kiwi / 501 posts
@artsyfartsy: I'm sorry girl! It's definitely an emotional roller coaster!
So, I got a pos OPK this morning! I'm temping and should be able to narrow down my O day! Still think I'll POAS by the 31st. That will be about 11 DPO. Now, I BD and wait!
blogger / apricot / 389 posts
@artsyfartsy: I hope you are hanging in there and get a definitive answer soon. How many DPO are you??
I'm 10 dpo today (or questionably 9 based on my slow rise). It took everything in me not to test this morning. I was off yesterday with the stomach flu and a low grade fever. My temps are back to normal today and I'm hoping the fever didn't affect anything that might be in motion.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@narwhal: By my guess I'm 15dpo today. It's possible to be 13 or 14 though. I'm on CD29 today and still no sign of AF. I'm hanging in there. I'm putting it out of my mind til Friday. If I still don't have my period by then that's when I'm going to retest.
Hang in there! Glad you're feeling better. Just a couple more days till test time
cherry / 174 posts
@narwhal: You're getting close to testing time! Hope you're feeling better.
@artsyfartsy: sorry this cycle has been such a mind F. Our bodies can be so confusing
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@Litebrite: That's the perfect way to describe it. A mind f*ck lol!!
blogger / apricot / 389 posts
@Litebrite: I'm much better today but there isn't any food that's appealing in my house, and I'm actually hungry today! So I guess I need to go to the grocery store (I work from home).
@artsyfartsy: it is a total mind f*ck - I seriously hope you get your answer soon. Do you typically have long LPs?
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@narwhal: Not at all. I haven't been tracking my cycles every single month obviously...but when I have they're always shorter than usual. Last month was an 11 day LP. That's about typical, give or take a day.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
I'm out. Finally AF is here. Sucks though. This month would have really been great for timing.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
I'm 9dpo I think. I tested today and it looked pretty negative. I have 2 perfect little boys but have had 3 early losses since September. Did some preliminary testing this month for that, but was cleared to TTC. We didn't really try per se, but have a chance of being pregnant. I'm trying not to be anxious, but can't help it. It's been a lot of heart ache lately.
cherry / 134 posts
@artsyfartsy: sorry!!
@narwhal: good luck!! When are you going to test?
@winniebee: when will you test again??
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cheesehead: I have zero self control so will probably test every day until my period comes
olive / 52 posts
I think I updated here I am out for January. On to Feb. second month on clomid. FX I Poas in Feb early Feb 4th. I have a UltraSound scheduled for the 22. So I am trying to be on top of everything this month. I guess I say that every month....LOL
blogger / apricot / 389 posts
@artsyfartsy: ugh... I hate her! I'm sorry
@cheesehead: @FaithFertility: thanks! I'm not sure... I run the risk every morning haha... I'm trying to wait it out. AF is due to start showing her face on Friday. I'd like to wait until Friday or Saturday. I feel like I am setting myself up for disappointment if I test early and would like to wait, but it's SO TEMPTING. I only have one FRER, so I don't want to waste it early... and my internet cheapies say they don't detect until you're 1 day late.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@narwhal: it's so hard
I just don't buy them until 11-12DPO...because I'd POAS at 1DPO
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
I know I'll be a Feb POAS but rejoining anyway because I'll be here through the rest of January. Lol
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle #: 3
Ovulation & POAS date: Supposed to O on Feb 3rd. Period due 2/17 but going to POAS on 2/14 to hope for a nice Valentine's gift.
Baby #: 2! My son will be 2 in a month.
Your plan this month: Use OPKs to pinpoint O. BD every other day after period's over until well after O. DO NOT POAS until 2/14!!!
blogger / apricot / 389 posts
@winniebee: Sending you the best wishes for this cycle!
I'm so proud of myself this morning - it's 11DPO and I didn't POAS this morning! AF is set to start showing her face tomorrow at some point (I always start spotting first). I am going to still try and last until Saturday.
I flip flop between feeling totally pregnant and feeling like I'm definitely out... so I'm thankful I only have two days left.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
BFN this morning, 10DPO (I think? Maybe 9) I got a pretty good positive with DS2 at 9DPO so I'm feeling like I'm probably out.
apricot / 343 posts
@artsyfartsy: I'm sorry Good luck in February!
@narwhal: You're stronger than me! I started testing on Tuesday, ha! AF is due on Sat or Sun. With my daughter I got a BFP 4 days before my period, so I'm guessing I'm out this month!
@FaithFertility: I pretty much pee in sticks all month long
apricot / 343 posts
@winniebee: what kind of test? I used a wondfo and hoping it was still early, but like you, I got a positive early with DD. Good luck
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@jlm22: wondfo! DS1 I didn't test positive until 12DPO (very positive on wondfo and digital, HCG 70+) but I also didn't test any earlier than that!
cherry / 134 posts
Well, AF is a day late and a bfn today, so I'm guessing I'm just waiting for it to show up now. On to next month!
blogger / apricot / 389 posts
Well, I caved and tested this morning. It was negative (I even used my last FRER). I'm not out until I'm out, but I'm pretty bummed this morning.
I am totally okay with the negative part, but the fact that it's taking months to get pregnant again after getting pregnant from one time the first time (that ended in a CP in early Oct) is frustrating and such a mind game.
cherry / 174 posts
@winniebee: It looks promising for you! Hope you get a strong tomorrow!
@narwhal: sorry for the negative. But you're right, it's not over yet.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@narwhal: I feel you. Not exactly the same but we conceived DS on the first try. I kind of hoped that #2 would be the same but it's not turning out that way. Definitely frustrating and hard to understand.
Fingers crossed though! You aren't out yet!
kiwi / 501 posts
2 DPO ( I think) I haven't been getting high temps. I'm a little concerned I didn't have a strong O, which has been my problem all along. Tuesday I go for my progesterone check, so I'll know for sure then! Technically, I'll POAS next Sat. So, now I just wait. It's in God's hands!! How is everyone else??
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@Winnie13: Are you taking progesterone now?
And I'm fine! Just impatient at CD2.
cherry / 134 posts
@narwhal: not out yet!!
Im still waiting for AF to show, apparently I'm going to need to send out a search party soon. Hahaha
@winniebee: hope you get a strong soon!!
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