I'm nearing the end of my second pregnancy (36 weeks today), and am starting to think through delivery and postpartum. With my first babe I had a bit of trouble with my supply. I was able to nurse for over a year, but we supplemented with other's milk and looking back on pictures, girlfriend was a twig at the beginning. I think it took about 4 days for my milk to come in, and I pumped starting on day 2 after each feeding.

Any advice for second time around? I am already planning on getting a pump in the hospital to try to get my milk to come in earlier, and I'm even considering pumping before delivery to see if it will kick start stuff. I'm really just hoping/praying for a chunky baby that will be hungry and have a demand that prompts my supply. LO1 was a sleepy/lazy nurser and I think that significantly affected it.