Hellobee Boards


Losses and Bitches

  1. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @loveisstrange: I know I contributed to that thread. But, I tried to keep it very much a "I am totally crazy, but on the other spectrum. It's all relative". If I came off at all close-minded that was not my intention. I love the diversity and I love to hear about what other people do.

  2. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Raindrop: I guess my feeling on that whole thing was everyone said I should have posted it elsewhere. Would that really have mattered? So basically it would have been a post calling this girl out? It made no sense, you know? I wanted to say what I did and don't regret it.

  3. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @ladybee: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/follow-up/

    I believe this the last post torchwood wrote about her experience. Things got heated.

  4. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @loveisstrange: I didn't take any offense to your post in that thread. Some posts just seemed very accusatory and downright disapproving of other people. I don't have any issue with other people thinking I'm crazy, but it did seem like that thread was just overwhelmingly negative which was sad.

  5. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @Raindrop: ok, ok. Now, I remember.

    Too bad the other member left, but that one was over the top with the pile on. It really comes down to even when someone says something so out of left field the pile on and shaming just turns a thread on its heels.

    ETA: I miss runsyellowlites too and feel she was run off too.

  6. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @grizz: I was honestly surprised no one said, "This isn't going to end well!" Had a newcomer written that post , I think the reactions would have been different. I did chime in on that thread, to be fair!

    @arden: were you really shocked, or perhaps more disappointed? (Just wondering, not saying it would be wrong to be shocked.) HB to me is openly mainstream, from its appearance to forum topics. I go to other sites or my IRL friends for "crunchy" insight and advice.

  7. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @Nskillet: That's what was said to the torchwood commenter too.

  8. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    @grizz: Im glad that you felt you could come to me. Trauma and PPD is such a hard thing to get over and I know it helps having someone to talk to who isn't rolling their eyes because they're sick of hearing it. And I you too.

    @mediagirl: Haha, I have to say I was always kind of a slacker about it on WB too.

    @Arden: I do agree that that thread got nasty and kind of turned into a dogpile fast.

  9. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @Arden: @grizz: I think that thread was just a mess and I wish it'd been closed! I thought what I contributed was light hearted but it put someone else on defense, which really wasn't my intent. I really hated the turn it took re:homeschooling but couldn't figure out how to articulate my thoughts without derailing it further.

  10. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    I have really been starting to step way recently. I think theres sort of a criteria for being popular on HB. You've gotta have the right amount of money (or at least the right stuff), the right political views, the right education/occupation, a (seemingly) good relationship/marriage, the right parenting "philosophies" to an extent, etc etc. I think people generally only answer about themselves if the answer is bragworthy or sounds ok- and as a result the community comes off sounding materialistic and even judgmental at times. I fully admit to getting caught up in that, for example I'll say we dont have a lot of fun money but qualify it by saying "but we're totally stable." Or when I had ppd I'd say how tough it was and then say "but I love lo so much" or something like that. And even though we discuss things like CM and our kids' diapers on here there is relatively little mention of problems like depression and debt that I KNOW moms have. (And on the topic of depression, just so those dealing with IF/losses know, it most definitely can cause negative comments/complaints about babies being babies, on a deeper level than not being grateful. I understand that doesn't necessarily ease the sting of it but just throwing it out there. And yeah then there are people just complaining to complain and I can see why that would be difficult to read and frankly, in that case you'd be right to think they needed to count their blessings...) Anyway, while I understand that a certain type of person in a certain job or position might be more drawn to HB, and that's ok, I can definitely see why lots of people might not feel welcome here. Just my 2 cents!

    As for the WOHM/SAHM comments above, if it makes anyone feel better we are middle class and aside from a work situation we weren't comfortable with it has been financially better (for now) for me to stay at home. It's not because we're loaded, and I don't feel I have a horse in the race when it comes to WOH/SAH arguments. (Last part edited..)

  11. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @heartonastring: you make a good point about taking time to write a thoughtful post and then it just hanging there. Though, i admit to sometimes being terrible at responding. But still, it is discouraging to feel like your thoughts are just out there with no sense they've been received.

  12. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @Happygal: I was surprised! Maybe I'm naive, but even though I knew these boards are mostly traditional, I was shocked at just how judgemental many posters were towards non-traditional parenting. Disagree and choose a different method, sure, but no need to be so harsh and negative towards those that parent differently.

    Where do you find crunchy sites?

  13. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @heartonastring: Although you feel you're not finding enough of your tribe or respect for the things you do here, I think there are people like me who like having the input. It didn't all work out for me the way I planned, but the babywearing thread(s), the cloth diapering discussions, the breastfeeding discussions, the cosleeping discussions...having them here really helped me. Just wanted you to know. And anyone else who shared your sentiment.

  14. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @arden: I see what you mean about the judgement--not the practices, but the attitudes towards what others do. I guess I always figured you just needed to scratch the surface to see it.

