grapefruit / 4770 posts
@septca: ugh, I hate that. They're everywhere!!
@nicolechris11212: I know the feeling. This was our best month yet too.
No AF yet! She is normally here at 10am!
cherry / 159 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Thank you!
@MamaCate: I am so sorry for your loss. It is very hard to be so excited and fulfilled by something and have it gone so quickly. Sometimes I feel guilty TTC again so quickly after. Thank you so much for your support and it goes both ways if you ever need anything let me know.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
My body is SO FREAKING CRUEL. I go to bathroom, no AF. I take a test. While I'm waiting for results, I go o wipe, ad AF is here. WTF!!!!!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@dc yoga bee: That is so frustrating! One of my friends swears that the best way to make your period come is to take a pregnancy test- she says it always starts right after. Hugs! You're my cycle twin this month.
cherry / 166 posts
@dc yoga bee: argh! That exact thing happened to me last cycle, ON MY BIRTHDAY! Grrr. Sorry for that.
eggplant / 11861 posts
Happy July! May this month bring BFP, good results and overcomings!!!!!!!
Praying for all
cherry / 166 posts
CD: 34
Cycle #: 7
TTC #:1
POAS date: July 4
Backstory: I'm old. Really old (40). Just kidding - it doesn't bother me as much as 38 did, for some reason...?
I was first TTC 10 yrs ago, but that marriage ended and I met my forever-man 2yrs ago. So TTC again, I'm learning now that I have PCOS and so it's not just my age that is a factor. So, I'm working on sorting out my hormones and have an appointment at fertility clinic in August. Not really thinking natural conception will happen, but there's always a teeny bit of hope. In the meantime, I like following along with you girls, so I'm sticking with the group.
July TTC plan/something new you want to try: I am holding out no hope for a July BFP. DH is studying and has to re-write the NY Bar exam. We are also moving Aug 1. Stressed much?!?
Soooo... It's kinda nice to have a month of no worrying about TTC - no OPKs, no BD-on-demand, no tww! Until August at least.
Silver Linings of not being KU: Sleep when I want. Eat n drink what I want. Summer vacation is mine!
Here's to a month of watermelon bellies for all you ladies!
nectarine / 2192 posts
I just talked to one of my best friends who doesn't know we are TTC (I am concerned she would be so excited that she would have trouble keeping her mouth shut). We are usually pretty open with each other. She said I sounded tired or drunk. I said I am having one of those "period started and feeling tired" kind of days. I figured this would quell the "are you pregnant?" questions. Her response: "You know, if you got pregnant, that would stop, right?" I know she didn't mean anything by it, but it sucks to hear. I figured you ladies would understand.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@Tam: I hope you get a bfp this month! That sounds like a very good plan you have.
@septca: Poo on all the preggies! I hope you are flaunting yours next and in MUCH better weather and clothes!
@nicolechris11212: UGH! I hate when i bring out the kitchen sink and work so hard and then AF come. That's why I tend to alternate days. Still holding out hope for you! If not this cycle then next.
@dc yoga bee: I'm so sorry honey! That is a very cruel trick. Go get yourself a REALLY big treat. I hope July brings you magic!
@ctegge0416: Come on rainbow baby!!!!!
@organicmama: Sorry Honey! No matter what a long shot it is I always get a bit hopeful in the TWW that I will be proven wrong. This TTC aint for sissies. HUGS and VERY hopeful for your clomid cycle!!!!!
We are all gonna get our watermelons!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@LIL BEAN: We are the Golden Girls of TTC! But like Septca said 40 is the new 35! FX!!!!
@AmeliaBedilia: Sometimes it's so hard. I actually tell a lotof my friends for that reason. But i know that can be hard too.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
Well, it wasn't implantation bleeding. Shortest LP.... ever. SEVEN days! It's frustrating because after the m/c I read so much about women whose cycles went right back to normal and conceived within a couple cycles, so I was not prepared for this late ovulation and shortening LP nonsense.
