GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@MrsMccarthy: You make total sense! Thanks for taking the time to write all that down. I get your autism spectrum analogy. I hope your TTC for #2 doesn't bring you down too much and that your road down that path isn't too long.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@MrsMcD: you are so sweet! Without girls like you it would be a lot harder. My mood is really good these days and I meant it when I said that its an inspiration to hear people want what they have beyond always just having what they want. I can be an obsessive person and it steals the joy from my truly blessed life. It's good to be reminded of that. Conversely it's also good to be able to come on here and bitch about anything I want from the most petty grievance to big life challenges. It certainly keeps me from driving all of my loved ones insane as well.
pear / 1697 posts
New July BFPs
July 3: nicolechris11212
July 4: Crystal
July 5: ctegge0416, PawPrints, MrsMcCarthy
July 14: MrsStar, LilyoftheWest
July 17: Doxielove
July 20: LindsayinNY
July 26: MrsMcD
July 27: Septca
TBD: Marfi, AmeliaBedilia
Mama Graduates
ShayNanigans (Nov 16, TWINS!), Sandy (Dec 3), LittleK (Dec 5),
Charmed (Jan 15), CatchAFallingStar (Jan 15), BHBee (Jan 15), HappyGal (Jan 23), Snowdrop (Jan 30), Raindrop (Jan 30), HeartAbandoned (02/12) , IntotheOcean (02/22), MrsTicTacToe (02/24), Keppa (02/24) Sapphire (03/02)
If I messed something up or missed you please let me know.
pear / 1697 posts
CD: 10
Cycle #: 6
TTC #: 1
POAS date: 7/14
Backstory: Been having a lot of pain with period and ovulation since getting my IUD out. Could be endometriosis, could be something else. Got a much better handle on pain control over the course of the last month, but, still need to get knocked up.
July TTC plan/something new you want to try: Got a pelvic ultrasound this am to try to find cause of pain. Results sometime in the next week.
Silver Linings of not being KU: Even if I get knocked up on this very next cycle, I will not be obviously pregnant to strangers and I can still go hang gliding on my August vacation if it want to.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@lilyofthewest: I'm hoping you get some good results soon from your ultrasound. Unexplained pain is such a bummer! But at least you have a vacation coming up quickly!
@MrsMccarthy: I can tell your mood has been on the up and up lately. I'm glad you are feeling good and getting the support you need!
nectarine / 2192 posts
I really appreciate the perspectives on this thread. I have been letting TTC upset me a fair amount. Most of my unhappiness is (I think and hope) related to my old job and I am already feeling a little brighter since quitting. Once I get past my stress issues which I am working on, I think things will be brighter. DH is wonderful, I am excited about the new job (and four day workweek), we have a nice house, good friends, etc. I think my main worry with TTC is that now I will be at least 35 when #1 comes, and we want two kids. If this one takes this long, it makes me worry about problems with #2.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I try not to worry about age. Where I live, the average age of FTMs is 37.5. I am *by far* the youngest of my mom friends, and my doctor says 40 is the new 35.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I kind of agree with @septca. Age is by no means a guarantee of infertility. Most of my friends were over 37 when they STARTED! Some 40 year olds are more fertile than 25 year olds. The one thing I will say though is time is of the essense when you are older because we all will see our fertility end at some point. I think that's my biggest age related concern.
nectarine / 2358 posts
@MrsMcD: I saw on the other thread you are doing Clomid. I am a Clomid success story after 3 rounds. Fingers crossed for you!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I'm so glad you are seeing a light at the end of this tunnel! I truly believe your less stressful job will be such a good thing for you. And I hope you are enjoying your vacation! As for age... try to stop worrying about that because there is certainly nothing you can do about it! As time goes on for me, I just keep thinking about how much more ready DH and I are for a baby than were were a year ago. Age is usually a good thing in most circumstances if you can look at it the right way.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Mrs.Panda: Thank you for letting me know about your success! Was your clomid with or without IUI? And with or without monitoring? Thank you again!
nectarine / 2358 posts
@MrsMcD: I didn't have monitoring aside from the day 25 blood work. I'm glad we did day 25 instead of 21 because I O'd CD 23 and would have missed it, potentially taking Provera during my BFP cycle. I can't even think of that. I didn't have any ultrasounds during the medication, just one before the start of it all to make sure I didn't have cysts. I did 50mg during the first 2 cycles with no O on OPKs so my OB wanted to refer me to a RE. I asked for just one cycle at 100 to try it and see if I could O. Maybe because I'm a nurse she trusted me or maybe I'm a pushy biatch but she let me and it worked!
