GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
June 2: DCYogaBee, Pawprints
June 3: OrganicMama
June 4: Mrs. McD, NicoleChris11212, Sapphire
June 5: Crystal
June 7: HeartAbandoned
June 8: MrsMcCarthy
June 9: Mrs. Bunchy
June 15: IntoTheOcean
June 15-ish: MrsStar
June 20: Mrs. TicTacToe
June 21: LindsayinNY
June 24: Septca
TBD: Marfi, Keppa, Doxielove
*\o/* Cheerleaders *\o/*
Winniebee, Snowdrop, BHBee, KeepCalmCarrie
2015 Mama Graduates
Charmed (Jan 15), CatchAFallingStar (Jan 15), BHBee (Jan 15), HappyGal (Jan 23), Snowdrop (Jan 30), Raindrop (Jan 30)
@PawPrints and @DCYogaBee: You guys are up this morning... how are things today?
@LilBean: Wow. Your husband is a warrior. I failed the NY bar by 1 question (don't you love how they *tell* you by how much when you fail? It's too awesome for words...) and decided "screw it." I don't need to be barred for my job and I never want to be the kind of lawyer that needs to be barred, so I just walked away. Why on earth I decided to take the second hardest bar exam when any state would have worked, I have no idea. It's probably the worst (and most expensive) decision I have ever made. It's been 7 years and I am still annoyed at myself...
But anyway... last night's late night conversation is cracking me up.
(And, yes, I did just post the roll call twice... I was extremely annoyed when it moved me to a new page. )
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@septca: your early morning comments are making me laugh.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@septca: what's the first hardest test?
Confession: I used a wandfo yesterday, and there was a very faint line on it. I checked it outside the window of time you are supposed to, but there is definitely something there, and it didn't look like an evap (saw some color).
I waited oh so impatiently and tested again this morning with a wandfo, Babi brand HPT, and FRER (ridiculous, I know). All BFN. I'm 11DPO, trying to stay positive and realize it's too early to know for sure.
Also, for you expert charters, a question: I took my temp at 5:30am when DHs alarm went off, when I normally wake up at 7 (I didn't realize the time). I took it again at my normal 7am time, and it was higher. If you follow the "add .1 for every 30 mins you wake up early" guidelines, the difference fits in that. Which temp would you use? The 5:30Am one is about the same as yesterday's, but the one I took at 7 shows a temp spike. I guess it doesn't matter too much, but you know how it is at this point in the cycle when you are overanalyzing everything.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@MrsMcD: I am so glad.
@Crystal: California. Although some people will tell you Louisiana, since they still use parts of the Napoleonic Code. (Ah, what?!?).
Re: Your testing. I'm sorry. That blows. I have had many of those "colored evaps" on Wondfos. This past cycle, I had one on the afternoon of CD10 and I got *all* excited. But nope. It was a blasted evap. (For some reason, I tend to get evaps in the afternoon...)
What kind of temp shift are we talking? I don't think the 7:00 am temp is valid, so I would either (1) use the 5:30 am temp, or (2) adjust the 5:30 am temp for .2 or .3. But in either case I would use an open circle. Since you are 11 DPO, it doesn't *really* matter for anything other than Type A charting.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@septca: I thought New York was th hardest, obviously excluding Louisana because it's done in another language or something like that. I kid. Sort of!
Confession: I tested today. Bfn.
Second confession: Sometimes I test and never tell you girls. **hangs head in shame**
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@MrsMcD: I do that all the time. If you ladies knew just how often I actually POAS (because I really do POAlltheSs), it would be embarrassing. And I only tell my husband when it's +... although under the new 2014 POAS Compromise Pact, I am only allowed to tell him when it's a + after AF is late. ::hangs head in shame::
I'm really sorry about the . But you are really early.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@septca: ummm ...... I'm 13 dpo. Not that early. Ha! Whatevs. I am really looking forward to having needles stuck in my arm twice this month and balloons and dye shoved through my Fallopian tubes anyways. I wanted to have all that done.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@MrsMcD: Oh, well, yeah. That's not that early. I forget that people list *realistic* POAS dates... unlike me, who lists my date as 12 DPO and actually starts testing around 8...
I am totally excited for your HSG. Is that weird?
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@septca: definitely guilty of type A!
I'm ready starting to hate wandfos.
@MrsMcD: I do too. I think we all might. Sorry about your bfn... I hope you get a surprise BFP tomorrow. I can see why'd you want all that testing, sounds like a blast!
