honeydew / 7295 posts
Ugh! Beautiful positive OPK and husband is not cooperating tonight. Perhaps I can get him on board for tomorrow morning. I really hate this.
clementine / 933 posts
@MrsMccarthy: Oh, that totally stinks. Hopefully he changes his tune soon!
cherry / 230 posts
@mrsmccarthy: That's so hard! In the past when I've been in that situation, I've tried to get things going early in the a.m. before we get up. I think it's kinda hard for them to resist, if ya know what I mean... Good luck Lady!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@HeartAbandoned: @organicmama: thank you! i will try in the morning.
I'm feeling like this cycle is a big ol bust though because i just peed on another OPK and it's negative. Either i had a shorter surge than normal ( i usually get one midday positive then one positive the next morning then negative by lunch) or maybe i geared up but didn't O. That combined with the biopsy which caused me to bleed a little bit and may have made the compromised the sperm already there makes me think it's done. Sucks.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@septca: @MrsMcD: @MrsMccarthy: thank you for the support and the hand holding. I don't know what I would do without your ladies! ️
@MrsMcD: he's fine with the testing, but not as comfortable with treatments. I think he would be ok with clomid/ other meds, but maybe not IUI or IVF. I think it would take a lot of discussion with the dr.
@MrsMccarthy: could your urine have been really diluted? I hate when husbands aren't being cooperative!!!
@organicmama: welcome! I hope you get your BFP soon!
@Marfi: did you use another frer?
clementine / 794 posts
@Crystal: I wish! I didn't have time to stop at CVS on my way home! I got stuck at work 45 minutes late and I had to get to my parents house for dinner. I probably will buy some to have on hand tomorrow but I hope I don't need to use one tomorrow (because I will have some answer from the doctor tomorrow morning) but I might as well be prepared.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@Crystal: that's highly possible. Even though I wanted to an doctor said it was okay I kind of feel like sex would be a bad idea since I am having some cramping and bleeding from the biopsy. This cycle might just be a wash for te testing. It sucks but its not the end of the world I guess. I'm just gonna pray for a normal luteal phase.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MrsMccarthy: It does seem strange they would do it so close to O... Hopefully the answers you gain will be worth what may not be the best chance this month. It's not over til it's over, though, so don't lose hope yet!
@Marfi: FX for you tomorrow! Keep us posted!
pear / 1846 posts
@Crystal: when i was doing research because my clinic is napro and dont do iui or ivf i actually found that there is little benefit to either if sperm is normal and tubes are clear so maybe it wont matter that he isnt up for it?
clementine / 933 posts
Boo, FF moved my crosshairs this morning. I shouldn't have been too surprised, based on my temp pattern, but still, it's frustrating. Before, my crosshairs indicated we hit O-2, O, and O+2. Now it just looks like O-2 and O. I'm glad we got in the "O+2" after the positive OPK, since that now seems to be my O date! So my PSA for the morning is: Keep up the BD, even after you think you've O'd! I'll keep my POAS date the same...
clementine / 794 posts
Well took a test at the Doctors this morning still negative. Now waiting for someone to take my blood.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@Marfi: I am so sorry. I keeping refreshing this page hoping for an update. ((hugs))
@HeartAbandoned: Ugh. I'm sorry. Can you post a link to your chart (because I am a shameless chart stalker)? I am normally pretty blase about BD after O, but in this case I am glad you kept it up.
@MrsMccarthy: I hope that that isn't true, but I also think that a wash cycle, especially while you are still BFing, is probably worth it if you get some good information from your testing.
clementine / 794 posts
@septca: I wish I could get answers right now and not have to wait for a week!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
Okay, ladies. To clarify and to clear up any unnecessary fear, it seems that we are all talking about *three* different procedures:
(1) HSG (Hysterosalpingogram) is the test we are all most familiar with to test your tubes.
An HSG can also give a radiologist some information about your ute, including whether there are abnormal growths. The images are seen using an X-ray and dye. It is usually performed by a radiologist and the patient lies on a table under an X-ray machine. In my experience, the HSG will definitively tell you whether your tubes are open, but not much more than that - for example, the doctor may see that dye pools at the end of your tube, which can be a sign of scar tissue between the ovary and the tube (which would also cause you problems), but the HSG images can't tell you definitively why the pooling is there... The test is not usually super painful (although it can be uncomfortable). You can read about Bee's experiences with the HSG on these threads:
(2) HyCoSy (Hystero Salpingo Contrast Sonography) is a new-fangled type of HSG that uses an ultrasound machine instead of an X-ray machine. It can be performed by a radiologist, an OB, or an ultrasound tech. The process of the test itself (which you can read about here: http://www.advancedwomensimaging.com.au/hystero-salpingo-contrast-sonography-hycosy) is very similar to the HSG, but you don't have to lie under an X-ray machine. It seems that the test is *better* than a traditional HSG because an u/s can give you more conclusive images, especially of the uterus, than the x-ray, which means that you can learn more about what could potentially be going wrong rather than a yes/no answer on "are my tubes open?"
