pomegranate / 3411 posts
@HappyBluebird: thanks, i just had more hope since I weaned breastfeeding last month and this was my first full cycle without nursing.
clementine / 957 posts
@californiadreams: I don't know much of anything about breastfeeding and cycles regulating, but is it possible it might take a few cycles to work itself out?
kiwi / 673 posts
@JennyG: We ended up going to an RE. I really like mine. It's not completely monitored like you'll hear some do. But, I'm annovulatory, so she said it's not necessary at this point. However, she does monitor via bloodwork on specific days and I have to check in a number of times per month via phone with her nurse. She was also very active about speaking with me about her expextations of me during the cycle. For example, how much protein per day, drinking water, watching for signs of ohss, etc. I feel tins more comfortable with her than my ob/gyn who couldn't remember what the plan was each time I spoke with her. My plan is to switch back to a ObGyn I saw previously when/if this pregnancy thing happens.
apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
TBD: DesertDreams88; jaguar; lovehoneybee; californiadreams
3/1 - stiletto_mom
3/4 - smith
3/7 - Finfan
3/9 - NorthStar; AprilFool; clover
3/10 - wrkbrk; fancyfunction; auggiefrog; peaches1038
3/12 - ashluvsjron
3/14 - JennyG
3/19 - FannyMae
3/21 - chaosmaven; YogiRunner
3/24 - HappyBluebird
3/25 - SugarplumsMom
3/26 - Hoots
3/28 - travellingbee
Cheerleader: snowjewelz; BandDMommy; simplyfelicity; MrsMccarthy; Honeygold89
apricot / 315 posts
@californiadreams: So sorry - I know how frustrating short LPs can be. I know we talked about this issue, and I added a B50 Complex post ovulation last cycle. Instead of spotting from 6 dpo and a 9-10 day LP, I had spotting from 9 dpo and a 12 day LP. I'm hoping for continued improvement this cycle. I didn't believe it until I saw it myself - might be worth a try? It is also true that similar to coming off of birth control, your hormones often need a few cycles to regulate after breastfeeding, I think. So hopefully it will improve soon!
blogger / pea / 17 posts
Hey ladies, hope you don't mind a late joiner.
Cycle Day: 18
TTC Cycle #: 3
Ovulation and POAS dates: 2/23 (cd 15), 3/9 (but I likely will not have the will power to wait until then!)
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: unfortunately, hubs was away for the majority of my fertile period, so our only BD was cd 10 and cd 16. It's a definite long shot this month.
Chart link: none
We love St. Patty's Day!! It's obviously not as fun when you're a grown up and can't spend the entire day being rowdy ;).
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@californiadreams: FX that it was just your body adjusting back from breastfeeding, and that it will be back on track with a longer LP next time! I second what I've heard about taking B complex, I've read multiple times that is very effective for lengthening LP. Only caveat is I'd probably wait until after ovulation to start taking it, I've read many times that it can delay ovulation and I suspect it's what had a hand in me waiting until day 31 and 34 for O on my last two cycles.
I'm so excited ya'll, I think I ovulated either yesterday or today, on day 20 or 21! This is a big win for me for two reasons! Firstly, I've been ovulating super late since August, and I was/am worried about PCOS. Secondly, we managed to have great timing with no DH performance anxiety. FX for higher temps tomorrow and getting in one more chance tonight
@chaosmaven: I hope I'm not jinxing it but POAS date on March 9th?
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Chaosmaven: Could you change my POAS date to 3/12 please? The RE gave me that date today at my IUI (instead of 3/10) so I better do what she says! Thanks!!
clementine / 903 posts
@DesertDreams88: Not to totally stalk this thread, but even if under 35, your OB should still be willing to start preliminary tests after 8 months of trying if you ask for it. My OB was willing to do it for me at 5 months trying and I am under 35, but then I got pregnant. But if I wouldn't have, she was going to send me for day 3 testing and DH for SA, because those are easy tests that would get you a jump start on ruling out certain things without much effort.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@MrsCobee: Thanks for the input. I got pregnant in Sept with a loss in Oct/Nov, and it threw off my cycles for awhile. My obgyn offered testing if this cycle is irregular as well, and as of now, I'm hopeful... we'll see! I plan on asking for testing in July which will be our 11ish, 12th month. Also, I'm 26, and will be 27 in August.
clementine / 903 posts
@DesertDreams88: Glad she has started offering it to you, but hope you are pregnant before you have to do any testing!!
cherry / 134 posts
Newbie! And late to join the convo.
