This weekend (well, actually 4 nights/5 days), DH and I are leaving our 8mo son with my parents so that we can go on a romantic getaway just the two of us.

And now that this weekend is here, I really don't want to go.

I know I'm pregnant and hormonal, but my mom just texted me asking if she could stop by and pick up some of the bigger items she'll need at their house (high chair, exersaucer, etc.) while he's there.

And I'm CRYING about her picking up his stuff. And then laughing through my tears because it's kind of amusing -- I planned this trip, I was the one who wanted it, and I KNOW we need the time away to freshen up our relationship.

But goodness. I do love that sweet boy of mine and I will miss him every minute I'm away.

I just need to share that with some fellow mom's who will understand. DH doesn't get it!