We are in the process of apartment hunting for a 2 bed for when this baby gets here. We had looked at one place that it turns out had a lead paint disclosure, so I figured that was 100% out. But in other older buildings, what do I need to know or ask? Do people have to disclose if there is lead paint or if it is deleaded or whatever? If it's just painted over, that's not good enough, right? All I really know is lead paint=bad for babies. We hope to stay in this apartment for 3 years or so until we buy a house, so the baby will be crawling and walking there.

I'm in MA, if that makes a difference in regulations, but I'm also just wondering about general concerns with it. The neighborhood we are looking in has a lot of older houses and stuff, so I'm thinking many are pre 1970s or whenever they phased it out.