(3) Hysterscopy. This is the test I had (twice) to look for retained placenta after DD was born. It's not like the HSG or the HyCoSy because the hysterscopy is an internal test - the doctor places a tiny camera through your cervix and is able to get a very clear image of the inside of your uterus. This test is used to check for andometriosis, scar tissue, abnormal growths, and to look for causes of unexplained bleeding (that's why I had it). The process for a hysterscopy is very similar to a DnC, but you are *awake* and a smaller camera and instruments are used.
Although you may experience a little bit of pain when the test instruments are inserted, that is usually pretty uneventful (similar experience to a pap). The primary source of pain for all of these tests is the saline "bloating" that the doctor uses to expand your uterine cavity. By blowing up your ute with saline (think a water balloon), the doctor can get a better look at things and give you more accurate results. But depending on how much saline is used and how quickly the bloating occurs, it HURTS LIKE A MOTHER F'ER!!! (Fwiw, my HSG was very low on the pain scale... felt like severe period cramps for about 30 seconds and then nothing. My hysterscopy, on the other hand, where they went through *six* bags of saline... yeah. I have never experienced anything like that. I imagine that @NicoleChris11212 had a similar problem with her HyCoSy given her pain level.) If I have to have another HSG (will schedule one for July/August if I don't get KU this cycle), I think I will ask for a HyCoSy instead in the hopes that it can give me more information than the traditional HSG (because I have pooling that I know is due to endo scar tissue, but I'd like to know more about whether I can get KU from that side - so far the answer has been no).
I hope that was helpful and not just incredibly boring.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
Pergesterone was 5.2 indicating, ovulation. They said it needed to be 2.1-21.5. Test was on 5dpo. What does that mean? My 10 day lp is okay??
honeydew / 7295 posts
@dc yoga bee: Hooray! that is great news that you are ovulating!!! i know many who have gotten pregnant with a 10 day LP. That said, they may want to see if you are having a strong enough ovulation. Perhaps an endometrial biopsy like i had done or something like that? They can check the thickness of the Endometrium and make sure it cooresponds with where you are in your cycle. If it's nice and thick then they may put you on clomid to help you ovulate stronger. They also may just want you to wait a couple of cycles. Refresh my memory, have you had an HSG and an ultrasound yet? Day 3 bloodwork? Goodluck!!!
@Marfi: I'm so sorry sweetie. I hope it's just an off cycle. I know many who have had them.
@septca: I agree. That's why i didn't decline despite knowing it could be weird timing. I really want to get this show on the road with testing and didnt want to have to wait another whole cycle.
My temp barely went up and i have another negative OPK today with FMU. I must either not have ovulated yet or I am having some kind of wonky cycle. either way it will be nice to get some answers.
cherry / 230 posts
Ok I'm becoming a little obsessed. Tested with SMU with FRER today at 10dpo. BFN
Why do I do this to myself?! Lol!
My symptoms (cramps on 7 & 8 dpo that have now stopped, and awful headache on 9 & 10 dpo) are driving me nuts. I know it's too early to test but Dang It! I'll probably be one of those outliers that doesn't get a BFP til like 20 dpo. Ha!!
cherry / 230 posts
@septca: thanks for clearing that up! Makes sense.
@marfi: sorry lady
honeydew / 7295 posts
Hmm, i found this kind of interesting. I wonder if the EB will help with implantation next month.
pear / 1846 posts
@MrsMcD: as promised here are DHs results. The numbers in brackets are the lowest accepted as normal however as this is 95th percentile of their sample (men who got their partner pg within a year) it does not mean it is a good result, just like you wouldnt want to be in the bottom 5% in an exam. DHs results are all well above this and were seen as actual good results by our specialist (not super sperm as he makes out) with these results we were able yo get our bfp the first month my problem was fixed.
Hope that all makes sense.
pear / 1846 posts
@dc yoga bee: in the UK where I am the NHS see 10 as indicating ovulation and my fertility specialist actually says at least 18 is ideal (but napro are big on progesterone) mine was 7.8 and low progesterone turned out to be our problem. This doesn't mean you are not ovulating though, only an US can confirm this, it just means low progesterone which could be that your CL doesn't function great, like mine or it could indicate weak ovulation. Either way, it's a very easy fix so if that is your problem you could have found your answer
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@organicmama: I'm glad you found this group!! You have such a great attitude. I hope you get your second baby soon!!