Cycle day: 5
TTC cycle: 2
Ovulation and POAS dates: OV projected for 3/13ish (I elaborate below) and thinking I may POAS 3/29-4/1.
Plan this month: I am tracking cm and using opk's at this point.
No charting yet.
Well I am 33, DH 35, DD 10 and DS 7. Stopped bcp on 1-14-15 and followed with a long cycle of 41 days in which I believe was annovulatory. I had no positive opk's and wonky cm amongst many hormone fluctuation symptoms. Feel like I have ran an emotional marathon from hormones trying to regulate and I am now on cd5 and will continue using opk's and tracking cm for a couple cycles. Then add in bbting after my 3rd Cycle.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@californiadreams: are you still nursing? That's what made my LP short. Unfortunately I had to wean to get pregnant but some have success with just cutting down.
cherry / 107 posts
Cycle Day: 2
TTC Cycle #: 5
Ovulation and POAS dates: O 3/12 and POAS 3/26
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: OPKs twice a day if necessary (I've been getting positives in the morning) and lots of BDing.
cherry / 107 posts
Doesn't it seem like everyone (except us) is currently pregnant?? I'm a massage therapist and I've given 3 pregnancy massages in 2 days. There are also a bunch booked this weekend. Normally I might have 2 in a month!
cherry / 189 posts
Hi ladies, is it ok if I join over here instead of being all alone on the February boards? I'm going to test tomorrow but it'll only be 9dpo so I'm not expecting much. I think 3/1 at 10dpo is probably my earliest bet for a bfp! My chart is looking promising with a maybe-implantation dip at 6dpo and back up the next two days, but I'm on progesterone supplements so I don't know how much a pretty chart counts for with those..
@Berly: everyone is definitely pregnant. Seriously every freaking one I know. Especially a million due in June when my mc would have been due. Got invited to the shower of the first June baby today. Yeah nooooot going to that.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
I am not surrounded by pregnant people, but by babies! In my church we have about 70 adults (so about 30 people, and about 10 singles) and we have 20 kids under the age of 2.... Same situation with our church small group.
@Cobee welcome and fingers crossed!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Berly: Yes! I was out yesterday and it felt like every second person was pregnant!
@CObee: Good luck tomorrow and welcome to the March boards
coffee bean / 32 posts
Hi everyone. Newbie to this site, so here goes...
Cycle Day: 25
TTC Cycle #: 3
Ovulation and POAS date: 24th February & planning to test on 7th March
Baby #: 1
Plan this month: Try not to symptom spot (too much anyway! ) and practice patience a little more.
Not a fan of Guinness, but may celebrate with an alternative alcoholic drink if test is negative
pomegranate / 3411 posts
@HappyBluebird: I honestly don't know. I know anecdotally a few stories of people getting pregnant the first cycle post-weaning after trying for several months. So i was hoping to add to those stories
@MrsMccarthy: I weaned on January 14. and before that we were down to a few sessions a week, so this was our first post-weaning cycle.
@Chaosmaven: thanks, yes I remember us talking about it and i did read up on it a little. Since I just weaned last month, i think i will wait a few cycles and see what happens. Especially if i end up changing jobs as i might, it might be better to wait.
@DesertDreams88: good to know about only taking it post ovulation! thanks! and FX for you this month!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@californiadreams: hopefully your body is just taking time to regulate. A B complex and acupuncture might also help. I hope you are KU soon!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@californiadreams: my cycles went nutso for a few months after weaning. It eventually settled down
pomegranate / 3411 posts
@travellingbee: after how many months did you wean? my cycles have appeared pretty regular since 6 months pp, but i didn't start charting until a couple of months ago and discovered the short LP. I guess i was hoping that since I weaned so gradually and had been down to a few short sessions a week at 26 months, that my cycle would be normal immediately after. i guess not. And i guess i have hope that it will regulate itself as opposed to having no explanation for why this is happening.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@californiadreams: I had normal cycles starting at 9 months PP but didnt wean until 13 months. We were just doing one feeding a day at that point. After I weaned my first cycle was 35 days which is crazy long for me. Then the next one was 22 days. Then 25 for a couple but my LP was only 9-10 days long. I started some b complex and supplements with a nutritionist and it finally ended up a perfect 28 days 5 months post weaning. I got pregnant 3 months after that but lost it and again the month after and lost it but it's an unrelated issue.
persimmon / 1196 posts
Cycle Day: one
TTC Cycle #: cycle ten(ish), month fifteen
Ovulation and POAS dates: FF predicts ovulation between the 17th and 19th, though I ovulated on CD 14 last month. I won't POAS before the 29th.