I know 11DPO is early, but it feels like if there was something there it should show by now.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Crystal: maybe we are the 11% of girls on countdown to pregnancy's website that get such late positives. I always felt that you and I were special!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@septca: I appreciate your excitement. (Please note I was being so sarcastic in my previous post.). As for th HSG, request for coverage was submitted to insurance on 5/28. It could take two weeks to hear back. But I'm about 45% optimistic coverage will apply. So I may wait until and hope to have the test scheduled in July. But I may just pay $395 out of pocket by July regardless if I get too antsy. My doc scheduled a follow up appointment for June 30 to review all results and prescribe clomid but I may move that to end of July for reasons stated above. And that's my update in case you wanted to know the full details of the status of my HSG. Bahahah!!!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@MrsMcD: I know. But I am excited anyway. Answers are better than no answers and "clearing out the cobwebs" (as my doctor so gently puts it) is better than nothing.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@septca: so true to all of that!! My doctor is anxious to have me to it all this month. But I feel the prudent choice is to wait on insurance.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
CD: 3
Cycle #: 8 (I think?)
TTC #: 1
POAS date: 6/28
Backstory: Trying since November 2013, one miscarriage in April. No known issues.
June TTC plan/something new you want to try: Probably same plan as we've been doing. I can't decide whether to buy more Conceive Plus. It's kinda pricey.
Best thing about your weekend: Sunshine!
cherry / 128 posts
@Keppa: I would BD. haha But I'm determined! But you can wait a day and you should be fine FEEL BETTER!
CD 16 and no ovulation for me. I hope it comes soon because I'm getting (TMI) a lot of EWCM and I don't want it to be giving my hopes up! Lol
pear / 1846 posts
@Crystal: wow that sounds like a great sign , having only ever got stark whites or a positive, I'm excited for you With my temp I actually found that it really didn't change that much no matter what time unless I'd actually done something physical.
blogger / apricot / 427 posts
Thanks all! In the end I just sucked it up and let it happen. Had an even more positive OPK this morning - so it looks like I'll be sucking it up for the next couple of days haha!
grapefruit / 4770 posts
FF moved o date to CD 18. Means we last bot O-2. Will test tomorrow @ 10dpo. Don't feel pregnant.
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
So far we BD on CD 11 and 12 and I usually ovulate on CD 13 or 14. We both get off work early today, so I'm hoping we can hit CD 13 and maybe even tomorrow, since it's my last official day of school. Yay for summer break!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@dc yoga bee: Need chart!
@MrsTicTacToe: YAY!!!! I want a summer break.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@dc yoga bee: hey there! FF just moved me to CD18 too which means we only hit O-3. I do feel pregnant but I am smart enough now to know that feeling pregnant doesn't always equal being pregnant. I had good EWCM this month but with the sterilized pipe going into my uterus I'm not optimistic. Still very hopeful for you though my dear!!! Good luck tomorrow.
I have the latest fun sinus infection going around. Started with a bitch of a sore throat and now it's sinus pain from hell. I'm bummed because I had plans to work out and start the SoCal cleanse today. Meh.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@septca: I don't temp lol. I kept getting positive digital opk even,though monitor,peaked at CD 17 So it moved it. I'll get the link. But no temps or anything.
ETA: my sad chart isn't the least bit helpful without any temps.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@dc yoga bee: Yeah, I agree with FF. Do you have your FF detector settings set to "OPK/Monitor"?
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
Oh!! I forgot to tell you guys! We are using conceive plus and loving it. It feels really natural, way better than preseed.
@MrsMccarthy: me too!!!!!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@Crystal: OH my gosh i just saw your post and my heart leapt then fell. Stupid WONDFO shites!!! I hope we find out it was right afterall soon. hugs
@mrs. tictactoe: i am thinking of ordering some of that. perhaps i will see how it works for the rest on here.
@MrsMcD: Oh man. Lots of poking and prodding ahead eh? I hope the clomid works for you. Have you used it before? I am curious about it as my Doc has said it may be the next step if we find that after a couple of weaned cyles i am still not having a normal LP.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@mrs. tictactoe: conceive plus caused a lot of friction for us. Weird I know! We are going back to pressed next cycle!
grapefruit / 4731 posts
Hey ladies still reading and cheering everyone on.
I just wanted to comment on conceive plus
@mrs. tictactoe: I'm glad you like it.
@dc yoga bee: Still many thanks for introducing me to this. But yes! I found it causes a lot of friction for us too. I wish it was as "smooth" as preseed but at the same time I felt conceive plus sucked in the swimmers and kept them in.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Crystal: That sounds like a great sign!!! A line on a wondfo is more than I've ever seen! Please test again tomorrow. How are you feeling?
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@PawPrints: Sunshine is always a great addition to any weekend.