@HeartAbandoned: You know this thread is always hopping! I hope you are enjoying your beach vacation. That would certainly help me be relaxed during the TWW!
@Crystal: I think that all guys have a line they've drawn in the TTC sand. My DH would be open to IUI or IVF (its the same process for them no matter which route is taken), but he won't consider adoption or donor eggs/sperm/embryos. I knew this before I married him so I'm just whatevs about it. But here's to hoping you and I don't need to get to those points!!!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Marfi: What did the doctor say? Anything helpful?
@HeartAbandoned: I always am worrying that I'm not BDing enough after my suspected O date! So I appreciate your PSA.
@septca: Thanks for the breakdown!! Now I will have more to ask my ob about on Friday and she will think I'm even crazier!
@MrsMccarthy: I know Clear Blue digital OPKs tell you to test in the afternoon. So maybe testing in the morning is the problem.
@organicmama: I love that you test early! But I'm so glad you know its too early to be disappointed with a negative.
As for getting a late positive... I always hope the same thing. I've said it before, but even when AF comes, I still insanely have hope that I'm pregnant.
@Snowdrop: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! You are so awesome for sharing this. You have given me so much hope. Seriously. I'm so happy you are pregnant and even happier you have stayed around to share all of this. I am wishing you nothing but the best for this pregnancy!
pear / 1846 posts
@MrsMcD: aww thank you, to be honest it's you girls who got me through some of the dark months and I'm only leaving you when you get sick of me!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Snowdrop: We can totally be supportive of you and your pregnancy for however long you want!
clementine / 794 posts
@MrsMcD: Nope. All that happened today was we talked about history and I took a Urine test which was negative and then she sent me to have blood taken and we will go from there after I get those results back.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@MrsMcD: thats great to see that your husbands SA is good. i hate when the numbers for whats good and bad are ambiguous. I tested opk in the morning as well. I test there times a day using wondfos. Yesterday mornin it was close but negative, then yesterday afternoon it was dark positive, then by evening it was negative again and this morning is even mee negative. I also haven't seen a temp shift. Perhaps my body is gearing up but won O. I'm sure the endo biopsy didn't do it any favors and I also took a ton of Ibuprofen. I think this cycle is going to be a wash. I don't love that but as Septca said its probably better now than in future cycles where probability is higher.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@MrsMccarthy: Have you thought about using digitals just once a day?
@Marfi: Bummer.... I'm always hoping doctors will say something profound that has me leaving feeling amazing. Sucks when that doesn't happen.... which is usually always.
nectarine / 2192 posts
12DPO on progesterone. My temp went down a little this morning but probably because it was really cold in our bedroom this morning. (DH agreed.) I am debating on testing tomorrow, but only want to test once, then stop the progesterone if a BFN so I can move on. Would you do 13DPO or do I really need to wait another day?
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
Speaking of HSGs....... My doctor's office told me that in the event insurance won't cover the test, I can have it done for $395 out of pocket! Woot! Woot! HSG, here I come! (But only with some Valium, please.)
grapefruit / 4731 posts
@Marfi: *Big hugs* I'm on the edge of my seat for you blood test results.
@MrsMcD: That is a reasonable price!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Raindrop: I'm glad you think so! I realize that its no chump change. But at least its not thousands of dollars!
grapefruit / 4731 posts
@MrsMcD: Seriously. I'm reading along and thought it would be a lot more (thousands)! I'm so happy for you that it's pretty reasonable.
EDIT: I'm not sure this is helpful but I just remembered... my co-worker that's KU that has been trying for 5 years. She had unexplained IF and was just about to go in for IUD and really going for it which would have been about 1k. Her first appointment they found out she was KU. I think that's what happened to littleK too... so FX to you!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@Marfi: Said a prayer for you, and eagerly waiting for an update.
@MrsMcD: LOL. Love the way you said you wanted valium, like "I want fries with that."
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Eating fries while on valium sounds like a dream!
ETA: And just so I don't sound like a drug addict, I'm totally anti-drugs. But if I need one once in a while, like for a root canal, I'm all for it!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I used to stop progesterone on 13dpo (I took it 12dpo evening and stopped if bfn on 13dpo). It's a personal decision though and I think you want to feel sure about ov date.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@MrsMccarthy: I read an article about bfps after biopsy too! It didn't work for me but I hope it does for you
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@MrsMcD: That seems like a really reasonable price!! Excellent news.
@Marfi: Ugh. I'm sorry. I hope you get your bloodwork results quickly.
@AmeliaBedilia: I want you to test tomorrow because I am a POAS pusher, but I do think it would be "safer" to wait until 14 DPO if you only want to test once. (If it were me, I would definitely be spotting by then if it was going to be a BFN, so then I could save myself the test...)
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