eggplant / 11861 posts
My O day was the 20th we BD the 18th, 19th and 21st
Just couldnt get it on that night of
Hoping February is it!!
Would be very close to DD Bday in Dec, but great with work and time off as a teacher!!!
kiwi / 501 posts
@artsyfartsy: Doc won't prescribe progesterone. I have to see a RE for that. Super frustrating because I feel like it will be such an easy fix!! Hoping this cycle you get your sticky bean!! I feel like all TTC is consisted of is waiting!!!
@faithfertility: We are cycle buddies!! I O'd on the 20th too! I didn't O until day 18, so I won't go in until 7 days after... So around day 25. Since it was a medicated O, it should be over 20. At this point I'll take anything over 10 though! Now the waiting begins!!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@Winnie13: Ugh how frustrating!
I hope this cycle is it. A due date this month would be inconvenient for events at work though. The last 2 would have been better timing for work, and NEXT cycle would actually be perfect I hope that means I'll hit the not as great timing month. Haha. I wouldn't mind though.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@Winnie13: clomid right?!
I took it many many times for DD with OB and an RE!
kiwi / 501 posts
@FaithFertility: Femara, but I tried Clomid 3 times. This is my 4th go round on Femara. My last hurrah before the RE!
When do you think you'll POAS?
eggplant / 11861 posts
@Winnie13: My app says AF ia due 2/5 so maybe then! I hold off or at least try too
eggplant / 11861 posts
@Winnie13: Best of luck this cycle! See you on February board too!
kiwi / 501 posts
@FaithFertility: Thanks!! to you!! That's a long wait!! I know I'll test early... I'm going to wait at least till DPO11. Technically, it's still Jan!!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
We're waist deep in snow (literally) right now and someone posted this on FB this morning. I showed it to DH and said "I hope so" haha!
kiwi / 501 posts
@artsyfartsy: Lol! We even got some snow flurries in FL!! It's cold everywhere!
blogger / apricot / 389 posts
Well, I'm out this cycle. After a stupid long cycle (40 days) I'm hoping this next one is closer to my average of 29-34 days.
cherry / 174 posts
@narwhal: I'm sorry. Long cycles are the pits. I took prenatal vitamins my whole cycle for the first time this month and I ovulated a full week earlier than usual (CD18 vs CD23-26). If you're not already taking them, it can't hurt to try. Good luck next month!
pear / 1852 posts
Sorry for the delay....
23- JLM22
27- MRS. D
31- WINNIE13
Feb 1st- WIFEMAMA24
Cheerleaders: WHERES_C, PWNSTA
pear / 1852 posts
I"m not even what's going on with my cycle this month. I'm not using OPK's yet. Kinda pointless when hubby is away so much, so we BD when he's home regardless of ovulation, just because we're glad to be in each others arms!
My temperature has been up and down all month, but pretty much ALL up since a few days after AF left earlier this month. I've even taken a couple negative tests to make suere I didn't miss something last month considering how HIGH they've been.
Just waiting and seeing. I'll test again later this week as scheduled assuming I'm on a 28 day cycle.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@Litebrite: I haven't been taking my prenatals just because I don't want to waste them. Maybe I should start.
cherry / 174 posts
@artsyfartsy: Who knows if they helped, but I'm pretty sure it won't hurt to try. Also, I feel like over the counter prenatals are a lot cheaper now than when I was pregnant three years ago so I didnt feel so wasteful taking them.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@Litebrite: It won't hurt to try! I probably would benefit from the extra vitamins anyway, preggo or not.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Mrs. D: I was going to start temping this month again, so I did for a few days. My temps were soooo high. Like way above my usual even post O temps. Then I got super nauseous for a few days so I ended up taking a test ( even though I had AF a week or so ago. ) It was negative, but I was so thrown off by the super high temps. I wasn't feeling well, so I guess I was battling something, but I put my thermometer away and decided not to temp this month either.
