eggplant / 11287 posts
Def more crunch than silk. Probably a 3.5.
Ebf, anti cio (pro wio), attachment parenting, holistic health care and natural/homeopathy, pro med-free/home birth, pro homeschooling blah blah blah.....
But I also occasionally eat fast food and othet shitty food and I use plastic and I use disposable diapers.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Hmm.. We are big recyclers and eat a lot of organic food. We bring our own bags to the store. We avoid fast food and are very liberal politically. I BF for 13 months and made my own baby food. We sorta co-slept and and very anti-spanking.
BUT: we use disposable diapers, LO hated baby wearing, we are VERY pro vaccine, I'm very wary of all things homeopathic such as essential oils and amber necklaces, we allow him to watch TV and he does have occasional junk food. Oh and we give/take medicine for pain and I loved my epidural and will do it again!
I said a 5.
grapefruit / 4997 posts
@photojane: Haha silk4lyfebit is hilarious! I voted an 8, I am more silky than crunchy.
coconut / 8430 posts
We BF beyond 2 years, did CIO, loved baby-wearing and the stroller, made my own homemade organic purees, try to avoid plastics, watched TV before 2... so somewhere in between.
pomelo / 5258 posts
I voted 5.
Crunchy: Unmedicated birth with doula, EBF until weaning at 17 months, babywearing, whole foods, subscribe to two CSAs
Silky: happy with traditional medicine, Weston A Price failures, CIOed ASAP, WOHM/daycare, LO never slept in my room once, disposable diapers
papaya / 10570 posts
I'm a 10! I'm silky-smooth!
I'm a full time working, hospital birthing, formula feeding, disposable nappy using, puree loving, jarred baby food buying, unlimited screen time allowing, stroller-using, crib sleeping, sleep training, sugar-feeding, vaccine pushing, plastic worshiping mummy! I don't think twice about giving E paracetamol medicine. You couldn't pay me to home school. I keep my toddler on a leash.... and I don't care who sees!
apricot / 456 posts
Do you guys think being politically liberal or conservative should weigh the scale? I mean, being liberal does seem to often go hand-in-hand with being crunchy. Is being liberal and crunchy a correlation only, or is there an inherent liberal-ness in being crunchy? Or conversely, a conservative element to more traditional (for lack of a better word) parenting? Kind of like how peaceful parenting is based on the non-aggression principle of libertarians.
bananas / 9899 posts
@Skadi: I personally don't think your political views by themself matter for this scale, as it's about how crunchy/silky you are as a parent, not in general! While political views may affect your parenting style, I don't think they define it.
I'm pretty conservative politically, but I'm still a crunchy parent.
kiwi / 659 posts
I picked 4.. Crunchy: EBF and still nursing on demand at 13 months, homemade (mostly organic) baby food, no processed/ convenience food, we buy organic meat, dairy and most produce, big babywearing fan when LO was younger, alternative vax schedule (but he's up to date, fully vaxxed), no screen time for LO yet, use some essential oils, big recyclers, anti-spanking
Silky: DH and I use phones/ iPads around LO, very light sleep training at 10-11 months & he's slept in his own room since 2 months, disposable diapers, loved my epidural, use plenty of tylenol/Motrin for teething, loose daily schedule but followed LOs lead
pomelo / 5469 posts
9--and not 10, just because I did EBF for 4 months and I babywore occasionally.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
I didn't even think of some of these topics as crunchy vs silky and I'm surprised that a couple of them cause people to label themselves as one or the other because they seem minor IMO. I feel like people like to label themselves as crunchy nowadays, though, because it's "in"
We need a scale, like this:
grapefruit / 4823 posts
I voted 8: we use disposable diapers, we didn't make their baby food, they were 100% formula fed after about a week, I had a csection with my first and didn't even consider a VBAC with the 2nd. We sleep trained. We are big fans of medicine. No co-sleeping. They love screen time, and in sure there are more things. But...I did use an amber teething necklace with DD, I loved wearing my kids, but that was more out of convenience. Loosely did BLW, and RF past a year(where around here it's much more common to flip them at 1)
pomegranate / 3565 posts
@Cherrybee: ok, so if you're a 10, then I'm a 9! Pretty much all the same except sleep training.
