grapefruit / 4731 posts
@HeartAbandoned: You chart looks really good and I think your timing was spot on. FX for you!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@MrsMccarthy: Yes, I am still on progesterone. I am leaning towards using progesterone tonight, then temping tomorrow and POAS. If my temp is still really high and BFN, I might get a blood test since I have heard that some people can have a negative urine test and a positive blood test. If I weren't on the progesterone, I would just wait it out, but with the progesterone, it is so much harder!!!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I'll bet! What a headgame to have no AF but also no idea if if its just the progesterone or a late implanter. Has your doctor talked to you about clomid at all? My doc said women with LPD and progesterone issues sometimes the root cause is not ovulating strong enough. You have to be careful with it and make sure guy have a good lining as it can thin the lining but I know many women who have had success with it too when progesterone didn't do the job.
This morning I had a brown clotty/ewcmy type streak when I wiped. It wasn't dark and I'm assuming it was just leftover from my bleeding post EB but it was weird. I hate having no idea where I am in my cycle! Ugh!
@Snowdrop: thank you! I am nervous but I feel ready now. It would be wonderful if I could get KU while still nursing him but at this point I just don't feel like I can waste any more time. I hope I am rewarded with a pregnancy in the next few months so that I don't regret it. I keep reminding myself that either way it will have to end some time end he has been SO cuddly since I started weaning! I think he actually wants me more now!
@Keppa thinking of you too girly! Remember, if your not ready to fully wean you can always try roving feeds and tweaking things for a couple months first! It didn't work for me yet but could for you and I think you are younger and have fewer potential issues than I do! If you need support I am here!feel free to wall me as well. How is your current cycle going?
cherry / 128 posts
@Crystal: aw soooo cute!
@AmeliaBedilia: I'm crossing fingers and toes for you!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@Crystal: your husband is adorble and will make such a wonderful daddy.
nectarine / 2173 posts
@MrsMccarthy: that really sucks that O is so hard to pinpoint this month! In some ways, I can understand the docs that tell their patients to ditch OPKs and temping and BD frequently so you just cover your bases regardless. I definitely like knowing where I am in my cycle though!
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
I've missed so much and I have so much work to do and can't catch up!!
Just wanted to check in and send my love to everyone.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@sapphire: yeah. It's hard to get BD on that much though for us. We are both SO tired. Pinpointing helps but I may ask my husband to try EOD after menses in July.
@mrs. tictactoe: hi sweetie! Good to see you! This board is really active that's for sure. We are a chatty bunch.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
This board has moved so fast! I wanted to check in, I'm waiting on my AF/POAS date which is probably 6/1 or 6/2, thereabouts. I'm wary of how many people (myself included) have gotten false negatives from the recent batches of Wondfo HPTs so I'm considering waiting until my period is late and then going straight to a FRER. At any rate, I'll wait and see how this POAS date goes before "officially" joining this thread with backstory etc. Still hopeful to get out of here (And, also trying to stay busy/distracted from all this stuff - we would have been announcing to our families this week.)
honeydew / 7295 posts
@PawPrints: hugs. I hope a rainbow is on its way. How are you feeling this cycle?
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@PawPrints: I always think its good to wait until AF is due or late. But I'm sitting here at 10dpo and itching to test! I've never used a wondfo for anything so I don't have any advice there. Sorry!
clementine / 933 posts
Thank you for all of your kind words on my chart, ladies! You all are getting my hopes up! I did wonder about O on CD15, and that makes sense to me, and was the timing I was hoping for. I've also had sore breasts since Sunday, but that was just 3ish DPO, so I feel like that is too early for it to actually be a symptom. I have no idea what else would cause it, though, so who knows. I *might* have brought a couple of wondfos with me on vacation, so I might take one tomorrow, before we head home, just for kicks.
@sapphire: I have a former coworker who swore "all you have to do" is BD EOD on CD10-20. She says it worked on the first shot for her for both of her girls. Maybe not so easy in practice!
@AmeliaBedilia: Have you said what kind of tests you're using? I would do what you're talking about for tonight & tomorrow: take the P one more time & see what your temp/a test says in the morning. And if you feel like you need a blood test, ask for one! The more info the better.
@PawPrints: FX for you! Maybe you can test with wondfos now, just in case, and then use a FRER once AF is due? This is the POalltheSes board
@MrsMcD: I so hope this is it for you! I'll adopt @septca: 's role as the POAS pusher & encourage you to do so sooner rather than later!
