Hellobee Boards


Losses and Bitches

  1. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    Okay, so I feel like I'd at least like to chime in. As a relatively recent new user, I feel like while HB is welcoming compared to other sites, it's hard to feel like an accepted member. I don't find the need to post 12 bazillion times to get my post count up, but sometimes I do wish that newer users comments were noticed more. When you have a lower post count, sometimes you feel like you get passed over. It can be intimidating starting out. It would be nice if everyone tried to make a conscious effort to make others feel welcome. Post on their wall if you notice someone's new. Acknowledge more than just welcome. Suggest a thread or community based on something they've posted. There are a few people that do this and they make all the difference.

    What I think would make HB better:
    1) More recognition to the TTC-side of things. That's where many HBers start. Building blocks there would go a long way. A few more specific communities would help. Sometimes I don't feel like I fit in anywhere. I wish we had a community for Trouble TTC from the start. I also wish for others well being that there was an even longer term TTC board. I feel like a few extra communities could go a long way. (Although I do acknowledge the community may not be large enough for that yet and understand if it isn't.)

    2) People being respectful, but also forgiving others. I feel like HB isn't very forgiving. I know there's been a few times where I post and cringe and think OMG if someone more established than me disagrees with me then I'm toast. I really love this community so that would suck pretty hardcore. People say stupid things. I feel once someone calls someone out and they apologize that should be enough. At that point, maybe someone like a hostess could step in and say "All right, that's enough. Lets get back to the topic." I also want to stress this is about moderating some of the mobish mentality, and not moderating someone's opinions/disagreement with something in general. Obviously, this is probably too much for just Mr. Bee to do. I mean, crap, I went to work and this blew up.

    3) This is not a suggestion, but an apology if someone has already suggested these things. This thread was going too fast for me to keep up with.

  2. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Hoots: It's always so hard being a new member, wherever you are going to find support. I think people forget that sometimes! xx

  3. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    I think my post was eaten? If it shows up after I post this....sorry gals!

    See it was, and then it wasn't...how does this happen?!

  4. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @spaniellove: I'm not sure anything will change either. All the members who I feel share my points of view have been run off or left of their own accord (most recently emg86). The thread the other day about what parenting practices people think are crazy pretty much confirmed for me that I don't fit in here anymore. I wasn't offended by it... Just came to the realization that I don't have much to offer around these parts any longer.

  5. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @septca: I'm sorry you feel like you need to leave but I do understand. I wish you the very very best.

  6. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @grizz: Does a lot of drama happen in the gold threads. While I've noticed a difference I'm a bit surprised at everyone heading for the hills, but at the same time I don't see the whole site.

  7. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @grizz: I didn't bother reading that thread to the end and was afraid to post anything there. Did it blow up? Was it a blowup or the practices that made you feel that way?

  8. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts


  9. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @spaniellove: I didn't read it either. I felt it was asking for trouble. @grizz: You've always been very helpful so I hope you never leave.

  10. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    I am a lurker almost entirely now. Before I had my daughter in 2012 I was a regular poster and even posted to HB when my water broke and went into labor. I leaned on the community during the early part of my parenting journey and have certainly made many friends as a result. However, if I'm entirely candid I think a lot of change to the website happened when Gold began. People seem to feel as if they OWN a bigger part of these boards now and if you're not paying you're limited in the content you can read and can also be censored by the very same paying members and I think more often those are the people running the show around here.

    I personally have been flagged and beaten down in several threads recently for posting a candid opinion on what I assumed was a public message board full of exactly that. Opinions. I have been called a "woman-hater" and a "troll" all because I've used some colorful language and decided to post on someone birth story when I felt it fed into some negative c section stigmas and that very same author has relentlessly posted similar to other people at various times on the site. It feels, hypocritical. People should be free to not agree, heck, even say others wording or opinion is in poor taste. However, what has caused me to stop posting is the constant territorial nature of many veteran members on this board and the way in which you can be literally shut down and off if someone doesn't "like" you or the topic you started. Example: The warm fuzzy thread just started when someone instantly wrote "this excludes new members" Really? Are we shutting down everything people write about because of feelings?

    I get some censorship but to me its gotten out of control all because some people take this place WAY too seriously.

  11. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @grizz: a lot of my choices are crazy too

  12. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @grizz: that post shocked me. I mean I know I'm a bit crunchy but whoa and I couldn't stop reading even though I knew I should.

  13. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @grizz: This how I feel about it here lately. I've learned to just watch the conversational threads instead of piling on the agrees or negativity. Sometimes, I refuse to open those threads to begin. Also, I don't need to add another post if the point I wanted to make has already been said.