    Tapping on the phone, but I'll wall you some sites tomorrow! Probably most you'll already know.

  15. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    I'm a regular poster but not as frequent as many of you. I've learned a lot here and enjoy reading about others experiences but I don't take offense to differing opinions by people I don't know on the internet. I guess I just expect there to be opposing views in a group of women across the world united only by an interest in having/adopting children. As far as the snarkiness... Do I sometimes think certain a posts or posters are annoying? Sure. But then I just shake my head or tell DH. I don't need to tell everyone that annoys me that they annoy me or they're wrong., IRL or on the interwebs. By not getting drawn into arguments and trying to hammer home my point, I feel like I stay away from the negative.

    I can see how you could get sucked into negativity though. I'm a teacher and the dynamic amongst the women at my school is very similar. I don't choose to participate but I have found myself tempted before.

    I guess I'm trying to say that this is a social site, meant for enjoyment. If it isn't enjoyable for you, you could: 1. Try to change all the other people. 2. Change how you react to the other people. 3. Find something else more fulfilling.
    (Please don't read that as "if you don't like it, leave." Not my intention!)

  16. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I fully admit that I have sometimes forgotten to respond too. When it became a pattern I started to get discouraged and then, frankly, pissed off when it happened repeatedly, sometimes with the same OPs.

    @spaniellove: That's nice to hear I know there are crunchy mamas out there, we just all seem to be a lot quieter lately.

  17. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @Arden: are you part of the WIO community on Facebook?

  18. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @Kemma: I need to be! I'll look it up, thanks!

  19. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    Wow I am surprised at how many instances of drama I've missed completely considering how often I hang around here. Just had to play a lot of catch up to figure out what people are taking about.

    I just want to point something out that I think is pretty cool. Even in this thread here I see so many bees apologizing to others for things that happened a month to a year ago! I think that shows that there is still a lot of good going on around here.

  20. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @pui: I think a lot of times people can get caught up in the moment (it's only natural!) and don't even realize until later when someone points it out (even indirectly pointing it out). It took someone to point it out to me and I appreciate them for that.

  21. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    @Happygal: What sites do you find are better for "crunchy" intel. I feel like I am often misunderstood on here, and for that, I don't share a lot of things.

  22. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    @heartonastring: @spaniellove: Crunchy mamas, unite!

  23. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    I just read the whole thread,

    @Nskillet: I agree with you about it really starting when Gold was created, I've thought of that for quite a while. As some one who can't justify the cost of gold when I mainly lurk on the threads has really opened my eyes to the cliques on the boards.

    And I've tried to write a paragraph 3 times to try to make sense but my brain function seems to have disappeared. But I wanted to say that these boards have been amazing for me personally, I don't post a lot (mainly due to the time differences/I usually feel like I don't have anything worth while to add) but reading the threads have helped me immensly through the rollercoaster of ttc/pregnancy/parenting and most recently, loss.

    I still can't even make sense of what I'm trying to say. Urgh. But I hope this thread helps hash it all out and get everything in the open so we can get back to being a wonderful community

  24. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    @.twist.: @pui: I have to say I agree with twist. You get caught up and look back and think "god... im an asshole". Sometimes im totally a dick without really realizing it or meaning to be, but im usually willing to admit it.

  25. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @Vegmama: Are you on FB? I've found some great groups I can add you to there

  26. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Vegmama: I'm crunchier at heart than I am in practice!

  27. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @LindsayInNY: I had no idea that I was being so offensive by going back to comment on the 6 + month TTC board. I still check it every single day because I want so badly for those ladies to get their BFPs. I can see where you're coming from, though, so I'll stop.

  28. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    Hmmm. While I've been around for 3 years (or so), I certainly don't feel "active" though I read daily. Here's my thoughts on the changes over time.

    1) When I first joined I was a new mom and tend to fall more in traditional lines. I didn't feel like I had much of a voice as things were more crunchy than I. I was interested to read and learn, even if I wasn't living the same parenting style.

    2) I think Gold drastically changed dynamics. I don't pay for internet memberships, particularly since I don't consider myself to be an active poster. But I would certainly point it to the change of things.

    3) Shortly after gold there was many name changes and I really never understood what happened (nor is it really my business) but it added to the disconnecting feeling of the site.

    4) The regime seems to have changed recently and posters that used to be very active have taken a back seat and a new variety of very opinionated posters seem to have taken over.

    5) I don't start a lot of threads as they tend to not get many responses which is really frustrating. And I truly feel sometimes I'm disregarded due to my post count or my non-gold status.

    There are a number of posters that I think can really articulate themselves well and bring some really great tone to the boards. Many of them have posted here already. And I'm sure there are others as well.

    I'm not sure that repair can occur, every forum I've ever been part of on the internet changes over time. Change inevitable and we don't all always agree with the changes.

  29. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    Okay, I've spent the last half hour reading this thread and had so many things I wanted to reply to but have forgotten already.

