grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MrsMcD: I missed where you posted about your bad day. I'm so sorry, friend. Wine sounds divine.
I hate when I want to do something simple and am missing a key supply, especially when I am already upset. It's like the final straw.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@organicmama: we did Petsmart training and liked it. It's definitely good for the basics.
I have totally taken tests at work.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@organicmama: Your little pup sounds adorable.Good luck with the training!
@Crystal: Oh my gosh... the missing key supply was totally the final straw. My bad day included, but was not limited to, a cancelled flight, dead car battery on rental car, airport change, and so on and so on. Silver lining was meeting an amazing Nicaraguan cab driver named Walter, bonding with a christian tow truck driver from Malta named Nick, and seeing my opposing counsel cry in court while reading her scripted losing argument. If only she knew I cried hours later over nail polish. Bahahaha. Alls well that ends well.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@organicmama: I was in the work bathroom too!
Thanks guys, yesterday was just one sucky day.
@MrsMcD: Your story made me smile.
cherry / 159 posts
I am going to be 9DPO in about 20 mins and just went to the bathroom to find a whole lot of EWCM! I had two days of positive OPKs on CD15 and CD16. I am very confused. I went and checked my cervix and it feels high and Soft not very open but not super closed either. Has anyone O'd two times in the same month? HELP!
cherry / 159 posts
@MrsMcD: I am glad your day got better! Sorry it had such a rough start.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@Crystal: cup is a little gross, but I don't think it's any worse than anything else. Let's face it- AF is gross. The biggest problem I have had is that it dislodged my old IUD, but that won't bother anyone on this board. The other issue is that I sometimes leak, but I think that is because I need a bigger cup (hoping that works). If you want more info, I highly recommend googling livejournal menstrual cup- those women are obsessed with menstrual cups and know everything.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@LIL BEAN: and @dc yoga bee:
@ctegge0416: I don't think two days of positive opks means you ovulated twice. I think you just tested twice during the same surge. So I don't know anything about cervical positions, but maybe there are all good symptoms!
nectarine / 2173 posts
@MrsMcD: It's funny how we can hold it together at work, but sometimes there's just not enough room/space to hold it together in our personal lives...
pear / 1697 posts
@ctegge0416: Are you temping such that you can confirm you're definitely 9dpo?
If not, it is possible you just didn't ovulate and are gearing up to do it now. I'd BD just to be safe. I do also get more EWCM right before AF though...and many women report having wetter CM in pregnancy. So, it is the last of those options!
So far as I know, when multiple ovulations occur, they still happen within the same LH surge are aren't more than a day or two apart.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@MrsMcD: awww I hate the hormonal AF outbursts. Did you ever see the episode of Everybody loves Raymond called Bad Moon Rising? It covers this topic perfectly. Its on Netflix if you want a laugh that hits home. Hugs to you. Have some chocolate and wine! If you haven't had it try chocolate wine! Yum.
@ctegge0416: hey cycle twin! I answered your thread. Have you tested today? I did this morning and BFN not out at 8DPO but bfn always makes me brace myself. No spotting though so I am happy about that! I hope for zero spotting till 10+DPO
What's everyone's 4th of July plans? We have none so far and its driving me crazy! Husband likes to wing it, I like to plan. Ugh
apricot / 278 posts
So I hate to say...AF made her rude, uninvited arrival! I'm pretty upset but doing okay...DH is pretty bummed too. I feel bad. DH and I were talking about it if AF comes what can we do differently and well I decided I NEED to lose at least 10 lbs. So the past two days I brought my lazy ass to the gym for one hour each day and I've been eating VERY healthy! I feel so good and I'm very motivated for this and I know I can do it. DH told me that the scheduling of BD'ing stresses him out and feels that it is impacting our ttc. Sooooooo this cycle I am not temping or doing OPK's. I feel that temping since October that I understand my cycle enough that we are going to have fun-stress-free s-e-x! Maybe have some drunken sex thrown in there, LOL. Andddd we will see what happens!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@nicolechris11212: aw honey I am so sorry about AF! You have a great attitude though and bravo on your gym commitment! I need to get back in that game!
