honeydew / 7295 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I'm so sorry honey. How many DPO are you? Are you open to clomid? Some women respond better to that than progesterone for ovulation issues. Ovulation may not be strong enough hence the low temps and short LP. I can't remember if your husband has had an SA? If your haven't read the book Making Babies I highly recommend it. Most of all I just hope you treat yourself to something special. Big hugs!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: hugs! I am so sorry to hear that! It dies sound like this was a rough month for you. It is tempting to make decisions when you are upset but I would encourage you to give it a few days before you decide to stop trying. It sounds like focusing some time on you and DH would be good now too. I hope you find a way to be good to yourself today and this weekend!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@MrsMccarthy: 13DPO. My doctor said clomid was an option, but that since I was consistently ovulating, that progesterone should work better. My doc gave me the option of checking the progesterone vs. just starting and I chose just to start because I didn't want to wait an extra month to start it, and our insurance isn't good in this regard. I also really don't want twins. DH's SA was fine. I have read Making Babies.
Thanks everyone for the support. I have been unhappy and a ball of stress, and I need to figure out a way to get it under control. I have been off almost two weeks, and am doing better, but still way more stressed than I should be. Even if I am now doing all the right things to get a BFP, that doesn't mean it will happen the first month I am less stressed. I am not depressed, but have a number of stress/anxiety issues to work on. I wonder if I am not getting pregnant because God knows in my current mental state that I wouldn't be a good mom and he is nudging me to work on that. I am working on a plan of taking better care of myself mentally. I am reading a daily meditation book, the bible, journaling, and getting enough sleep. I have a 1 month unlimited pass for hot yoga I bought at groupon, and will probably start that. (Guess good thing I am not pregnant for that.) I am going to start acupuncture again. DH talked to his acupuncturist about me getting migraines and scatter, and she is going to do a minimalist approach. Also, I just found out today that I won a free yoga workshop for tomorrow afternoon. It includes "passive, supported yoga asanas (restorative postures, all on the floor), powerful therapeutic essential oils (optional), guided relaxation, breath awareness and reiki, a gentle Japanese energy therapy (also optional). Maybe this is what I need.
If anyone else is trying to work on stress issues and taking better care of themself, please let me know. I would appreciate an accountability buddy.
pear / 1697 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I got some stress over here! Usually my stress is work and house related, but, the TTC has added some relationship stresses and I'm pretty grumpy about my most recent /AF.
I'm finding acupuncture really helpful. No idea if it is helping/will help with fertility stuff, but, I am more relaxed and I'm having both less acute menstrual pain and less chronic pain. I will happily keep paying for those benefits alone.
I've also increased from one yoga class/week to 2/week and have started doing a fertility yoga DVD series thingie at home most nights. Again, no idea if it actually has any ability to help with fertility, but, it does help me to look after myself, my activity level, and my stress management a little better.
I really want to schedule myself a massage appointment, but, I'm paying for the acupuncture out of pocket and my bank account is giving me the side-eye.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: ((hugs)) ((Hugs)) (hugs)). Take some time to focus on you. Y'all know I believe in the healing benefits of yoga. Hot Yoga is ah-mazing, and great for nothing other than some stress relief. I just started acupuncture, and I'm finding it great for stress relief as well. At first I was doing everything as a way to better ensure a BFP, but now I'm just doing these things because I enjoy them, and not in hopes of that elusive BFP. I urge you to simply allow yourself to be kind to yourself. You're an amazing woman, and you WILL be an amazing mommy.
cherry / 166 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Awww, sweetie. I just want to reach through the computer and hug u. Don't give up yet. I know what you mean - I was ready to give up last month too. All you can do is keep the faith and trust that it's nothing YOU are doing wrong! You are doing everything you should be doing - it's just not your time yet. But it's coming!
Stick with your de-stressing plan. They are great ideas! You will notice some results in the moment, but even more over time.
As for clomid, my friends were told the twin thing is not a given. There are plenty of women on here who can attest to that - having just a singleton on clomid. Don't completely rule it out yet....
Progesterone- I'm on it, too. I didn't find it affected my temps all that much. Temps dropped like usual for AF, before I stopped the cream. I hate the tricky effect of prog on my symptom-spotting. I always intend to NOT symptom-spot, but then things like super sore nipples or obviously lots of creamy CM are un-ignorable, so I note it down and suddenly lighting a tiny glimmer of hope in the back of my mind. Grrrr to progesterone cream!
