!) and tomorrow we'll get the fertilization report. I am sore and tired now, so I'm just laying around the rest of the day cuddling with my DH and dog. Thanks to everyone for the good thoughts and well wishes!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@twodoghouse: yay for 12 eggs!! I hope you gets lots of embryos.
apricot / 452 posts
@twodoghouse: 12 Eggs is great!!! Congrats. Hopefully they all fertilize! Get lots of rest today, you've been through a lot this morning. If you have a heating pad, it is really helpful. I was a little crampy and that heating pad really made a difference. I can't wait to hear the fertilization report!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@twodoghouse: Congrats on the great retrieval! Yeah for 12 eggs and FX for a fabulous fert report!
pomelo / 5228 posts
I love all the excitement on this board Congrats on your dozen @twodoghouse!
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@twodoghouse: congrats on your perfect dozen! I'm picturing them in a little cardboard egg carton
pomelo / 5000 posts
Ditto, @Mrs.Someone! This is a positive thread, and I love it. Rooting for you all.
clementine / 770 posts
@twodoghouse: 12 Eggs is so Exciting, Rest up and drink plenty of Gatorade, can't wait to read about your fertilization report, i'm sure its going to be just as lovely to read.
pear / 1786 posts
@twodoghouse: woohoo! 12 eggs is awesome!!! Hoping they are fertilizing well!
pear / 1786 posts
@spaniellove: @tequiero21: your bedpan stories are cracking me up! I am sure the nurses have seen all that (& more) before each of you!
nectarine / 2765 posts
@kentuckygirl: if it helps ease your mind at all, I was sweating the full bladder requirement big time, too (I pee constantly!).. In the end, the nurse told me that while they wanted me to have something in my bladder, they didn't want me uncomfortable & it honestly wasn't bad. Hopefully, the same will be for you!
(I've lurked on this thread for a long time & am really rooting for you all! Can't wait to see some good news )
clementine / 797 posts
@justdarling: what wonderful news. I'm not good with statistics but that seems like good odds there.
@twodoghouse: yay for 12 eggs. Hope you get a good fert report tomorrow!
honeydew / 7230 posts
Thanks everyone for all your congrats and good thoughts yesterday. I am back at work today waiting with bated breath for our fertilization report. I will of course update as soon as we know!
@Apex: Happy FET day sweetie! Hope everything goes well. Keep us updated!
@Mrs. Jacks: I think Brownie will be the first to test/beta and it should be relatively soon? So excited to start hearing the news roll in and start imagining the IVF/FET baby boom we should be having around here next spring!
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
@twodoghouse: April/May is the perfect time to have a baby in my opinion!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@Mrs. Jacks: I find out Sunday. Only because I am a hold out and refuse to pee on a stick earlier. All the fet timelines say I should have enough to detect as of today. I'd rather hope for two more days than face reality (no matter which way it goes).
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@Mrs. Jacks: I certainly hope so! Thank you for rooting us on.
@Apex: good luck today!
@twodoghouse: do you feel back to normal today? FX that you hear from the RE soon!
I had another appointment today and my follies are growing nicely. I'm going back on Sunday for more monitoring. The RE told me today that my retrieval should be Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm hoping for Tuesday! My stomach is so sore at this point.
Oh, and I've lost two pounds from the no carb diet. I thought I would be bloated and my pants would be too tight. Instead they are getting loose.
pear / 1750 posts
I've been stalking this thread and I just wanted to say good luck to everyone! Reading about your experiences is really uplifting to me, since I may be doing IVF in the future. Thanks for sharing
honeydew / 7230 posts
Just got a call from my doctor's office. Of the 12 eggs we got yesterday, 8 were mature and 6 of those 8 fertilized normally. We are tentatively scheduled for a day 3 transfer on Sunday, but we will get a call by 10 am that morning to let us know whether it will get pushed back to a 5 day transfer instead. Hopefully our little embryos keep growing alright in the meantime...
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@twodoghouse: 6 is good! Do you have a preference over 3 or 5 day transfer?
honeydew / 7230 posts
@Leialou: I think I'd prefer a 5 day transfer, but I'm just going to go with whatever the dr. says. If we do the 3 day it will be nice that it's on a Sunday so I won't have to worry about work that day, but that afternoon is also my husband's fantasy football draft so he's scrambling around now to find someone who can draft for him. So it'd be nice if it got pushed back to Tuesday and he could just do his draft on Sunday. (Not that a fantasy football draft matters in the grand scheme of things! But I think he's stressed figuring out what to do if he can't be there since the league is with my guy co-workers and he doesn't know many of them very well).
apricot / 452 posts
@twodoghouse: 6 is amazing!!! That is great! Now, you just get to wait. I think this is the hardest part. I will be thinking good thoughts for your 6 little ones. How many do you think you will transfer?
I totally understand the whole fantasy football draft! Fantasy drafts are important times in our house. What time would your transfer be? He might be able to make the draft if your transfer is in the morning.
honeydew / 7230 posts
@justdarling: We are hoping to transfer two, but it may depend on whether we think we'll have some to freeze. If we think there'll be some to freeze I'd be more inclined to do a single. What are you leaning towards? I can't remember.
My transfer will be at 1:45 on Sunday if we do a 3 day so prime draft time! I think as a compromise, my husband may go to the start of the draft (at 11:30 am) and then leave early. I don't know yet, though. I'm going to try not to let it bother me. My hormones are totally out of control from the trigger shot so I'm not going to get sensitive emotional about the draft. Or at least, that's what I keep telling myself, haha.
Has anyone ever done Progesterone in Oil shots? Last night's was SO painful and it's still super tender now. I'm wondering if any experts out there have any tips for this one.
apricot / 452 posts
@twodoghouse: I think we are only transferring one and that's only because we did the genetic testing. We know that the 3 that we have are normal, so our chances of this working are a little higher. If we had not done the genetic testing then we would have done 2.
I'm sure the PIO shots are not helping your hormones right now! I'm nt longer feeling overly emotional, but I think that's because we are no longer shooting things into my body. You are also in the middle of a very emotional process. I was a wreck when our snow babies were growing. I would be getting a little pissy about the draft. That's so great of you for trying to not let it bother you. Good luck on Sunday!
clementine / 770 posts
Thank you so much for all the well wishes ladies. Its really nice to share this journey with you.
@twodoghouse: Congratulations lady, 50% of your babies made it. How are you feeling/recovering from the retrieval?
Oh and by the way, My transfer went GREAT. I'm really hoping for twins, cos I don't want to do this whole thing again. So my RE choose to thaw 3 because in some cases, some snowbabies don't make the thaw. Anyways all 3 made the thaw, with 2 already hatching, so we went ahead and transferred all 3. My DH is excited about the 5% chance of having triplets. He thinks its cute, he has no idea how much of a challenge it would be. I would know, my sister has triplets, and she has the patience of an angel.....God help us all
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@twodoghouse: No tips on PIO shots because mine are terribly painful and they leave large lumps in my butt. I do freeze my butt because the allergic reaction to EMLA was worse (and I don't do shots to it CAN'T hurt). Only 5 more weeks....
@Apex: Only 5% for trips with 3 embryos? We did 2 embryos and trips is my major fear. I also would love twins but my hub not so much.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@twodoghouse: had to take pio for weeks. Try not to hit the same spot twice. I want to say I alternated butts, but can u believe I forgot already? Also, make sure to massage the area so there is no buildup.
@Apex: wow triplets!! My hubby keeps saying things would have been so much easier with singleton, we have twins. Good luck!!! But how FUN to have triplets with your sister!
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