grapefruit / 4089 posts
Is recycling really considered "crunchy"?! Even the most silky people I know recycle... actually, I don't know a single person who doesn't. I guess I find many of these distinctions really arbitrary.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@Synchronicity: I tend to see things that take care of the environment as being more "crunchy". I know plenty of people who live in the country and recycling isn't convenient (though possible), so they don't bother.
pineapple / 12234 posts
Like a 6. I babywear, I'm pro-vax, I BF past a year, I buy organic baby food and milk, I loved my epidural SO MUCH, I use the stroller for running, I co-slept with my first, half the time with my second and not at all with my third (she doesn't like sharing her sleeping space).
I think now that I have three kids, I'm much more silky...and I realize being "silky" or "crunchy" doesn't matter. My kids are loved. That's all that matters.
Except vaccinating...that one is important still haha.
pineapple / 12526 posts
I voted 9 last night.... but only because we did cloth diaper for a few months when she was little. lol. We babywore, but out of convenience, not because I had some deep belief that it was better.
So yeah. Realistically, Im probably in the 10 club with @Cherrybee: and @Crisark: . Try not to be jealous of how smoooooth we are. rofl
@Skadi: Yeah, no. Im extremely socially and politically liberal, but I am a very "traditional" parent. No crunch here. I dont think there's any correlation, at least for me.
grape / 84 posts
We roomshared, but not bed shared until about 2 months. Sleep training at 4 months. Switched from BF to FF at 5 months when my elimination diet just couldn't fix the bleeding, but had hoped and planned to BF to 2ish. Mostly homemade purées here, but buy pouches and cans to supplement. And that's mostly because I am cheap. I have zero fear that the babyfood companies are trying to unload their worst produce on my baby. Pro-vax, and pro-Western medicine. Anti-Weston Price, Dr. Mercola, and the Food Babe. Tylenol over teething biscuits and Amber necklaces. We baby wore a lot in the beginning, but now spend most of our time on the floor. Have a very slightly used stroller and am unsure whether it will be used this summer or if Babywearing will reign supreme again (probably depends on my ability to figure out back carries). I also take her into stores now in her bucket seat because it is too cold to fuss with a carrier. I used to love wrapping, but my mei tai is just so much easier. Disposable diapers. Pacifiers. Some screen time. C-section (although there was no other option). Eat organic for some stuff, but mostly am just not concerned. Give zero sh*ts about GMOs. Absolutely recycle! Just ordered PolyViSol drops and am not overly concerned with the dangers of plastic as compared to the dangers of broken glass. I thought I'd be super crunchy, but am so not. And there is no way I will homeschool.
pear / 1974 posts
I thought I would be 100% silky when I had Jack but reading through this thread I'm really surprised to find some crunchy qualities in myself! While I was praising the gods of the epidural, pampers and all meds/vaccines, I love to baby wear as much as I can (I had no idea this was a crunchy thing I just find strollers hard to manage) we bed share (it was out of desperation at the peak of his fussiness in newborn days but now I love it and I have no plans to sleep train) he is starting solids and I am buying all organic and trying to make my own and also doing a bit of BLW. Btw I never buy organic for myself!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
I'm with @Rainbow Sprinkles: on this one I think. I lead a very crunchy lifestyle but like to add in some silky stuff now and again to save my sanity.
Homemade/natural cleaning products. Organic or homegrown/farm fresh/local food, raw milk, cloth diapers. No processed/boxed food. EBF except when I lost my milk supply at 5 months with my first due to pregnancy. Cast iron and stainless steel cookware. Babywearing. I bedshared for first 6 months with both kids. Homemade baby food. We eat soaked grains. Very pro WAPF. Acupuncture and chiropractic and homeopathy! Attempted home birth with my first. Breastmilk and coconut oil fix (almost!!) everything.
And yet occasionally I will use a disposables, I'm not worried about a little screen time, and I think pouches and my stroller are SO handy for being out and about!!