Anyway, you take care of yourself. You have the time now to focus on you. It sounds like you believe in a higher power - to me, it sounds like He is giving you what you need in this moment! Time off. Winning a yoga conference. Yoga groupon. And I'm a big fan of acupuncture! If nothing else, it's half an hour of lying on a table, relaxing! You're in my thoughts today.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@lilyofthewest: @dc yoga bee: @LIL BEAN: You ladies are awesome! I need to focus more on taking care of myself for me, and if that results in a BFP, that is icing on the cake. But I need the cake! This is probably good training for parenting- we have to take are of ourselves and our marriages first before we can be good parents. While our marriage is good, I am sure that being less stressed and needing less reassurance from DH would improve things. Lil bean- you are so right about God giving me what I need. Thanks for that perspective.
I can't articulate how much I appreciate all of you. I am thinking of a NTNP approach with focusing on me and what I need to be happier/less stressed. I want to figure out how to balance the NTNP with still getting the support and friendship with all of you.
ETA: Just looked at FB, and the first post was someone who just had twins. She got pregnant on her honeymoon, after we started trying.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: much love to you sweetie! I'm with you on the stress thing! Acupuncture helped me too do I hope it works for you and I've also heard great things about reiki. Sending lots of love your way. The summer just started so maybe this next cycle will be better. Sorry about the twins. Your day will come! Keep the faith!
cherry / 159 posts
This is my 1st month temping and I am 5 dpo and my temp dipped a whole degree this morning is was consistent at 98.8 the past 3 days and went to 97.8 this morning. Does that mean I am out this month?
honeydew / 7295 posts
@ctegge0416: wow! That could be really good. Could be an inplantation dip. How is your cm? How are you feeling in general. Temps can also be thrown off by a lot of things so I wouldn't worry. FX!!!!!
nectarine / 2173 posts
@ctegge0416: I never find an isolated odd temp to be useful. You really need the whole pattern to make much sense of it. But I'm hoping its a good sign for you.
@AmeliaBedilia: hang in there dear, your time will come! Believe me, I know how scary it is the longer it goes. But giving up doesn't get you any closer! And it truly will happen when you least expect that it will. Hugs!
grapefruit / 4770 posts
At the nail salon, three women talking alllll about their babies, and their poop. Fml.
cherry / 166 posts
@ctegge0416: nope- not a bad thing! Google "temperature dip at 5dpo." (no guarantee of a BFP, but not a bad thing either!)
Also, when looking at the BFP archived charts on FF, many of them have that dip. It's a hormonal thang!
cherry / 230 posts
@DC yoga bee: I'm sorry girl. (((Hugs))) Remind me, do you see a RE? Are you taking anything to lengthen your cycle? And what about DH?
@ameliabedelia: Girl, I totally understand how you feel. I had my Mirena out 3 years ago and just got serious about trying in the past year. But the passing months wear on you. It's hard to keep the motivation. But it sounds like your faith is strong. That's what gets me through! Sometimes I think God must have a precise plan and our baby must need to be a particular age at a particular time for God's plan to be carried out. God is super into the details. So I know He's got this. (((Hugs)))
honeydew / 7295 posts
@dc yoga bee: not out yet honey! fX for you. Sorry about BFN though I know that is never fun.
pear / 1697 posts
I hope y'all will indulge me while I make a kind of weird complaint.
I'm really grateful that I'm getting a handle on my menstrual pain. Acupuncture, some Rx drugs, and some supplements took me from spending most of my period having 5-7/10 pain down to having 1-4/10 pain. Amazing!
But now time is going so slowly waiting to get to O again. Before, I had 5-6 days of my cycle filled with being extremely miserable, 2-3 filled with recovering from being so miserable, and then it was almost immediately time to start BDing like crazy again.