@MrsMccarthy: I hope you get some answers soon! FWIW, I have just gotten 1 pos OPK, even though I test at least twice a day. This month they went from almost nothing in the afternoon, to clearly positive in the morning, to almost nothing again in the afternoon. Hopefully it was just a short surge and/or diluted urine this time, and you'll have a BFP before you know it!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@PawPrints: @septca: I just don't trust wandfos. Not because of anything that's happened to me personally, but hearing all the stories.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@Crystal: I love their OPKs, which have never steered me wrong. But their HPTs are made of lies. Little pink lies.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@PawPrints: this exactly. I still use their OPKs, but much prefer the Sure Predict HPTs now.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@PawPrints: lol!
I agree, I like the OPKs. It's just the HPTs I don't like.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@PawPrints: haha ditto! Pink lies! Wondfos are workin out for now.
bananas / 9229 posts
Hey all! Just wanted to check in. I haven't been on HB much lately because it's blocked at work... I try and read but it's not as easy to comment by phone/iPad. So, here's where I am right now:
CD: 10
Cycle #: 15 since December 2012
TTC #: 1
POAS date: June 21 for now
Backstory: None really? Had a chemical pregnancy back in September. Went through all the RE work up and nothing's wrong with DH or I. Had one medicated cycle but had to stop IUI. Won't be able to do IUI until Augusts cycle now.
June TTC plan/something new you want to try: Keep on getting it on! That's about it.
Best thing about your weekend: No plans, just lots of DH time since I'm out of town all next week for work
ETA - I don't mind having these details posted here but I'd rather not have it all posted on the roll call list.
blogger / apricot / 427 posts
Thanks all regarding the thoughts and advice regarding weaning.
@MrsMcCarthy: I'm glad to hear you're moving through to get a bunch of labs done to see what's up. I hope you get some answers soon. Sorry to hear this current cycle isn't going the way you want it to. I'd say just keep BDing it up whenever you can. You never know which one will be THE one
I'm going to try to slowly start heading towards weaning, which is the way I'd want to do it I wasn't feeling slightly rushed with the whole thing. LO usually nurses when he wakes up in the AM, before his nap, after his nap, and before bed. I'm going to try to cut out the AM and after nap feedings for this month and see how it goes. After trying it today I know it's not going to be easy. He was completely off all day and a mess....but I'm going to try my best to stick with it. It probably won't even make a difference (which is of course what runs through my mind all day as my son's crying next to me), but I feel like I need to give it a shot.
persimmon / 1096 posts
Just wanted to pop in here and say that I'm cheering for all of you
cherry / 230 posts
Good morning Bees! Just checking in this morning. Same news as yesterday with a BFN but I'm staying hopeful. Only 12 dpo today. Man I was cramping A LOT last night. I must have gone to check to see if I had started like 10 times. It's just a thought, or maybe a gut feeling, but I feel like I've been to this point before in previous cycles and that implantation may have just failed before. I know there's no technical proof but that's just my feeling. So I'm praying that conditions in there are ideal and sustaining to a little bean!
Hope you all have a great Saturday! I'm off to shop and keep busy! I really am appreciative of y'all and the support.
cherry / 166 posts
Hi all!
This board is moving at the speed of light! I've been soo busy and haven't had time to catch up til now. I'll add more info later, but for now I'm just letting you know that AF came early - on Thursday, which was also my Birthday! (Happy bday to me? ). Still had a fab bday celebration! DH took me and my parents out to a fancy dinner, then surprised me with tix to Cirque du Soleil! Incredible show!
Anyway, as for TTC, I'm feeling really disheartened at the moment. And really tired of thinking about it. Sigh.
I'm actually wondering about taking a month off- June will be the most stressful for me and DH in awhile. I feel like we have enough things on our plate without needing to think about TTC too!
I'll likely still be following along here and cheering for everyone! I hope to see lots of BFPs soon.
I love love love "Keep Calm and Get It On"!!!
cherry / 166 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: your chart looks great! FYI, my temps dropped and AF came full force even though I was on progesterone. Maybe it was a lower dose than ur on, but I wouldn't give up til at least 15dpo if I were you. Just sayin....
nectarine / 2192 posts
Temp a little lower today. Two BFN this morning at 14DPO. I slept ten hours last night, but not that unusual for me. I am leaning against a blood test and just stopping progesterone. We are now clearly past the year mark and onto cycle 15. In my mind, infertility diagnosis means not able to have kids. I do not think IUI, IVF, or adoption are right for us. I feel like this will never happen.
