184 votes
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I voted an 8...however now I'm not sure why I'm not more of a 10. I use disposable diapers, I used formula (after BF didn't work out for us), I vaccinate, my daughter hated to be worn, ect. I guess I'm an 8 because I'm hoping to wear my next daughter more and we are giving BF a try again.
pear / 1503 posts
I'm with a few other PP in that a few of the explanations that people use to describe their crunchiness/silkiness don't really seem at either end of the spectrum.
Maybe it's because I live in Canada, and it's just expected here nowadays that you will breastfeed for several months unless there's an issue (either for mom or baby) that prevents it. Same goes for vaccinations.
Our city also only has garbage pickup every two weeks, but recycling and compost are picked up every week. This cost-saving initiative was done IOT reduce how quickly the landfills are filling up, so most people just go with those options for convenience, whether or not they identify with environmental issues.
Is it intent that makes you crunchy/silky or your actions regardless of intent?
pomelo / 5524 posts
I voted 7, but after reading through some of the answers, I think I'm more of a 9 now!
Attachment parenting is not my style, I put disposable diapers on LO, he doesn't eat 100% organic (some things are organic, but not all), I EPed for 3 months and then switched to formula b/c breastfeeding didn't work for us, and he was in his crib after 4 weeks. I vaccinate on schedule, and have given him children's advil and tylenol for fevers and give him antibiotics for infections.
nectarine / 2932 posts
I'm like a 9.
The only thing I do that's crunchy is babywear. And I still use my stroller a good bit.
apricot / 411 posts
I voted 5. We EBF on demand but did use bottles & formula at the beginning while trying to overcome breastfeeding problems. Baby sleeps in a crib pushed up against the side of our bed and the thought of him sleeping in a room alone makes my palms sweat. I do use an ergonomic baby carrier but also a stroller. My back would break otherwise. Baby naps in our arms if he wants. He loves his pacifier. I don't care about organic food. We are baby-led not schedule-led. I make my own cleaning products. I use a menstrual cup. I refuse to buy books (libraries!). I had every intention of cloth-diapering but at the moment it just seems like way too much extra work!
bananas / 9899 posts
@Astro Bee: First off, this whole thing is just for fun and really shouldn't be taken too seriously lol. I'd say just put yourself in the scale wherever you think you fit best in your own opinion.
Personally I think intending to breastfeed for at least a year makes you more "crunchy" than just BFing for a few months (I'm in Canada too and most of the moms I know never intended to BF for longer than 6 months).
Also I meant this to be a scale on how crunchy/silky you are as a parent, not just in general. I recycle too, but I didn't count that towards being crunchy for this scale.
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