The day I went into labor I woke up with mild contractions that were 10-15 minutes apart. I was 1 day late by my Dr.’s estimate and three days early by mine. I had a gut feeling it would be the big day and was excited for my appointment later that afternoon. As the morning progressed my contractions became more intense and were coming closer together. Shortly before my appointment time they were coming anywhere from 2-5 minutes apart, but were only 20-40 seconds in length. When at my appointment, I filled the Midwife I met with in on what was happening, but she chalked things up to false labor.. uhh ok? She did a check and I was 3cm dilated and 80% effaced and swept my membranes for the second time and sent us on our way.

My contractions continued and by dinner time started to get intense. They were now roughly around a minute long, but were still coming at sporadic intervals anywhere from 1.5-4 minutes apart. Because of the Midwife’s explanation earlier that day, DH and I had it in our heads that contraction spacing needed to be super consistent before heading in to the hospital – so even though my contractions were coming less than five minutes apart since coming home from the Dr. we stayed at home and toughed things out. I really don't know where our heads were, but I guess in the end it was for the best.

By evening time, it was becoming hard to cope. The pain was to the point where if I was going to have to drive to the hospital and be admitted I didn't want things to be any worse while doing so, so off we went. We checked in and much to my disappointment I was still only a 3 and still not fully effaced. That totally took the wind out of my sails and really made me question whether or not I could do this med-free. What the hell would transition feel like if it’s this bad at only 3-4??

I figured being in water might help but after laboring in the tub for a little under two hours, I got out because I couldn’t stay warm and felt it was making me more tense. I decided to just walk around the room and lean on the bed etc. I had been shivering and chattering since laboring at home and felt like I was losing control at this point. DH would rub my back and apply counter pressure which helped a lot, but it was getting really hard to stay on course - I was just way too defeated being in that much pain and figuring I wasn't progressing. When my Dr. came in to check my progress again I was still only a 4 (although fully effaced at this point) he asked me about breaking my waters and my plans for pain management.

He wanted to break my waters first and then if I was interested call for an Epidural. I agreed and he broke my water (which had meconium in it) and immediately things became more intense. I was shivering and throwing up so I gave in and asked for an epidural. I just couldn't imagine transition and didn't think I had it in me to get through it. Before my Dr. had the chance to call the anesthesiologist LO’s heart rate dropped into the 60’s. I had to go on oxygen and keep switching positions (through contractions which was brutal) and eventually she stabilized.

The anesthesiologist was called but they wouldn’t give me an epidural right away because they wanted to make sure her heart rate was going to remain stable. My Dr. wanted to wait things out in the event that a spinal was necessary, or if her heart rate would drop again and I would need to go under so I had to work my way through more contractions to see how she did. During this time I was given an amnio flush and my Dr. reported back that I had progressed to a 6 and was fully effaced.

Unfortunately LO’s heart rate dropped again. This time it was harder to get it back up so I was signing paper work and an OR was booked. As if things hadn’t already been enough of a roller coaster, her heart rate stabilized again and all of a sudden I was feeling a lot of pressure. We figured I must be close and my Dr. confirmed I was fully dilated and then that famous urge to push arrived. Even though things started off very slowly for me, they definitely kicked into high gear quickly in the end. I went from a 6 to a 10 in about an hour or two’s time.

I started pushing and LO was moving quickly. My Dr. figured I would only push through a few contractions and she would be here. I pushed through my second set of contractions and LO’s heart rate dropped to its lowest point yet. My Dr. didn’t want to risk waiting any longer then we had to and got out the vacuum. On my third set of contractions at 1:04am, little one arrived with vacuum assistance and a big beautiful scream. DH got to cut the cord, but we couldn’t do delayed cutting as LO had suddenly experienced secondary apnea and had to be taken away.

Once she was looked over they got her back on track quickly and she was able to come and meet her Momma. We did skin to skin for a few hours and she was amazing. She nursed and was so alert. Once we were finished with skin to skin she was measured and weighed – 7lbs even and 20” long, and was given her first bath.

I felt in a daze after everything was said and done. A lot of details are very hazy and DH had to basically fill me in on what went down. In the end, we’re just so blessed that our perfect little girl arrived safely and the cherry on top was that I was able to deliver her vaginally. I feel like a little guilty having gotten my vaginal, med-free delivery after I had clearly given up on myself and wanted the epidural… but that said, I think if I wasn’t filled in on the fact that early on I wasn’t progressing, I would have had more confidence in myself and would have trusted that my body was in fact progressing. I think for future labors I’ll feel a little more in control just having experienced labor and having a better idea of what to expect and most important have more faith in myself!

oh and ETA: It turns out little one had the cord around her neck which was likely causing the decelerations in her heart rate. There had been blood so my Dr. was worried we may have been dealing with a placental abruption.