Sounds like the majority of our group ate taking a go with the flow type approach to this months TTC! I hope it reaps rewards for everyone. I'm not there right now and will probably hit July pretty hard if I am not pregnant this cycle(and I straggly suspect that I am not). Still hoping for a longer LP at least and ill probably back it off a little bit for cycle 9 if I get there because I really do believe in breaks from obsessing and enjoying ones summer!
cherry / 230 posts
@nicolechris11212: Dang it. Sorry girl
Well I also started today. I called it but it still sucks. I am pretty excited about trying the clomid this month though. I'm praying I don't get super hormonal and turn into a DH repellent. But the stats say of those with ovulation issues, clomid helps 40-45% of couples to get pregnant. My RE also told me to use the CB digital OPK starting on about day 11 or 12. So while some of you are chillin' through July, I'll be the crazy one with her hopes up WAAAAY too high! LOL
What a journey!
bananas / 9229 posts
@organicmama: For what it's worth, I was concerned about all of that when I took Clomid and turned out I had ZERO side effects! A little PDA/touchy feely but otherwise no emotional stuff. FX that's the case for you!!
cherry / 230 posts
@lindsayinny: I'm hoping I'm the same way. Those sound like good side effects that DH could handle! How long did you take Clomid? Did it help your levels at all? If I remember correctly, you were taking progesterone?? Was the clomid the "next step" or did you take Clomid first?
bananas / 9229 posts
@organicmama: I took it CD4-9 since I couldn't start it on CD3 (I was on vacation) - so 5 days. I naturally O around CD19-21 or so. Clomid made me O early. I went in on CD15, I think it was, and she said I was already surging naturally (without the trigger shot). The following cycle I Oed a couple days early on my own. I don't know if it was because of the Clomid before or what? The only after effect that I had was a SUPER heavy AF the first day. So fair warning!! I was taking progesterone because I was spotting pre-AF. My ob/gyn prescribed it. When I went to the RE, Clomid/IUI were our next steps. He said my progesterone levels were fine and didn't see any need for taking it. I took Clomid but because of all the genetic testing drama, we pulled the plug on the IUI. I haven't been able to go back with a new job, out of town, etc. so next cycle we're hoping to proceed with it (if necessary - FX?!).
cherry / 230 posts
@lindsayinny: Thanks so much for answering my rapid fire questions. I think I've learned more from this board than I have from the RE (even though I really like her :))
Please forgive my ignorance but I have a couple more questions... So some are prescribed Clomid as a precursor to IUI? And I'm curious about the genetic testing drama... Do I dare ask?
persimmon / 1259 posts
Hello my friends, just checking in!! I know several of you were keeping up with my personal life for awhile and I just wanted to let you know that things are going 1000 times better with DH. Our first counseling appointment is tomorrow night, and in the meantime...we've improved our communication ten fold. I've received so much support from him lately and we're really on our way to being the happiest we've ever been.
That being said, you can count me in this month as NTNP. And definitely a cheerleader for the rest of you! I still might not work my way to being quite as active as I used to be, because I'm not ready to let it consume my life again quite yet, but I'll pop in more often!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@organicmama: so hopeful for your clomid cycle honey! My doctor says we will probably go the clomid route as well if I am not KU and still having LP issues by September. It can do amazing things.
@LindsayInNY: oh I didn't know gen testing was holding you guys back. I hope you get a natural bfp soon and don't have to do the IUI at all but naturally if you do do so I hope it's successful
. A friend of mine found through gen testing that her husband has a condition that made his count super low. He took clomid and they got pregnant naturally almost immediately even though they were going to to an IUI next step. Unfortunately they lost the pregnancy but the clomid raised his count and now they are a lot more hopeful for the IUI. They can't afford IVF and their clinic will only do 2 IUI so I am really praying for them! He is 40 and she is 34 so they worry about that too. I didn't realize that clomid could be so helpful even for males. I sometimes wonder about getting one of those home sperm kits to see if my husband has any issues. I wonder if he would be willing.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@nicolechris11212: Hugs! Your plan sounds a little like mine- stop temping, just have frequent sex, and take better care of myself. We're almost cycle twins too! AF came yesterday for me.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@sarahnicole218: So glad to hear a good update. You've been in my thoughts and prayers!