Now all that time is just sitting there all boring and empty. Makes me feel like I should actually spend it doing productive things.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@lilyofthewest: Ugh! tht is the worst time! even the TWW is better because at least you know you did all your BD for that month. All I can say is anything that you can immerse yourself in that is work will help. My new diet and exercise program helped me get to O this month. But i still had days where i was like COME ON!!! I hope it comes soon for you. Good to hear that you are in less pain these days.
nectarine / 2192 posts
I didn't take progesterone last night like I usually do. My temp went back up today. AF hasn't come yet, though that doesn't surprise me. I used a Wondfo yesterday that was a BFN, and am questioning that. DH is gone all day and it is too late for FMU. My thought is to take a better test tomorrow morning if AF hasn't come, and not take any more progesterone. DH thinks I should take progesterone now, and test again tomorrow. Please give me some advice. I hate limbo!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: what dpo are you again? For what it is worth, I never used fmu for my tests and still got positives on FRERs. Fx that good news is on the way for you!
I have no advice about the progesterone--sorry! What were the docs instructions?? Is there a nurse line you could call to ask?
nectarine / 2192 posts
@MamaCate: today is 14DPO. I had a BFN on a wondfo at 13DPO. My doc said to take the progesterone and if negative at 13-14DPO, stop progesterone and wait for AF. If I take the progesterone and I am not pregnant, it gets my hopes up and delays things by a day or two. In the unlikely event that I am pregnant, missing a day of progesterone MIGHT affect implantation.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: if it were me I would stop the progesterone unless you think your O day could be off.
pear / 1697 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I don't think fmu really matters much so long as you can hold your wee for 3+ hours for another sample.
If it were me, I think I'd test again today just to be sure, and stop progesterone if it is negative.
nectarine / 2173 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: should have implanted by now, right?
I think since the doc said stop on 13 or 14 you should stop today and test again tomorrow.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@organicmama: Hey! Not yet. This was month 8. I had my progesterone checked, and it was accidentally done on cd 4 instead of 7, and was 5.2 The doctor said ovulation has been confirmed and to piss off basically. We will begin testing in October if no BFP. We started trying when I was 26, him 27, and we are both healthy with no known problems. Although, of course I'm starting to think there are problems. But, who knows!
ETA: My cycles are 28 days average, and I ovulate late around cd 17-18. I have a luetal phase of 9-10 days. I might make an appointment to see another doctor in the practice about my progesterone instead of waiting until October.
pear / 1846 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I think implantation would already have happened so if you were pg missing one day of progesterone wouldn't be a deal breaker especially when you think it takes a day or so for temps to drop after stopping it. Why don't you test now? Don't think fmu is that important.
apricot / 278 posts
@mrsmccarthy: nothing yet! Today is 10 DPO and I almost tested this am but then chose not to. I've been extremely irritable and cranky the past few days. When I was on the pill back in the day the first three months I was unbearably bitchy lol. So FX!! My husband thinks something is wrong with me and my mom says I sound like a 15 year old going through puberty or something haha. So my fingers are crossed tightly! I almost took a test this am but I didn't want to be disappointed so I decided not to. I'm hoping it's not a bad case of PMS!
cherry / 230 posts
@DC yoga bee: how did he confirm O? With the 5.2 on cd4? It never hurts to get a second opinion. He may not be wrong per se, but there may be another treatment plan that you'd be more comfortable with .. like a more aggressive one?? But then again, the control thing doesnt really work like we want it to, does it?
So I just saw a girl from high school post a positive pg test on fb. Then she posts a video of her telling her 3 or 4 year old daughter (who by the way was only wearing panties and drinking a can of coke!) that she was pregnant. Ugggh!! It was an accident and she isn't even married to her boyfriend. AND she has 2 kids from 2 OTHER guys! *sigggghhhh I know I sound like a judgemental botch but DAMN!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: what if you got a bfp? Do you keep taking the progesterone? I think testing this afternoon with a good test could help you make a better decision.
pear / 1846 posts
@organicmama: urgh that is so hangin I don't even think I would have been jelous if I'd seen that whilst ttc!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@nicolechris11212: OH! very excited to find out. I hope your husband and momma's instincts are right!!!!!
@organicmama: UGH! i just can't stand this sort of thing. I wish we could all get pregnant when we wanted to. It's just not fair.
bananas / 9229 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I don't remember hearing anything about progesterone increasing your temperature? It didn't do that for me? Otherwise, I would like to address your 'giving up' statement but aren't going to for my own sanity...
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