Pick the same major in college?
Pick the same career path?
Have the same wedding?
Have the same amount of kids?
Make another life decision differently?
Pick the same major in college?
Pick the same career path?
Have the same wedding?
Have the same amount of kids?
Make another life decision differently?
squash / 13208 posts
I would change the length of our wedding ceremony - it was way too long! Would have preferred a quick ceremony and then more time at the reception!
grape / 90 posts
If I had known when I first got married that it would take so long to ttc I would have started ttc earlier, everytime I get a bfn i regret not starting earlier but cant do anything about it now just have to be patient i guess
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
Pick the same major in college? No, but I would have double majored in Finance.
Pick the same career path? Yes, I love my industry!
Have the same wedding? No, I would have pushed harder for an elopement in a cocktail dress.
Have the same amount of kids? Time will tell.
Make another life decision differently? I can think of two, but will keep those to myself.
clementine / 854 posts
The only thing on that list that I would change is that I would have changed my bridesmaids. My maid of honor ended our friendship right after the wedding. (I was mostly in the wrong, but I don't understand why she couldn't forgive me after a 10 year long friendship). I think I would have no bridesmaids at all, quite honestly.
ETA: I would have also started TTC earlier, had I known we would still be trying after 7 months.
pear / 1672 posts
Pick the same major in college? Yes, plus Spanish or History
Pick the same career path? ETA: Maybe. Although I am doing something along the lines of what I thought I would do, but I think I might be better suited for something else.
Have the same wedding? Yes. I wouldn't change anything about my wedding (except maybe a nicer dress).
Have the same amount of kids? Let me get back to you.
Make another life decision differently? Not gone to law school
pear / 1616 posts
Pick the same major in college? Yes - led me to my current career
Pick the same career path? Yes - love the flexibility and the work is pretty interesting
Have the same wedding? No - way differnet bridal party, different theme and venue, would invite different people
Have the same amount of kids? Yes
Make another life decision differently? Probably would've tried to save more before having kids! It never seems like we're making enough, but when I look back to the pre-kids era, i think, wow where did i spend all that money??
pomegranate / 3779 posts
I would have picked a different discipline, though still stayed with engineering and a different career path. ( though I wouldn't have met DH, so maybe not.)
Same wedding, same number of kids. I probably would have made better financial decisions earlier and traveled more before "settling down".
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
My college and major would have stayed the same. I would have probably pursued the same career path after college.
I met DH when I was 25, but I was totally not attracted to him. During the course of our friendship, we both decided to go to law school but on opposite sides of the country and he spent 2 years in a dead-end relationship. If we had started dating sooner, back when we lived in the same city, I don't think I would have gone to law school and perhaps we would have gotten married sooner. That would have saved us a lot of money in law school loans and perhaps we wouldn't have had so many TTC issues.
But I feel like hindsight is 20/20 and looking back, everything happened the way it was supposed to. At the point when we DID start dating, we were totally different people and ready to settle down. Because we were such good friends to begin with, we got engaged in 4 months and got married 6 months after that, just before I turned 30. And I wouldn't change our wedding, except for the rain!
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
I would do everything the same. Now that my son has been born, I know this is the kid I was supposed to have and any deviation would have resulted in a different outcome.
eta: I would have skipped the wedding, just done a civil ceremony.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
The only two decisions I wonder about were 1) The private college I chose to attend 2) where I studied abroad. I sometimes wish I had chosen to attend a public school with the same major as I know my debts would be much lower but I met some of my favorite people in the world at college so I'm still not sure about that. I also wish I had studied abroad somewhere that required a different language. I think I'd be better off in my job/life if I was fluent in another language besides English. Otherwise, I'm very happy with my choices in life.
pomelo / 5524 posts
This is hard, because I do love my life right now. But if things would lead me to the same place:
Pick the same major in college? I'd probably would have changed my major, though I don't know that it would have led me to where I am now.
Pick the same career path? Yes
Have the same wedding?No - this is my biggest change. I would have done everything differently for our wedding.
Have the same amount of kids? Yes, though I would have started to TTC earlier had I known we would have this many issues.
Make another life decision differently? I would have gone back to school when I didn't have kids. I'm kicking myself for not doing that now.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
Pick the same major in college? Yes
Pick the same career path? Yes
Have the same wedding? Yes
Have the same amount of kids? Well....
Make another life decision differently? Maybe I wouldn't have lied to my parents as much and wouldn't have been such an asshole to them when I was a teen.
I believe that if I hadn't gone to my first college and then hadn't transferred to my second college, I never would have met my husband, never would have gotten my first job in TV and never would have had this child. I wouldn't do anything differently there.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Pick the same major in college? YEP! Very happy with this choice.
Pick the same career path? Yes - I love my job.
Have the same wedding? No - I wish we had had a bigger, more inclusive, wedding.
Have the same amount of kids? Yes!