@intotheocean: I hope you ovulate soon. BD as you can until then, though. You never know. FYI: I like your profile picture. Is it new???
@Keppa: Sorry you have to suck it up an BD dance. But I was thinking.... if you are well enough to type on the computer or your phone for HB, you are well enough to BD in the name of TTC. I should be tapering off in my BD enthusiasm soon enough as I am about to enter my 14th month TTC... but I'll be damned if I still don't believe BDing a lot will do the trick.
@dc yoga bee: Good luck testing tomorrow. Most girls don't "feel" pregnant, so you are in good company.
@mrs. tictactoe: That's great timing! Keep it up! And I am thinking of ordering conceive plus as soon as AF starts.
@MrsMccarthy: What is the SoCal Cleanse you have mentioned so many times? ( I suppose I could google it, but I want you to tell me!) As for clomid, no, I've never used it. I'm reluctant to start. But I'm feeling a little competitive with some girls in regards to getting pregnant by December of this year. I totally want a baby at any time, but its game on at this point. Lame, I know. And I'm only partially being serious. And I'm okay with multiples. Twins mostly would be great. Triplets not such much because I'm a bit vain and I don't like cars or strollers that have three+ rows. Ugh. I'd deal, though, because I want at least three kids anyhow.
@Raindrop: Thanks for cheering us on!
nectarine / 2192 posts
AF here in full force. I started spotting last night, so I am counting today as CD2. This way it goes with the month. I was one day off in May and got so confused!
We have been using preseed for about 6 months with no success. I had been contemplating conceive plus. I still have some applicators for the preseed- can they be used with conceive plus?
Doing better than expected, probably because I already made my peace with the BFNs. DH's normal SA made me feel a little better- that hopefully this issue is LP and the progesterone will work at some point. I am trying to trust that God's timing is better than mine.
In other life news: ten more days in the old job. I had a super productive day at work and making a new recipe to have when DH gets home- gluten free pizza casserole. I'm not a cook, so this is like Thanksgiving dinner by my cooking standards.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: I'm so glad your old job is finishing up quickly. And I'm sure your dinner will be fantastic. As for God's timing being better than our own.... Amen to that.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@MrsMcD: hahah your posts crack me up. The SoCal cleanse is a food based cleanse. It's certified organic and consists of 30 days of eating no meat dairy or sugar and only plant based foods and grains in combination with their smoothies, vitamins and teas. I haven't decided yet if I will do the whole 30 days. I am looking at it in that drink till its link sort of way so if I get a positive pregnancy test (god willing) naturally I will stop. I feel like my body is full of junk and could really benefit but it wasn't safe for nursing.
cherry / 230 posts
Well ladies, I'm officially out. I'm so sad. I thought I was a sure thing this month since the HSG. Guess not. I'm so frustrated with AF symptoms that change month to month. I hate these months where I allow myself to get my heart so into it. **sigh
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@MrsMccarthy: I'm in SoCal and I don't eat like that! hahah. I do love legit juice cleanses though. I love legit juice cleanses when I'm feeling full of junk so I hope your food cleanse helps!
@organicmama: I'm so sorry you are out! Cheer up and try again next month!
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@organicmama: I'm so sorry ((hugs)).
BFN for me 9dpo, AF due in two days.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@organicmama: aw in so sorry dollface. Give yourself a treat. I will be cheering you on for your next cycle.
@MrsMcD: well the cheesy embarrassing part I didn't want to tell you is that is super celebrity adored. Angelina Jolie did it before she conceived her twins, Charlize Theron and Blake Lively and all kinds of people. I really wanted to try it but it is so expensive, then last year it went on sale and I bought it only to find out I couldn't use it while nursing and I wasn't ready yet to stop at one year. I like that it has food because to be honest I have no will power for the juice only. The longest I've made it on a juice only cleanse was one day and I had a massive headache. This seems more like me because its just clean eating with smoothies and tea added. By the way I am pulling so hard for you to beat out the December deadline. Very hopeful that the 6 month club will be a whole new set by then. And what a fun thing to imagine ending up on a due date board with some of you! Oh I hope!!!
So I'm just curious, I know lilbean just turned 40 and I'm turning 37 on Sunday. What's everyone's ages on here if you don't mind an where did you grow up? I was born in Orange County CA and lived there till I was 12, then we moved to Washington state. I spent 15 years living in NYC as an adult before moving to Portland, OR. I love it here.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@organicmama: Hug! It's so hard when you get your hopes up! I find that I do better when I am getting involved in something besides TTC. When I focus on other things, I feel like I am making progress on something (whether it be a cleaner house, working out, etc) that I at least have some control over. Hug!
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