Anyone remember that scene in Bridget Jones's Diary when she describes the friend who is a Jellyfish? It might have only been in the book, not the movie. Anyway, it's a friend who approaches you and seems harmless, but then manages to make some sort of negative attack comment out of nowhere-- Jellyfish.

I used to be totally oblivious to these people (usually women, in my experience) but now I can spot them from a mile away. Bumped into one this past weekend who asked nicely about my pregnancy and how far along I was, and after I answered about how we're getting close and we're excited, she stung immediately: "oh, but isn't this where it gets really uncomfortable for the whole rest of the time? Hope you don't get too big!" Jellyfish.

I think some people are just used to asking questions and pointing out the negative. At least they make me appreciate the positive people so much more!