Make another life decision differently? I love our home, but it's not perfect. I wish we had looked around some more.
pear / 1703 posts
While I try to practice gratitude for the wonderful people/things/experiences in my life now, I would do a lot of things differently. Have I learned a lot a long the way? Sure. Have I carefully considered the decisions I made in my life? No.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
Pretty much would do everything the same! For our wedding, I think I would have fewer bridesmaids, and I would have invited more of my friends (I have a bigger family than dh so in the interest of keeping "sides" slightly more even I didn't invite as many friends...). But overall, I feel really secure in my big life choices. Maybe would have started ttc #2 sooner...
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Major-no- and I would have skipped grad school since I don't need it to teach here. Lots of debt and no benefit.
Career path- probably even though it pays shit. I really love teaching.
Same wedding? Totally except Id have gotten a planner. That was so much stress but it turned out perfect!
Same kids- definitely
pineapple / 12793 posts
I'm good with my choices.
I'd consider going to graduate school a few years earlier. I graduated right when the market tanked and it took longer to get established and find work. But then I wouldn't have meet DH so it was worth it in the end.
pomelo / 5220 posts
Major- my major was fine, but I would skip law school.
Career path- I think I should have just been a paralegal instead of a lawyer. Half of them make more than I do as a lawyer and have way less stress.
Same wedding - yes 100%
Same kids - still on the 1st one, but time will tell!
Other life decisions - I wish I had traveled more and saved more money, but that's just general life grumblings
watermelon / 14467 posts
Pick the same major in college? Probably. The major I wish I had chosen isn't offered there, so I wouldn't have met my husband.
Pick the same career path? So far, I think I would have. I liked working in journalism but the hours and pay were crap. It's nice to have steady salaried income.
Have the same wedding? Nope. We would have had a much smaller wedding in our college town like we wanted to.
Have the same amount of kids? Yes.
Make another life decision differently? Maybe I wouldn't have bought a house. It's getting expensive to live in the city but we really aren't in a place to sell.
pineapple / 12566 posts
Pick the same major in college? - maybe. Or Maybe a double major.
Pick the same career path? - maybe? I like what I do, but there are so many other options out there, I wish I had dug around more.
Have the same wedding? - absolutely.
Have the same amount of kids? - yes.
Make another life decision differently? - maybe. But even bad decisions eventually led to really good things, so it would be too bad if some of those things were altered. Changes with major things probably would have led to a totally different life.
pomegranate / 3113 posts
I would have picked a different major and different career path. If I had done this, I likely wouldn't have met DH, though.
I would have had a much smaller, less expensive wedding.
We're not sure if we're done having kids yet, so I can't answer that one.
I still sometimes wonder if we made the right decision, moving across the country and farther from both our families...
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Pick the same major in college?
Yes.. I don't know what else I would've really majored in.. But maybe I wouldn't have double majored to save myself some sanity and get a higher GPA, haha!
Pick the same career path?
Yes, more or less. It's not the most exciting career and I don't make a ton, but I like the flexibility and work-life balance it gives me esp now that I have DD
Have the same wedding?
Nooo way. We had 500+ at our church ceremony and 400+ at reception. It was crazy! If I could do it again I'd just have a small intimate wedding in Mexico or something!
Have the same amount of kids?
We only have one, plan to have another, so so far so good
Make another life decision differently?
I wish I studied abroad!
coconut / 8854 posts
Pick the same major in college? I would have gone for my bachelors right away instead of my associates
Pick the same career path? yes
Have the same wedding? yes!
Have the same amount of kids? still working on that! but yes, I want a large family! 4+
Make another life decision differently?
persimmon / 1322 posts
If I could do it all over again, and know that I'd have the husband and child I have, sure, I'd make some changes. As it is, I wouldn't have met my husband if I hadn't made the choices I did. I don't have any regrets.
I would have been more practical with my schooling choices. State school instead of private university. More practical degree instead of English literature. More lucrative summer jobs.
I would make more of an effort to build a career for myself before having kids, if for no other reason to have more money in savings. I would travel more before having kids as well.
I would have the same wedding, absolutely.
Still planning on more kids, so on track with that.
pomelo / 5509 posts
Pick the same major in college? Nope.
Pick the same career path? No, related to the first question, instead of an English degree I would have gone into nursing so I could have become a CNM sooner.
Have the same wedding? Yes! I loved our wedding so much, I wouldn't change anything.
Have the same amount of kids? N/A yet
Make another life decision differently? I'd like to say I wouldn't have started dating a particular ex when I was in college but then that would change everything else about my life going forward, so I don't know...
pomelo / 5129 posts
I wouldn't really change anything. If I hadn't gone where I went to college and studied what I did, I probably wouldn't have ended up where I am (physically) and wouldn't be married to DH. And we wouldn't have gotten married any earlier in lives because we simply weren't ready.
The only thing I might change if I knew what I know now when I was a younger adult is to appreciate certain things more. Like our fathers and families, and the dynamics that are never totally clear until it's too late.
eggplant / 11287 posts
Major--I majored in journalism with a minor in music. I would have kept my music minor, but I wish I majored in creative writing or English instead of journalism.