nectarine / 2358 posts
@MrsMcD: oh forgot to mention no IUI or HSG. We did SMEP, baby aspirin until O, Mucinex around O, and Preseed. And of course OPKs.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Mrs.Panda: Thanks! This is all such great information.
apricot / 278 posts
CD: 27
Cycle #: lucky #7
TTC #: 1
POAS date: 7/3
Backstory: DH and I have been TTC since last August/September but I am only counting 7 cycles within that timeframe as we bought a house and renovated and barely BD'ed! Cycle 6 I went to my ob/gyn and they did u/s and HyCoSy and blood work. DH had a SA. Results came back fairly good…my prolactin levels were a little high and DH's motility was slightly on the lower side…DH's urologist said he wasn't overly concerned. I was referred to RE but have yet to make an appt…if AF comes…I'll make an appt.
July TTC plan/something new you want to try: If AF comes…I think I am going to stop taking my temps, definitely no OPK's. I didn't use any OPK's this cycle and things definitely have been a bit less stressful! Now I'll ditch the thermometer. We use pre-seed every now and then. No more BD'ing and more s-e-x, lol. Oh, and I went to the gym today…first time in probably 8 months or so. I want to lose like 5-10 lbs. So I'm going to be exercising more as well! It felt so good! And I will continue to eat healthy.
Silver Linings of not being KU: sangria! and wine and sushi sushi sushi and more time to finish house renovations. I have a gift card to go zip lining that I won a year ago…haven't used it as a "just in case"…maybe I'll say screw it and just go!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
Excited to be officially throwing my hat in the ring for July!
CD: 17-I think I O'ed yesterday
Cycle #: 7
TTC #: 2
POAS date: July 14?
Backstory: Trying for LO#2 since last August. BFP first cycle trying that round ended in miscarriage at 12 wks in Nov. We are now on cycle 7 since that loss and recently passed the original due date. I just turned 35 a month ago. So, I am hoping that the time it is taking this time is a function of poor timing and needing to heal and older eggs, and not something more significant. Feeling optimistic for this cycle but hoping not to get my hopes up too much.
July TTC plan/something new you want to try: We have been using conceive+ and it has been going well. I am optimistic about our timing this month so I am hopeful this is the lucky one. I think the focus on enjoying each other instead of just BD to BD has helped the last two months. I am hoping for a BFP in a few weeks, but if not, I may go back to charting so I have info if needed for a dr consult in the future...
Silver Linings of not being KU: Energy to get through what is going to be a busy/stressful summer due to DH's work; drinking Sam Adams Summer Ale (my favorite beer); getting to have my LO be the center of my attention for a little longer; the flexibility of one nap schedule and one child to attend to, the cost of one kid in daycare, more time to save up to buy a bigger home when #2 comes along...feeling better already!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@MrsMcD: to answer your question about happiness, which is a good and important one, I think I am fairly happy overall. I have a lot of things to be thankful for etc etc. But I have to admit that I have cried nearly every month when I got my period. I think some of it is from feeling like we are ready as a family, LO is obsessed with babies and would be a great big sister, and there is something appealing about getting the new baby stage over with and having the kids get bigger and be closer together in age.
I think there was also this sense of wanting to be pregnant before my original due date because it would some way make it more bearable. But I wasn't, and I survived anyway. There are also a million pregnancies around me and I think some of it is feeling left out, or afraid of being left behind.
That was probably a longer answer than you were expecting, but that is where my head has been with all this.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
I just had some actual spotting. FX its implantation!
I think I'm fairly happy. What I'm not happy about I am actively trying to change my circumstances. I do need to be a mother to feel complete, though. Regardless of what form it comes in.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@Crystal: FX for you that it is implantation! I'm in the same boat - first time ever, I saw a light pink streak that could potentially be implantation bleeding. I'm 7 DPO, expecting my period in five days. I'm googling implantation bleeding and seeing lots of confirmation regarding the timing. Could be! How many DPO are you?
honeydew / 7295 posts
@MamaCate: I hope this is your lucky month!
@Crystal: @PawPrints: oh man oh man! Good luck ladies! I am 6DPO and nothing. I had IB with my son at 11DPO. It was just a tiny bit of pink when I wiped then nothing and I had creamy. I was sure my period was coming early.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@PawPrints: I'm 10DPO. Period arrives between 13-14DPO
The month I got my BFP I had some spotting at 9-10DPO.
Trying not to get my hopes up!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@MrsMccarthy: @Crystal: That does sound promising! I tried not to get my hopes up... for like five minutes. Then I said screw it, if it is a BFN I'll be disappointed regardless, so I might as well enjoy a little bit of delirious optimism for now
grape / 92 posts
CD: 22
Cycle #: 12
TTC #: 1
POAS date: 14 July - Not sure if I have ovulated yet.