ET A: I am trying to focus on the good: I won't be 15 weeks pregnant when I start the new job. I would rather have a March baby than February. I can enjoy my two months off between jobs without morning sickness. DH and I get more us time before baby (he just moved back about two months ago since he was away for work). I wanted to have the house organized before I got pregnant. DH an I can be more settled in new jobs- with all the changes in our lives, maybe a baby is too much.
A few months ago, some of us tried to work on other projects so we weren't so focused on ttc and so disappointed when it didn't work. Is anyone else interested? I am thinking of working on gettin rid of clutter and organizing the house.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@LIL BEAN: sorry about AF. But it sounds like you had an awesome birthday with your awesome husband. I always think raxing for a month is good. Can you take the month off but keep bding??
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I would also honestly rather have a baby in March than February!! It's warmer and beautiful in march!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@LIL BEAN: happy belated birthday Gemini sister! Sorry that you are feeling so discouraged. I know how you feel.
We've been hit with a ton of expenses at once: my husbands knee physical therapy (800 dollars most likely), I have to get a root canal (god knows how much, maybe 300) and then if I need any fertility treatments those will be at least 1000 I imagine. That's only the basics like bloodwork and maybe HSG. The whole thing is makin my husband freak out and wonder how we will afford a second child which of course is making me freak out and feel awful because its like I'm being punched in the gut for not being pregnant already. If I were then I wouldn't have to worry about our future child being threatened. As it stands things are still on and I think he is just having a wig out so I trying not to go with him but talk about stress I don't need!!! He does this everytime a financial issue comes up and then we are usually fine. We have 2000 in savings and no debt. I don't want to spend it on all this stuff but we will replenish it and its not like we are up shits creek! I feel like I can't tell him things because he freaks out and it all ends up on me!!! I wanna throw up! No possibility I am pregnant this month but god willing this weaning fixes my body and gets me pregnant ASAP! I feel so awful right now and I know it's not logical but I hate my husband.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: @MrsMcD: Was just thinking that this morning, if this cycle fails - moving on to a March baby instead of a February baby would be a MAJOR silver lining! Yay spring.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: So so sorry about BFN. I like your list though. I try to make a list like that everytime I have a cycle come and go too. Counting our blessings does help but it still hurts too. Hugs!
cherry / 166 posts
@MrsMcD: @MrsMccarthy: thanks, ladies! Nice to know we all go through these ups and downs. What's worse is that it was my 40th bday. And we all know about THAT number.... So, in my mind, I'm seriously considering adoption. Adoption is stressful unto itself, I know, but I don't want to wait too long to get that process started either. Super SIGH!
I'm not giving up completely, just keeping my options open!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@LIL BEAN: Hugs. I'm turning 37 on the 8th so I feel your pain. I have a lot of friends who conceived at our ages though. It took then a while longer but it did happen. Adoption is wonderful too. Either way I hope you'll stick with us for support.
Things seem to have blown over with my husband and I'm so glad. I'm sure there will be ups and downs. God I hope we can get KU soon. I hope we all can. This definitely won't be our cycle but I'm very hopeful for the next couple of gos.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@MrsMcD: @PawPrints: @MrsMccarthy: Thanks!
@LIL BEAN: hugs!
So on a good note, DH was able to get a SA and the results are normal. I am torn between being relieved and feeling like it is my fault. When I told DH this, he sarcastically said, "yeah, because I'm sure you're trying to sabotage this," and gave me a hug. So at least he doesn't see it that way. My FP said that if DH's SA came back ok, that she was convinced it is an issue of LP defect (which progesterone should help) or stress (which two months off and new job should help).
The annoying thing is now I have to wait a few days for AF to come since coming off progesterone.
nectarine / 2173 posts
Sensing a lot of sadness on the board today. Sorry ladies. Hope you all find something fun to do this weekend!
DH and I just took an epic walk in the sunshine (3 hrs!) and I feel soooo good now! Amazing what sun and endorphins can do!
nectarine / 2173 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: normal tests are always a good thing! I'm glad for you! Hopefully a little more time will do the trick.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@LIL BEAN: Hey!! 40 is the new 30!! I know two girls who are over 40 who are pregnant right now. One with her first; another with a surprise that's her third. It can and likely will happen. Some things take time.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: have you been taking B6 for LPD as well. It seems to help a lot of women. Some can see results with 50 others need 10mc. Vitex can also help.
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