Pick the same career path--Yes. ALTHOUGH. Sometimes 20% of me wishes that I was an L&D nurse.
Same wedding--Yes. Except, I would put more dessert at the dessert buffet and made my reception a couple hours longer.
Same amount of kids--yes!
Other life decision--I wish I would have studied abroad, and stayed at my original unversity instead of transferring. The school I ended up at was terrible and I don't look back fondly on my final 2 years of college.
Also, I would have waited longer to have kids. And REALLY enjoyed my time kid-free.
pomegranate / 3604 posts
Pick the same major in college? I probably wouldn't have done my diploma (but I went from a high school drop out to college and then used that as a basis to get into university, soooo) and i DEFINITELY shouldn't have taken a 5 year break from university.
Pick the same career path? Not applicable.
Have the same wedding? Probably wouldn't have gotten married actually. Not sure why I felt it was important to get married first in order to have kids
Have the same amount of kids? Not done yet.
Make another life decision differently: getting married is a big one; but without being married I wouldn't have lo1, so I can't really say that.
grapefruit / 4355 posts
Pick the same major in college? Yep! Loved Biomedical Engineering!
Pick the same career path? Yep!
Have the same wedding? Yes! I loved our wedding!
Have the same amount of kids? Well we aren't done yet but I wouldn't change anything so far.
Make another life decision differently? The only thing that I can think of that I would change is I would've taken a different first job out of college. But on the flipside, I tend to believe that the things we do happen for a reason and my life would not be the same as it is now if I had made a different choice. And I love my life now and would not want to change it!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
I think I might have picked a different career, BUT my internship which lead to my career led to meeting DH so yea...
pomelo / 5607 posts
I would have gone to culinary school of some sort, to be a baker/decorator. But I met DH in college, so if it meant that never happened then I wouldn't change it!
blogger / nectarine / 2043 posts
Pick the same major in college? - yes and no. I would have gone more of a public policy/nonprofit management route, given what I ended up doing, but being a politics major did get me here so I guess it wouldn't be a huge change.
Pick the same career path? - I wouldn't have wasted 7 years in research and policy to find out how much I hated it and gone straight into operations, program and project management.
Have the same wedding? - absolutely not. I didn't want the wedding I had to start with, but cultural traditions (husband's) made me lose that fight.
Have the same amount of kids? - I'm in the one and done camp for now and think that's not likely to change.
Make another life decision differently? - I wouldn't have gone to the college I did. It was too expensive and didn't give me the bang for the buck I wanted. Otherwise I don't really have any regrets.
pomelo / 5607 posts
Also, if I'd known what the outcome was going to be, I'd have terminated the pregnancy with R as soon as we found out about the hydrocephalus. It would have been infinitely easier/cheaper/less traumatic. But there was no way to know it would get so bad. With the information we had at the time, waiting was the right call. But I really wish we could have known.
nectarine / 2148 posts
Lots of No's for me. lol. Except the kids thing. But, I am happy with how life has turned out.
I think one thing I regret is that I wish I strategized better financially with college. I could've saved myself a lot of money if I pushed harder for scholarships and took my reqs at the community college. But, I think it was because I was younger and didn't know vs. making bad choices.
persimmon / 1431 posts
You know, I really have no idea if I would have done anything differently.
The only thing I WOULD have done differently is probably date my DH sooner, and get married sooner.
coconut / 8472 posts
I love where my life is now and I wouldn't change anything that would jeopardize that. Sure I can say maybe I should've majored in something closer to my grad degree or that I wasn't really suited to the college I went to, but all those steps brought me to this career and meeting my husband when I did.
Every choice I made brought me here, and every mistake made me appreciate all the good things I have.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
I would have went into animation, a field I thought was silly to pursue at the time.
I would have been an animator!
Shorter, much smaller wedding.
2 kids still sounds right to me.
Maybe waited a little longer to get married and have kids.
grapefruit / 4731 posts
Pick the same major in college?
Pick the same career path?
Yes sort of but I would have accepted a different job offer, or maybe got another job after a while. It might not be better but I wouldn't want to go through what I have gone through here again.
Have the same wedding?
Sure! Our wedding was great.
Have the same amount of kids?
Not sure yet, but at this point in life I'm happy with what I have.
Make another life decision differently?
Bought a bigger house when we had the chance! Though I don't totally regret what we did, we bought an affordable house not knowing what the future was going to be. So I guess I'm glad we made the right choice at the time but I guess right now I wished we stretched back then.
nectarine / 2521 posts
Pick the same major in college? Yes. I switched majors and love what I settled on
Pick the same career path? I'm happy with what I chose, but wish I had gone on to law school.
Have the same wedding? Yes, but with more money to have an open bar!
Have the same amount of kids? Trying for #2 and I think I will be content with two.
Make another life decision differently? As stated above, I wish I had continued on to law school, but otherwise no complaints.
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