July TTC plan/something new you want to try: I will be trying castor oil massage, conceive plus, pregnacare conceive and zinc tablets.
cherry / 159 posts
CD: 23/ 7DPO
Cycle #: 7
TTC #: 1
POAS date: July 3rd...I may actually wait and see if AF comes on the 5th or 7th since I have had no symptoms what so ever and then I can save myself a test.
Backstory: Had a MMC with D&C in May at 7 weeks and this is my first cycle since and Dr. said to go for it so, I did!
July TTC plan/something new you want to try: After AF I am going to continue to temp and use fertilityfriend, use OPKs twice a day from CD10 until I get a positive and have sex everyday during my fertile window. I am also going to use concieve plus this month and drink grapefruit juice and maybe mucinex if I am still dry like I was this month.
Silver Linings of not being KU: Wine! I will get to attend my BIL's wedding this month and not have morning sickness. Have energy to finish remodeling our backyard.
cherry / 159 posts
@nicolechris11212: SUSHI!!! I totally forgot about sushi! I need to start having sushi every week
grapefruit / 4770 posts
Ah the familiar comfort of all you ladies makes me happy. Love the thread title. I'm hanging out at 11dpo. Haven't tested since 9dpo. I'm playing a game this month. How long can my luetal phase be!? If AF doesn't start today I would've added a day! I don't have any symptoms so not bother testing.
cherry / 159 posts
@MrsMcD: I am very happy. It is funny you ask this because DH and I were talking a few days ago and he had to remind me to look around and remember all the things that once filled my life with joy can still do that even if it doesn't include a baby at this point. Sometimes I just need to be reminded that as much as I want a baby I still have my amazing husband our two crazy dogs, great family and friends.
@MrsMccarthy: I do not think you could be selfish if you tried to be. There is nothing wrong with being fulfilled and grateful for having your son and sharing that with others!
cherry / 230 posts
CD: 29
Cycle: 1,364,895 (?)
TTC #2
POAS date: 7/2
Well I went ahead and POAS this a.m. BFN. But I knew that already. With low estrogen last month and only one BD session I never got my hopes up. Now this next month will be a different story!
Background: Had DS in 2008. Had Mirena IUD for a couple of years. Took it out in March 2011. NTNP for about a year to 18 months. Really got down to business trying in October 2013. HSG in May. Found out this cycle I have low estrogen and will start clomid this cycle. Oh, and I'm 34 and our son will soon turn 6! Wahhh! He needs a sibling!!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@MrsMccarthy: thanks! Hoping this is it for you and everyone else too! I am feeling optimistic as we hit three of the last four days which should be rigt around o. The waiting half begins soon!
nectarine / 2192 posts
AF is here. I already expected it so doing ok. We had sushi yesterday and it was good! Today's plan: pray, read the bible, work on some of my issues, work out, and get the house in better order. When DH gets home, we will watch US beat Belgium.
cherry / 159 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: That sounds like an amazing day! If you find any passages that help you today I would love to hear them. I am always looking for verses that can help me find comfort and hope.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@ctegge0416: So sorry about your loss in May. I went through the same type of loss last fall and it is so sad. Let me know if I can be a support to you in any way.
@Crystal: belated thanks for starting the thread--I love the title!
@PawPrints: This is such a good point. I have been trying not to get my hopes up but you are right that it is disappointing regardless. I hope that your hopes are fulfilled this time around!
@AmeliaBedilia: Glad to hear you are doing ok. Sounds like a really good plan for the day. Go USA!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@ctegge0416: Thanks! I am using the Life Recovery bible which is awesome!
Also, circle and bloom has a free program for women who have had a miscarriage. I haven't used it but the other circle and bloom stuff I have used has been good.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
As you guys know, I just returned to my normal office after 9 months away at a different organization. And HOLY BABY BOOM! I can't do anything around here without running into 3 pregnant ladies. Sigh.
apricot / 278 posts
@crystal: @pawprints: FX for implantation!!
@ameliabedilia: I'm so happy to hear you're doing okay and glad you enjoyed your sushi!!
I think AF will be making her uninvited arrival soon as the temp trend is still on its way down...looks like a slow slope down and it'll probably drag out for a couple more days just to torture me more. This month I'll be pretty upset as it was the best BD timing yet. Sometimes I wish she would just come already...get it over with. Sigh...
nectarine / 2192 posts
@septca: Hugs!
One more silver lining: not being 8 months pregnant in July. It's too hot as it is.
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