I had a fight with DH last night- I think it was really my fault, and probably largely from progesterone irritability. Plus AF has been heavier since starting the progesterone. I think this seals that I won't take progesterone this month, and will only test if I am late.
cherry / 230 posts
@lindsayinny: Ooohhh, I thought the genetic testing drama was some recent publication on the negatives of IUI. Didn't realize it was a personal drama
nectarine / 2192 posts
@MrsMccarthy: No 4th of July plans, but on the 5th we are going to canoe/kayak with a friend. DH loves fireworks, so we'll probably fit those in somewhere.
bananas / 9229 posts
@organicmama: I think it's a RE preference... Some will do Clomid with TI (timed intercourse aka scheduled-ish sex) but my RE didn't see the point in going that far and not doing IUI. I probably could've pushed for it, if I really wanted but now I agree. Why waste Clomid cycles (since they're limited)? My understanding is that if you O naturally, Clomid makes you "super"-O, intensifying things in case it's naturally weaker? The RE sent us for genetic testing when we first went for a consultation. I think it's just a general practice that they do? There was no concern for either DH or I. Well, I came back a carrier of something pretty significant. DH's testing was semi-accurate but there was another more precise test they would do to really confirm and it's been a huge disaster to get that done. But it's finally done! Phew.
@sarahnicole218: What great news!!
@MrsMccarthy: Sorta... The RE was really reluctant to proceed with IUI without definitively confirming that DH was (or wasn't) a carrier. It's been annoying, to say the least, but I'm glad we finally have an answer! DH and I have unexplained IF. Clomid/IUI was our next step at this point. So we'll see!
bananas / 9229 posts
@organicmama: Haha, no, personal stuff. DH has been to the RE for testing more than I have! They used the wrong vial once, the sample "spoiled" once. He finally had it done at a nearby hospital in NYC that has an exclusive lab for this stuff. Never a dull moment!!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@organicmama: Just jumping into your convo...before my husband and I put things on hold for a couple of months, our next step would have been Clomid + IUI. My first month on Clomid, I did not ovulate at all. My doc upped my dose and it did eventually lead to ovulation. (FYI, I do not ovulate naturally on a regular basis if at all). My last OB appointment led to the conclusion that the next cycle we wanted to try would be Clomid + IUI, but then we put things on hold. For now, we're NTNP, but if we get anxious to conceive in a few months, we will probably go the IUI route. Good luck to you!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@sapphire: That described my life to a T. Solid at work. And then I see DH and melt.
@MrsMccarthy: I will certainly look up that Everybody Loves Raymond Episode. And my DH is the same way about making plans. Twelve years together and I'm still not used to that.
@nicolechris11212: Sorry about AF. And its the worst when the husbands get sad. But your plan sounds amazing! You are motivating me because I could surely stand to drop 10 pounds too.
@organicmama: Sorry about AF. But I LOVE that you are starting clomid. And I so hear you on not wanting to become a DH repellent. That's one of my biggest worries! I'll be right there with you with high hopes through July. I'm hoping for a positive after HSG. Some girls say it happens!
@LindsayInNY: I'm so glad you are back on HB! Happy to hear the genetic testing worries are a thing of the past. Onward and upward!!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: So sorry about your fight with DH. But your 4th plans sound lovely.
@sarahnicole218: What a great update from you!
cherry / 230 posts
@sarahnicole218 @lindsayinny: Thanks ladies! Wow, the things we go through right? At this point, I believe I ovulate but maybe just not strong enough. RE didn't mention anything about a trigger shot. Just go for 7 dpo bloodwork. RE also thinks DH is fine since we had a child already and she said the guys usually don't change too much. So no IUI for us for now. I'm not sure how far I want to go with the TTC thing... My gut tells me I'll stop after trying the clomid. Maybe look into adoption.
bananas / 9229 posts
@MrsMcD: Onward, upward and forward!!! I've been in SUCH a great mood lately (at least when it comes to the whole TTC business, LOL)!!
bananas / 9229 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Yes, almost a month and a half ago! It's going really well!! Just finished training and getting into things now. It's much less stress and better hours
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@LindsayInNY: I'm so glad you are in a good TTC mood. So am I!!
@organicmama: That's so interesting you would stop after clomid. No IUI? I love to know girls thoughts on where they will stop and what they are willing to consider trying. Thanks for sharing!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@LindsayInNY: My new job, also with less stress and better hours, starts in August. I hope it goes as well as yours, and hoping the lower stress for both of us gets us our BFPs!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@LindsayInNY: oh that's great news! Sorry it has been such a long road but it does seem like some gret steps are being taken.
@AmeliaBedilia: kayaking sounds awesome!
@MrsMcD: yeah I still can't her used to the lack of planning myself. We try to find a compromise. Super excited for your HSG!
@organicmama: hmm that's interesting about sperm count!
These beautiful summer days do help ones mood tremendously!
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