I'm pro parenting that works for you and your kids!
pomegranate / 3375 posts
@jedeve: That's the only reason I use EO's too! I just like how they smell. -- I got them before baby was born, because I thought I'd want to use them to treat things. But, the first time LO got a fever, I was NOT going to fuss with oils. Hello Tylenol! It actually works!
@Cherrybee: Yes to the leash! No shame!!
pomegranate / 3375 posts
@blackbird: I see it as considering the perception (of others) as to how crunchy or silky we are, not how we see ourselves.
persimmon / 1343 posts
I don't consider myself a crunchy mom but I do a lot of things that I guess would be considered crunchy. I just do what feels right and is evidence-based/backed by science if possible. I said 7 on the poll but reading through the lists I might be closer to 5.
Crunchy: Breastfed (still breastfeeding at 20 months), no sleep training, planning on homeschooling, gentle parenting/discipline, babywear when it is more convenient, shared a room till 9 months, limit sugar/no juice, and some other general things like driving a hybrid and making dinners from scratch I often see listed under crunchy.
Silky: Don't care about "natural" birth & would gladly get another epidural or c-section, disposable diapers, fed purees & cereal, no homeopathy or essential oils, screen-time, stroller-use, crib in her own room after 9 months, eats processed snacks like goldfish crackers
pineapple / 12802 posts
I don't think there is a political correlation. ew. lol
I'm a pretty silky parent. Maybe an 8 or 9?
The main thing for me is, what works for our family? There are certain things that I feel are really important or healthy, and I try to go with, what I think, the best option is. I don't really care if it falls on the crunchy or silky scale. With that said, all my decisions seem to fall on the silkier side of things.
pomegranate / 3411 posts
I consider myself more attachment than crunchy and since some things overlap like extended BF, babywearing, no sleep training, etc., I rated myself in the middle. I am not in at all crunchy when it comes to food, diapers, medication etc.
though I like the idea of cloth diapering to save money, i could never be bothered to even think about trying it seriously.
I saw someone mention no screen time - which we attempted to do for the first 2 years (with certain exceptions) but not because we are crunchy, rather based on studies that show potential long terms effects on attention and behaviour. DH and I are both psychologists and basically pro-evidence based so that's what we base a lot of decisions on. My psychology background also leads me to lean towards the attachment side (plus I love all aspects of the closeness we get from the BF and babywearing!).
ETA. There is of course exceptions to everything, as in, on a few occasions I have let LO CIO for up to 10 minutes (after he was 14 months- though I feel bad looking back on it) and as much as I love babywearing I have definitely got good use out of our strollers!
eggplant / 11824 posts
I'm a pretty silky smooth parent. LO came into the world via a scheduled c-section, and although I have no issues with natural remedies (and do sometimes use them), I have zero hangups turning to "big pharma" when I need to.
I do plenty of crunchy things, I guess, but I don't do them because I subscribe to any particular parenting philosophy. I babywear because it works for LO (no complaining/trying to escape/whining) and it's comfy. We began to co-sleep because I was going back to work and needed LO to STTN - it worked, and we've just continued with it. We eat whole, real foods because they taste better and because I like supporting local farmers and local retailers over big box, when I can. I use "natural" products on LO because she (and I) have sensitive skin, but not because OMG shampoo has chemicals in it.
Meh, I guess at the end of the day I just think of myself as a parent. I do think "crunchy" is an en-vogue label right now for many.
papaya / 10570 posts
@Skadi: I don't think so, personally. I'm a silky 10 on the crunch scale but I'm super liberal politically.