Baby #: one
Your plan this month: Keep up with vaginal temping. Thanks to all of those who recommended it on the January board - it made a HUGE difference in my chart. Also, Pregnitude, OPKs and I have an HSG scheduled on CD 11.
I will likely wear green on the 17th, but it's a school night, so I will have to skip any rowdy celebrations.
persimmon / 1461 posts
I thought my OPK had gone a bit cukoo, but now i'm wondering if its acutally right. Day 9 - Low, Day 10 - High (flashing) but then it turned to Peak (static face) later on. I tried to use it yesterday morning Day 11 - and it was on static Peak still and wouldn't read the pee stick. I did it anyway and figured I could see the lines on the stick manually (and did one again today, Day 12). Day 10 is noticeably darker than all the others, so now wondering if maybe I did O, and earlier. Definitely more watery CM yesterday, just seems early.
apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
TBD: jaguar; lovehoneybee; californiadreams
3/1 - stiletto_mom; CObee
3/4 - smith
3/7 - Finfan; Yogini bee
3/9 - NorthStar; AprilFool; clover; greygirl; DesertDreams88
3/10 - fancyfunction; auggiefrog; peaches1038
3/12 - ashluvsjron; wrkbrk
3/14 - JennyG
3/19 - FannyMae
3/21 - chaosmaven; YogiRunner
3/24 - HappyBluebird
3/25 - SugarplumsMom
3/26 - Hoots; Berly
3/28 - travellingbee
3/29 - Swoggette; lady baltimore
Cheerleader: snowjewelz; BandDMommy; simplyfelicity; MrsMccarthy; Honeygold89
Good luck to all this month! Hoping for lots of BFPs to start off strong!
apricot / 315 posts
@Berly: Yes! I felt that way last spring/summer too, but I wasn't ready to TTC yet. Now that we've been trying for 6 months, it seems like every week I hear about someone else who is expecting this summer. Just the stage of life I'm in, I guess!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@FannyMae: My OPK did the same to me as well this month. Low and then one flashing smiley and then peak on CD12 which seemed weird but it does seem I O'd on CD14, although it seemed to happen later in the day since no temp rise, so over 48 hours since the peak. I bought some other opk from the supermarket to check and they were nothing but negative (and one that was invalid) so it was really confusing.
I did some reading about the clear blue advanced afterwards and found it is important not to over saturate. Which is I think what my problem was and why I peaked a bit early.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
So, I'm unsure of whether I ovulated on day 20 or 21.... what do you all think? I know one day of difference isn't a big deal, but just curious
Two disclaimers:
- The CD21 Wonfo OPK was in the AM, forgot to mark that.
- You're "not supposed" to try to read the fertility monitor sticks, but I think it's pretty easy... explained here: https://infertilechemist.wordpress.com/2013/05/18/old-habits-die-hard/
persimmon / 1461 posts
mine look like this so far -
@AprilFool: about the oversaturation - I actually thought there wasn't enough pee on the stick on day 10 (lol, I didn't have much in the morning!) and it surprised me that it came out darker than they others.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@fannymae: day 10 definitely looks peak!! So maybe O on 11 or 12? Man, jealous, that is so early! I use the Clearblue in the morning, and cheapies in the afternoon, I like comparing and I'm always indecisive about interpretation.
persimmon / 1461 posts
@DesertDreams88: considering my last cycle was 30 days (2nd cycle since miscarriage, first was 31 days) might have ovulated earlier as my cycle comes back down to 28ish days. definitely have the CM pointing towards ovulation yesterday and today so fingers crossed.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@FannyMae: Maybe you are Oing early then! CD10 definitely looks the most positive.
@DesertDreams88: I would of said CD21 is your positive on the first ones but your chart agrees with the 20th from the 2nd lot.
Why are these things sooo confusing and hard to read! Haha
persimmon / 1461 posts
@AprilFool: looks like my test cleared itself after day 10's peak stick, and has re-set for a new cycle. so I figure I will just keep going and see if it peaks again in the next few days (just incase I somehow messed it up). might as well, there are quite a few sticks left over from last month.
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