    In the recent weeks, I've found myself being much more restrained because the attitude here has become toxic. As much as Mr. Bee is against heavy moderation of the site, it needs some in his absence while he's refining the site. I think it would go a long way to cool some of the tensions and bring back the warmness that's missing these days. I would love to see new voices/users be welcomed better than they have been in the past. I think that some institutional changes (light moderation) and better welcoming of new members would bring about some productive change, so that this site can grow and change with its users.

  14. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @Silva: So I feel like that goes towards my statement that responses need to be appropriate. So in your example of a sleep training thread, I think someone who co-sleeps could say something like, "I can't help with sleep training but I've found my baby slept longer stretches when we started solids" or "I hope you get some good sleep soon :-)", etc. Again, just because someone made different choices doesn't mean they're judging. Or that they can't be supportive.

  15. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @spaniellove: It wasn't a blowup or anything... Just everything I do was listed on others' crazy lists. And add to that pretty much everyone who shares my views on midwifery/homebirth/etc is gone. I totally understand and respect other people's parenting decisions, but I do feel like an odd duck, and I feel like if I post about any of our decisions I'll be flogged.

    ETA: I know the intent of that thread was not to make people feel bad. I just felt like shit after I finished reading it.

  16. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @cascademom: Do you mind sharing what types of things have been toxic lately? I mean.....getting it out there will (maybe?) help us avoid more of the same in the future.

  17. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @grizz: I was shocked by the thread too. It felt incredibly judgemental and showed a lack of diversity here.

  18. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    I haven't been as active in awhile since DD2 came along but, while I have noticed a bit more "snarkiness (is that a word?)" I think you get what you want out of this site. If there is a thread I think would get me into a super heated argument, I probably do not post; the same reason I bite my tongue around all of my family of the opposite political party during campaign time, not worth if. Or if I do, then I just post and don't read any other replies or take sides with others I also try and follow the "if you don't have anything nice to say..." rule. After all we are all grown women (and men) who need to remember it's just the internet, tomorrow is a new day

    PS: I love hellobee and hope I can find more time to come back here

  19. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @grizz: @Arden: I'm pretty traditional in my parenting and I sometimes wonder if it's because I'm uneducated in other ways. My parents were traditional so I am too. I find others views very enlightening and if nothing else interesting. Are they all for me? No, but not everything I do is for other people.

  20. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @looch: summed up how I feel about HB in her original post - the point that even though I'm around, I'm just not invested enough to get upset over HB topics. Really I've turned more to a lurker - the biggest HB value has always been the support threads for me. Now that I have a baby, really I don't fit into the parenting style of many of the users though.

    I don't even know why I'm posting on this honestly - I am not going to get my feelings hurt over HB and stay the hell out of combative threads. I just don't care enough about arguing with people online and can't understand when others get so wrapped up in online drama. how do so many people have the time to reply and reply on hot topic threads - I blink and threads like this are 5 pages long - granted I'm knee deep in newborn land right now!

    Can't we all just offer support and advice where we are capable of adding to the conversation? I don't like the idea that people need to "stay where they belong" though if they have something of support they can chime in and offer to another user.

  21. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @Anagram: What I see as toxic are the circlejerks/dogpiles in a controversial topic or even a mundane one. I want to scream "Slow your roll, think before you post!" It goes back to what has been said in this thread already about thinking about what is said will contribute to the thread or not.

    In terms of the new HB's, if they post something that's been discussed before don't jump down their throats because they're new. Simply linking them to previous topics is helpful too. I don't see a lot of thoughtful posting these days. It used to be a lot more considerate and would have more thoughtful conversations throughout the day. I'm just not seeing that these days.

  22. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @ladybee: My parents are total hippies, so I think in my case it's generational I have stayed because I love others' viewpoints - the good folks of HB saved me from a nervous breakdown in regards to my kid's sleep!! - but I wish that others who share my views still felt comfortable here too.

  23. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @grizz: @septca: more brain drain I wish all the users who recently left come back. Diversity is the spice of life.

    Maybe we needed *this* thread sooner. I really think attitudes will be checked a bit more at the door. Some disagreements before they become big old messes derailing threads will be taken care of between users on their wall.

  24. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @cascademom: I understand what you mean. Even the thread Grizz and Arden are talking about, the "what parenting stuff is crazy to you" thread...I think I was the first to post homeschooling and then so many people jumped on and added their plus 1 that then I had to go back and try to make it all lighter and say that in some cases, I think homeschooling is fine and I've seen it work (and not work) in real life.

    But yeah...dog piling. I think sometimes people don't even realize they are doing it and just want to add their two cents, but it can come off negatively to other users who have the opposite opinion when suddenly 25 members are plus 1-ing something you do at home and really like.