@artsyfartsy: It's recommended to take prenatals while TTC too It can take a while for everything to build up.
kiwi / 501 posts
@artsyfartsy: My doc told me to start a prenatal 3 months before TTC. That was in Aug 2014 and I'm still taking one!! I definitely recommended taking a prenatal daily.
@mrsb2012: @mrs. D: My temps have been a little off too! My temp spiked 2 days before I got a pos OPK. I don't know if I'm 8DPO or 5... I would put the thermometer away if I didn't need it to confirm my O's. It can be confusing and frustrating though!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@Winnie13: I did when I was TTC my first and I did on my first cycle for this one but after a negative I didn't see the point. I forgot about the benefits. I guess I've just been counting myself out from the beginning assuming it would be a waste of time. I already have some on hand so I'm going to take it tonight!
persimmon / 1101 posts
@artsyfartsy: I just buy the 200 pack of Target brand cheapie prenatals for like 6 bucks. They have all the same ingredients as the fancy ones!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@Mrs. D: I'm here as a cheerleader
I'll most likely POAS February 3rd
pear / 1852 posts
23- JLM22
27- MRS. D
31- WINNIE13
Feb 1st- WIFEMAMA24
grape / 90 posts
It's 7dpo for me and I have no symptoms, I had cramping and sore breasts 4dpo but it went away, it's been 5 days since I've been feeling wet down there anf when I check there is nothing, I'm always checking to see If there is any blood since implantation bleeding happens 6-12 dpo. I tested 6dpo (way to early I know) & it was negative. I barely have any symptoms other than feeling wet is anyone else feeling the same but still have hope for a bpf? This 2ww is the worst
pear / 1852 posts
soooo..... aunt flo seems to be here a few days early, which means if I ovulated at all it didn't match up with when my hubby was home. So cycle 4 was a write off
On to cycle 5.... not even sure if his work schedule this month will have him home at all during my fertile period, depends on how ong this cycle will be. I was always (I think) consisitently 26-27 days. Since coming off BC to conceive the've been 23, 25, 28 and 25 days long. So on average shorter than before.
It doesn't look promising for the next few months
kiwi / 501 posts
AF showed her ugly face today. I O'd earlier than I thought... My OPK didn't even detect it, but my temps did rise, which I thought was peculiar. I guess I know why now. Made my first apt with an RE. In the meantime, I guess I'll try Femara, but bump it to 5mg. Sooo
Ovulation: 2/7
POAS: 2/17
TTCC: 12
Baby: #1
olive / 52 posts
I will be POAS on Feb 4th. Just started the TWW, but I had a some good tests this cycle. 12mm endo, one follicle at CD 14 at 19mm. Second month on clomid, so FXed.
pomegranate / 3032 posts
So 13dpo and my temps dropped and i poas just for fun and that was .... We'll see what happens next month
grapefruit / 4988 posts
Hi ladies, I'm joining here late. I had my last period (actually a chemical) on Dec 31 and have been averaging 35 day cycles so I wasn't sure if I'd be here or Feb. But I'm pretty sure I can test on Jan 31 so here I am.
Cycle Day: 27
TTC Cycle #: 3 (but we started TTC in August, with a mc and cp since then)
Ovulation & POAS date: 1/21, 1/31
Baby #: 2 (DD is 2 years 3 months, would be exactly 3 year gap if we conceive this month...same O date and everything)
Your plan this month: Try not to stress too much
For Fun: Did you make any resolutions other than to get a BFP? We decided to stop focusing solely on TTC and to have other things to look forward we booked a Disney vacation for the spring!
pear / 1852 posts
23- JLM22
Feb 1st- WIFEMAMA24
@FaithFertility: I know right? I wish I could tell his boss, NO, not that week! lol
Time for Most of us to Move to the February Board! But I'm still hopeful for the few who haven't reported AF yet. Good luck ladies!
apricot / 343 posts
I forgot to update! BFN for me, ah well. My husband is away next week and comes back like a day or two before O, so I'm counting myself out for next cycle. Good luck to everyone in February, I hope I don't see any of you in March!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@jlm22: that timing could still work out for you next month!
@catlady: only a few more days, good luck!
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