How do you know if you are losing your supply? DD is almost 8 months and does not seem as satisfied after she feeds, trying to latch back on even when I feel like I'm empty. She is napping less and lately is just generally a little cranky pants throughout the day I don't feel full in between feedings, and while I know that pumping is not a reliable measure, when I pump before bed it is much less than usual. DD is a big girl (99% height, 90% weight) and she is moving like crazy. She is also loving solids, though I want to make sure she is getting most of her nutrition from breastmilk.

I struggled with major supply issues for the first couple months and never would have thought that I would make it this far! I want to breastfeed at least to 1 year if I can, so how do you know if you're losing your supply and what do you do about it?