We made the switch to cloth diapers when DD was about 10 days old. Within two days she developed a serious case of diaper rash. I didn't put two and two together until we went to a previously scheduled pediatrician's appointment. Upon seeing the rash, the Dr immediately said that she was likely allergic to her cloth diapers and that we should switch back to disposables.
I am of course disappointed and hoping that she is not actually allergic to her diapers! I purchased 26 BumGenius 4.0s and was really happy with them for the 3 days I actually got to use them. They were quite an investment and although I can try and sell them I will never get all my money back... Plus then I'll have to find another brand that isn't polyester and that DD's skin can handle. I'm going to keep her in disposables for another 2 weeks or so and then try and gradually reintroduce the BumGenius'. I'm hoping she isn't really allergic.
Has anyone else had issues with cloth diaper allergies? What did you do? Any particular brands that worked better for you? If your LO had an initial reaction, was it better when you tried again later?