    I have waxed and waned with HB. There has been a couple times where I have posted a thread and then shocked at how negative the response was. (One was a joke about a restaurant and the other was a work vent). One of the users who left today was one of the people who I felt was pretty rude on those threads, and I've tried to avoid them. I've seen some of the "drama," although I think to other people it can be written off as "gees not everyone is going to agree with you, deal with it."

    I like HB, but I don't feel like I have any "friends" here. (Hi, would you like to be friends?) So sometimes when all the threads are inside jokes and talking about things on Instagram or "wall me!" I feel a bit left out. And sometimes I feel like my posts don't get as many replies as more popular users.

    The money thing used to bug me, but I've gotten over it. I feel like I have to justify the fact we don't make a lot of money. But as someone said earlier, you aren't supposed to be rich in your 20s. The deal page is actually really helpful. I also feel almost bad for wanting more than two kids, even though we aren't well off by HB standards.

    I really like the news/opinion page. I enjoy hearing from different people.

    Okay I had more to say, but I forget it due to sleep deprivation, and DH wants to watch some dr. Who on the iPad.

  30. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @jedeve: I'm always up for making new friends!

  31. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: As an IF grad (since I hope my opinion is also valid, though not as valid as someone still in the trenches), I'm going to say that I remember how triggering it was to see random posts/check-ins from grads. But I don't think it should be not allowed for IF grads to pop in and support current IFers or TTCers. That's taking it a bit too far. It's rude to butt in and talk about babies and pregnancy, but since when are we banned?

    And seriously, that gets me. If that's the case then although I have a LO now I don't understand HB anymore.

  32. Katrocap

    persimmon / 1230 posts

    Just accidentally pressed the back button and lost the post I had been working on for 20 minutes.

    Let me try to summarize it quickly:
    1. HB can be intimidating if you are new or do not post frequently.
    2. Even though it can be intimidating, HB is an amazing community. The boards and blogs often have useful and inspiring posts. There are many posts I've read that I disagree with, but it's beneficial to be exposed to and learn from other ladies' points of view. I am a teacher and say this to my students and colleagues: "we all have areas of expertise and important experiences to bring to the conversation."
    3. Don't feed the trolls. It's so tempting to respond to certain posts that just get me riled up, but I tell myself not to argue with someone unless I think their actions/beliefs are truly harmful.
    4. Although I put great thought into what I write on HB, I'll try to pay attention to how I frame my posts. Like @ms.badger implied (I think it was her, this has been a long thread!), how you craft your post is as important as what you are saying.

    After all of that, I'm going to go out on a limb here and risk offending others, but how did a post on a pregnant reality TV star (who is only famous because she is one of many children) generate so much drama? Why does Jill Duggar matter that much?

    ETA: How do you know if a bee has left? Did certain people announce their departure or is it just that they haven't been posting lately?

  33. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Katrocap: I feel like with all the "bad vibes" on HB lately, it was just a matter of time and the actual thread topic didn't matter.

  34. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Katrocap: I was trying to tell my husband and when I said it started with a post about the Duggars, he said, "who?" and I couldn't even explain.

  35. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @simplyfelicity: that's what bothered me more. I just don't see why we can't be happy for a young couple who love each other and willingly got pregnant.

  36. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @spaniellove: I wouldn't say "that's HB", just one person said it so far. I can see how it would bug someone and since I've been there, I want to be sensitive to that. I will still check the boards, though. And when someone gets a BFP, I'll congratulate them. I just won't come in at the beginning and say I'm cheering them on.

  37. Katrocap

    persimmon / 1230 posts

    @simplyfelicity: Personally I haven't picked up on the bad vibes, but based on what everyone else has stated on this thread, they definitely seem to exist and I suppose that anything could have set this off. Also, I hope you don't go for good. Your posts and comments have been particularly helpful to me

    @ladybee: I was surprised at how many people were lamenting the fact that the couple got pregnant only 8 weeks after marrying and won't have more alone time together. They aren't people we personally know, so why do we care and who are we to judge?

  38. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @ladybee: I honestly think that the topic could have been about casseroles and there was going to be a "blood bath." It just seemed like an inevitability with the passive aggressiveness and snarkiness. While I am sad that some Bees have decided to leave (not sure on my decision,) I honestly think this needed to happen in a way. I think behaviors needed to be called out and people needed to examine what they do. It's been a pretty eye opening day on the Bee.

  39. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Katrocap: You are too sweet! I guess it's more of an undertone, you know? After a while, the pressure builds and builds and it just takes one tiny comment...
    It does make me wonder and hope that I never said anything to hurt anyone.

  40. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    What did I miss? I still like this site but I admit for a little bit I was hurt that "friends" here didn't support me in certain aspects of my life and then went crazy about it on GOMI. But you cant control the haters! I still like this site. And am not so easily offended that I would leave.

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