I do stand by what I said last night though. We don't get a ton of opportunities to get excited on this TTC journey, so might as well enjoy them when they come. I really don't think it makes the disappointment any harder than it already is.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: That really sucks. I get tempted sometimes to tell people so that those conversations get easier, but I feel like the questions would just be even worse. Sorry you had that happen.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@PawPrints: I'm so sorry dove. In my case B6 definitely helped my LP a bit. It sounds like your hormones are still regulating. Vitex can also help some. Short LPs blow monkey butt! I hope you are back to normal and rainbow babied by the end of this month!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@MrsMccarthy: Thanks! I wasn't so sure about Vitex when I read about it, but I guess it couldn't hurt to take short term.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@PawPrints: if you don't like vitex then I strongly suggest a B complex. Vitex is sold in teas as well and that might be a more optimal way to take it if you choose to. I think he B complex is more helpful though.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
CD: 1
Cycle #: 9
TTC #: 1
POAS date: 7/31
Backstory: Both 27, 10 day LP, not getting pregnant
July TTC plan/something new you want to try: I'll be out of town O-3 through O. Only hitting O-4 andO-5 so no point this month.
Silver Linings of not being KU: I don't know. I'm not seeing a bfp and it's not quite feeling like a silver lining right now.
kiwi / 578 posts
CD: 18
Cycle #: 9
TTC #: 1
POAS date: 7/12
Backstory: Started trying last December. Did SMEP method for the first 6 months then switched to EOD. So BD timing hasn't been an issue. Dr doesn't seem too concerned yet. Wants to wait until 1 year to look into anything. Have short LP's (8-10 days) and started a B-complex last cycle. I went from 8 day LP two cycles ago to 13 days last cycle...woohoo!
July TTC plan/something new you want to try: Have used conceive plus instead of preseed this cycle and the last. Hit EOD but did away with temping and OPKs. Just needed a break...ttc can get life consuming for me and I'm really trying to take a step back.
Silver Linings of not being KU: doing whatever, whenever. Want to travel for the weekend? Great. Want to eat or drink something awful for you? Perfect...two servings please. Last but not least...just being the two of us.
kiwi / 578 posts
Hope I didn't miss anyone! Let me know if I did
New July BFPs
July 2: OrganicMama
July 3: nicolechris11212, ctegge0416
July 4: Crystal, Lil Bean
July 5: PawPrints, MrsMcCarthy
July 12: eabae
July 14: MrsStar, LilyoftheWest, MamaCate, Tam
July 17: Doxielove
July 20: LindsayinNY
July 26: MrsMcD
July 27: Septca
July 31: DC Yoga Bee
TBD: Marfi, AmeliaBedilia
Mama Graduates
ShayNanigans (Nov 16, TWINS!), Sandy (Dec 3), LittleK (Dec 5),
Charmed (Jan 15), CatchAFallingStar (Jan 15), BHBee (Jan 15), HappyGal (Jan 23), Snowdrop (Jan 30), Raindrop (Jan 30), HeartAbandoned (02/12) , IntotheOcean (02/22), MrsTicTacToe (02/24), Keppa (02/24) Sapphire (03/02)
honeydew / 7295 posts
@dc yoga bee: Some days there is no silver lining. Some days just plain suck! hugs
@eabae: Wow! congrats on the LP. How much B6 are you taking? Maybe i need to up my dosage. Good luck this month!
I am that goofy person who tested on a wondfo at 7DPO. Yes that is me. I tried to see something but even my line eye wouldnt cooperate. I have a pale line on an OPK (yes I do pee on all the sticks) but I know that builds up for a surge right before ones period as well. Hoping and praying my period at least stays away till friday or later. We shall see. And i know 7DPO is ridiculously early for a BFP so I'm not out. Not feeling like this is it though. oh well.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@Crystal: I'm strongly cheering on all of you, and wanted to send you, Crystal, love and light as you wait to POAS.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@dc yoga bee: That is mega cruel. I'm right there with you at CD2. Nearly twins again.
@LIL BEAN: Try not to stress too much, dear. Let your husband worry about his bar exam and you try to relax.
@AmeliaBedilia: That does suck to hear. Sorry, lady.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@MamaCate: Thanks for answering my "happiness" question. I'm sorry you are crying so much, but I do think you seem like you are nicely balanced. I'm hoping you get your next LO soon!
@ctegge0416: Thanks also for weighing in on the "happiness" issue. I love that you and your DH talked about it recently! You sound like me and my DH, minus the crazy dogs.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@MrsMcD: thanks for the sweet words! I do cry just for a little and then I try to move on. Prayer helps. All the positive energy on this thread is helping too!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: aww! You are so sweet!
@dc yoga bee: I'm so sorry, stupid AF.
@MrsMccarthy: 7DPO is early! FX you get a BFP in the next few days!
Apparently I've accidentally been using OPKs instead of HPTs the last two days. Oops.