I recycle, too. All those hundreds of cardboard formula boxes.... recycled!
apricot / 338 posts
Before lo arrived I had plans to make my own baby food, cloth diaper, ec, baby wear which all fell by the way side. I think I'm a 5 or 6 now.
grapefruit / 4089 posts
@Mrs. Lion: I guess so! I just think that saying recycling is crunchy is a bit of a stretch... It's just the norm around here, everyone does it. Maybe it's a location thing.
persimmon / 1095 posts
@Synchronicity: It's a regional thing. I don't think many did it in the south where I lived. You actually have to take stuff to the recycle place, but the trash man comes to you.
grapefruit / 4089 posts
@Mrs. Toad: Gotcha. I'm sure a lot of these factors vary a lot by region.
persimmon / 1339 posts
I said 7. I BF exclusively til about 6.5 months, but had NO problem supplementing then, and now at 11 months am weaning on my schdule and not his. I tried cloth, BLW and making my own baby food, and none of it worked for me. We sleep trained at 3.5 months and then again at 6.5 months and it was the best thing that ever happened to all of us. I baby wear (with a Bjorn, which I believe is one step above poisoning your baby to babywearers) when convenient but use the stroller way more. The TV is on all the time. I feed my son processed sugary crap if it gets one extra mouthful of food into his mouth. I definitely follow a detachment-parenting style.
coffee bean / 38 posts
More silk than crunch. Probably a solid 7-8.
On the silky side I: Think pain relief and c-sections are a-ok during birth, vaccinate on schedule and am 150% behind vaccines in general, use disposables, have no problem whatsoever with age appropriate screen time on TVs and iPads, trust western medicine and science and use pharmaceuticals when directed to (although I believe not all providers are created equal, and am fussy with who I will see and believe in being a self-advocate), don't really buy into avoiding gender stereotypes apart from reinforcing that it's ok for boys and girls to like and do stuff that 'isn't marketed for them', believe in sleep training and routines, don't co-sleep, am fine with formula feeding, will let my child eat McDonalds, and will smack as a last resort.
On the crunchy side I: Live a clean lifestyle and incorporate supplements and health foods into my diet, care about recycling, avoid certain ingredients and irritants in body care and cleaning products and buy environmentally friendly products whenever it is practical to do so, love baby-wearing (more for convenience) and believe in play-based learning.
So many ways to raise wonderful children!
pomegranate / 3375 posts
@.twist.: THIS!!! "The main thing for me is, what works for our family? There are certain things that I feel are really important or healthy, and I try to go with, what I think, the best option is. I don't really care if it falls on the crunchy or silky scale."
I assume most parents don't go around thinking, "Wait, can I do x,y,z and still be silky/crunchy?" ... I'm sure some people do, but I also think most people are a mixed bag, and just do what fits.
kiwi / 566 posts
I planned to be crunchy before L was born! I was all set to be a baby wearing, homeade puree makin, ebf to at least a year, cloth diapering, mostly stay at home, totally anti-cio mama. And then life and my particular baby happened and it got real silky real fast. Cloth diaper dropout, exclusively formula fed by 4 months, vaccine loving, Johnson and Johnson no tears shampoo CIO baby is thriving though and I'm happy it worked for our family. I do try to give her healthy food but have a very everything in moderation approach and it's rarely organic! And we don't really do screentime but that's because she could care less about the tv. It's usually on as background noise but very rarely to kid's shows because she's too busy destroying our apartment. So I'm a pretty solid 9. But I have friends that are 2s! You gotta do you
ETA: oh, and my plans for a med free birth went totally out the window after 2 weeks of early labor. Epi please! My only regret is waiting 12 hours of active labor to get it!!
kiwi / 566 posts
@Skadi: Not for me! Politically quite liberal and silky smooth But honestly it was all about my kid. I think lots of "crunchy" things are great but they don't work for us.
coconut / 8472 posts
I think I'm about a 7?
Most of the crunchy things I did were out of convenience. We bed shared for months because that's the only way we could get any sleep. I breastfed for 7m but then lost my supply. I tried to CD but failed. I babywear because I like it, but we're both kind of over it at 15 months and 26.5 lb. I do make my own baby food sometimes with leftover veggies. And no screen time for about a year.
Right now with all these snow storms I'd LOVE it if the kid would sit and watch cartoons! I formula fed for 5 months and feel no guilt. We did CIO and have a kid that sleeps 12 hours a night. I love my stroller, I give Motrin for teething and pro vax all the way.
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