  25. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    @Arden: @grizz: I have to say... I did participate in that thread but I felt my post was more of a "i couldn't but more power to you" kind of post. When C was born, the boards were EXTREMELY AP heavy and I was attacked repeatedly over CIO, formula feeding, telling me how I should and should not feel about my PPD and trauma, and a few other more "traditional" parenting issues (or maybe I just felt attacked because I was a little nutso at that point). So, Ive been there and I understand how you feel. It does suck and Im sorry if I contributed to that. I do think that a differing opinion is extremely valuable though and I value both of you and your thoughts. Without differing opinions, things just turn into a circle jerk and nobody wants that.

    I don't have much else to say other than I have noticed the change and I have to say that I have stepped away from the boards a bit. I have felt alienated for a while because my lifestyle just doesnt fit what the general lifestyle of the board is. We're a dual student household and we BROKE... which isn't generally what is discussed around here. Sure, Id love a Kate Spade bag and to dress C in Boden and Gap and cart her around in a Foonf... but that's not my reality. Im also not TTC and don't plan to and my daughter is 2.5.... so Im not really in the "baby" stage anymore and a lot of the "baby" issues are just ones that I don't feel I can really contribute to anymore.

    I will say, when I was a hostess on WB, it was part of our job to go through and comment on threads that had no comments yet and get them moving. Is that something that is done here? If not, I think it should be. I think that would be a good way to get some positive movement re: new members going.

  26. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I have no idea what the dust up was involving you that you've mentioned but I admire that you walled people and just got it out there. I would never do that...I would totally just avoid people's threads if I felt they were rude.

    Maybe if we all did it that way.....(but really, I'm a middle child and I don't have the personality to wall people and be so direct, haha).

  27. Ms.Badger

    clementine / 918 posts

    @Arden: I think that post demonstrated the lack of diversity of a few posters and the unwillingness to engage in that blatant flame thread by most others

  28. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    @loveisstrange: We do that here too! There's always room for improvement though, so maybe we can work that into our weekly postathons or something...

  29. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @Nskillet: you were piled on in the Torchwood thread correct?

  30. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @loveisstrange: I took no offense to your post at all. I thought you were awesome in the WB days, and I still hold the same opinion It meant so much to me when I was in the trenches of birth trauma/PPD knowing you were just a wall post away

  31. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    @mrbee: Ah, I wasn't sure if that was part of the hostess duties or not. I figured I needed to work something constructive into my little whine-fest. haha

  32. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I think so? I honestly don't even remember. The experience caused me to take a huge step back for several weeks.

  33. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I don't think nskillet is the torchwood person because that person left... I'm really sad about that one... it was a few days ago. I think nskillet is talking about a birth story of someone (they had mama in their name) also that left recently who had a c-section and made it sound very bad to have a c-section.

  34. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Raindrop: Correct. I said I was sorry for her experience but felt her wording contributed to some really negative C section stigmas out there. I was literally burned at the stake for feeling that way. I took it on the chin though, or tried anyway!

  35. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @Nskillet: Yeah that was terrible, sorry you went through that.

  36. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @Raindrop: What is this torchwood post?

  37. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    I haven't posted much lately and I feel like this is an appropriate time to weigh in on why that is.

    I used to love this community. And I used to feel like I was actually part of a community. But lately it's become increasingly fragmented and cliquey. I graduated from high school almost 15 years ago and I don't feel the need to relive it.

    I also want to echo some of what @silva:, @looch:, and @grizz have said, in that there seems to no longer be much respect of people who don't parent according to the HB status quo. I think the beginning of the end for me was when I noticed that every single 'one and done' thread became an argument between the one and done parents and those who plan to have 2+ kids. Not to mention those of us who lean in the more "crunchy" direction in terms of natural birthing, midwives, extended breastfeeding etc. There used to be a lot more respect for varying viewpoints here but that sense of wide-ranging respect seems to have evaporated.

    Another thing I've struggled with, and maybe this is just me, is that I've run into a lot more threads in recent months in which I would spend a lot of time composing a thoughtful and (I thought, at least) helpful response....and I didn't seem to ever get any acknowledgement from the OP. I'm not asking for a thank you note and flowers, but simple acknowledgement would be nice. Having that happen repeatedly made me feel like I wasn't a valued member of this community and that I'd sooner just not contribute if no one cared/was listening anyway.

    I love the friends I've made on HB - I've become closer with some of these ladies than I am with some of my IRL friends lately. That just doesn't seem to be representative of the larger community at the moment *shrug*

  38. BabyBoecksMom

    GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts

    @Hoots: I think you bring up some very good points. I know that, especially as a hostess, I should be reaching out a bit more to the new people and making them truly feel included.

  39. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    The person who wrote the c-section thread mentioned is gone too... Hurtful words go both ways.
    I was personally really sad to see her go. Her feelings about her birth are as valid as anyone else's feelings about their own birth.

  40. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @loveisstrange: totally something we should be doing! I'll admit I forget to do it but once every couple of weeks, I try to bang some up. Speaking of...

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