@eabae: that's great your LP increased! Woo!
@PawPrints: I'm so sorry.
I kept reading stories like that too and hoping that would be me. It's been over 7 months, and took me 5 months til my cycle became normal again. I hope that's not the case for you.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@Crystal: Thanks for sharing, it does help to hear other people's stories. I picked up a bottle of B complex vitamins this afternoon on @MrsMccarthy 's recommendation so hopefully that will help.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@MamaCate: I hearing you on the crying just a little. I'm in the midst of a down day. I plan to try it just be asleep by 8pm or so and hope this down-ness is gone when I wake up!
@Crystal: opks instead of hpts?!? When is AF due?
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MrsMcD: yeah, I keep getting BFNs. I'm hoping it's because I was using the wrong one. I'm 11DPO, AF usually starts on "14DPO."
I am having some dark spotting on and off, I am so hoping it's implantation bleeding.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@Crystal: If you are having IB then you probably will take a couple of days afterward to see a BFP. Also are you SURE about your O dates? If you O a bit late you could be a bit behind and another reason for BFN. I know it's early. I'm not feeling very pregnant this month ( though the months i have felt pregnant i wasnt so who knows). I guess we will know soon enough. At this point I am just hoping for that longer LP!
kiwi / 578 posts
@MrsMccarthy: @Crystal: thanks friends!!!
@MrsMccarthy: It's "Nature Made Balanced B-100 Complex" and it has 100 mg of B6 in it. Got it at Kroger. Last cycle I only took it from the day after ovulation to the first day of my period. Doing the same this go round. FX for you this month too!!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MrsMccarthy: between the meds and travel This month, it could be throwing my cycle off, so I'm just hoping it's IB. Im pretty sure of my O date, but didn't temp this month. The date predicted by FF due to OPKs is consistent with my cycle pattern, so I feel confident about it.
I don't feel pregnant this month either, but I don't really have an idea of what "pregnant" feels like either.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@eabae: Thanks! mine is only 75mg. Maybe i will up my dosage to twice a day. I do know B6 needs to be taken very regularly to stay in your system.
@PawPrints: Here this will help you with absorbtion. Make sure to avoid tea and coffee as well as they can also be inhitbitors.
nectarine / 2192 posts
I just "treated" myself to a new menstrual cup. It's coming from Europe, so it won't be here for this cycle. Maybe this will help me get out of the trying mentality- I bought this because we're not "trying." So hoping that this will get me a BFP so I won't be able to use it for a while.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: ooh would you let me know how you like it? I have been thinking of getting one but haven't pulled the trigger yet.
@MrsMcD: sorry you are having a rough day. It happens to the best of us! Hope you can rest and find a way to treat yourself to get through this patch. Hugs!
@Crystal: hoping for good news for you soon!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@MamaCate: I have a small one from when I had my mirena, but ordered a bigger one so I don't have to change it as often. I LOVE my cup. It has made AF so much less of a pain.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I have had friends who swear by the diva cup and I hate dealing with the logistics of my period so I have been tempted. What kind did you order?
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@MamaCate: Thanks lady. Ice cream and wine are helping. But I wanted to take my nailpolish off my nails tonight and I just realized I don't have any nail polish remover. I nearly cried. DH asked over the phone, "did you start your period, babe?" Ugh. So obvious I suppose. I'll finish my wine and go to sleep.
What's something fun we can all talk about?
cherry / 230 posts
@DC yoga bee: ohhh that's not cool. The same freaking thing happened to me last cycle too. Except I was all covert style in the bathroom stall at work sneaking in a quick HPT (pssh, doesn't everyone do that?!?) Balanced the test on the trash can, wiped, and BAM! Someone could have slapped me in the face and I would have had the same reaction. Cruel is a good word to describe it. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Tomorrow is a new day. One day closer to your BFP
@mrsmcd: sorry about the crappy day. But this month will bring exciting things for your ttc journey... besides, you know you wanted to try the clomid with me
Something happy... anyone have suggestions on puppy training? We have an 8 month old dork in (dachshund/Yorkie mix) who is INSANE. I had to buy him a Bad to the Bone tshirt cuz he's just that... BAD. but he's such a sweet boy. Even though he's turned every one of my son's action figures into paraplegics. My son even says he's perfect for our family cuz he's a little weird and we're a weird family. Hmmm... Anyone done Petco or Petsmart lately for dog training?
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