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Lucky BFPS! - March 2015 POAS

  1. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @FannyMae: Argh the advanced can be so frustrating. You might not peak now if your levels were high when it reset. Are you temping as well?

  2. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    Anybody having any symptoms yet? I am supposedly 6 DPO and I'm not really noticing anything. Maybe my chest seems a little bigger and some gas but that could be pms. How's everyone else feeling?

  3. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @Peaches1038: Not sure if I'm 3DPO or 4DPO.... 3DPO means we had better timing but 4DPO means I'm further along in the TWW :). At this point I know I shouldn't be feeling anything, BUT, with my BFP in September I was dizzy and lightheaded on 4DPO. As of right now I'm just experiencing backache.

  4. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    Hi all, I'm excited to cheer you all on! I joined the POAS threads for a couple of months but recently got my BFP and didn't want to jinx myself by joining that month... I'm excited to start seeing some !

  5. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    Cycle Day: 25
    TTC Cycle #: not trying! DD just turned 1 and we are waiting until late summer to TTC #2 but accidents happen with POM! It's how DD was conceived. Hoping we will get lucky again!
    Ovulation and POAS dates: no clue on ovulation. Only 3 cycles PP and they have been long ( started at 49 days, but getting shorter- last month was 35 days.) POAS today with afternoon urine and no hold - bfn but I think it's early still (BD was on 2/14). Trying to hold out until Wednesday !!
    Baby #: 2
    Your plan this month:
    Chart link:

    Good luck all!!!

  6. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @AprilFool: you're right, I doubt its going to show a peak again this far into my cycle, this morning it did show High, but it will prob show that for a few more days. I'll prob stop if it continues to show High after CD15, at this point I think I did ovulate early. also, I don't temp - I'm sure I'll stuff it up somehow hehe

  7. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @FannyMae: The high might be your peak since your levels were high when it reset.

  8. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @AprilFool: I'm thinking CD10 when it showed high and then peak might have actually been the peak. big change in CM since day 11 & 12, decreasing now instead of increasing.

  9. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    I haven't even O'd yet and I'm pretty sure this month will be a no-go. I think it should be sometime this week, but Evan has had a stomach bug and now Dave has it. And then he's supposed to be heading out of town for the weekend on Thursday. We got busy Sat night, which is something I guess, but at best would probably be a really really early deposit, so to speak.

  10. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @shellio: congratulations!!

  11. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    AF came early, which in this case, is a good thing. It means we should be able to do my monitored clomid cycle!

  12. nanilani

    apricot / 374 posts

    Got a BFP yesterday, and I'm still pretty stunned. This was cycle #2 of NTNP (I lurked on the February POAS thread, but never commented). I have PCOS and long/irregular cycles, so I thought TTC would take much longer and require me to start charting, using OPKs, etc. Instead I had the only 28 day cycle of my life! I think I may have even felt ovulation, but I ignored it at the time since it would have been way too early for my typical cycle lengths. Lucky indeed!

  13. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @travellingbee: great! funny how early AF is good for you, but sucked for me! Every situation is different. Best of luck with the clomid cycle. Did you have to use clomid for your first pregnancy as well?

  14. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @nanilani: congratulations!!!

  15. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @nanilani: congrats!

  16. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @peaches1038: I'm not sure what DPO I am, If I O'd on Friday like I suspected then 3DPO, but I've had super annoying congestion and a runny nose since Saturday/ Sunday. I usually get increased sinus problems after O, but this month it is really bad. The month I got my BFP/ early MC they were really bad as well. Here is hoping!

    @DesertDreams88: I totally got this symptom very early during my BFP month as well. FX that it is a very early sign!

    @travellingbee: Hooray for meds! Hopefully they get you your very sticky BFP!

    @nanilani: Congrats! I hope you have a happy and healthy nine months!

    DH had an out of town business trip this week. We BD'd before he left in the hopes that I would O on Wednesday like FF predicted. Wednesday came and went, and I didn't even get a positive OPK. I did get one on Thursday though. DH came back on Friday and we BD'd pretty much right away after I got back from work. We also BD'd Saturday to cover our bases (and because we were staying in a hotel room together). Saturday night I started getting bad congestion and a runny nose. I sometimes get increased sinus problems after O, but this month was really bad. I remember during my TWW of my BFP/ MC month getting really annoying sinus problems as well. It's hard not to be hopeful though, even though our BD timing was pretty bad. It's my first month trying since the MC in December and I can't help but want to believe that I will get pregnant again quickly.

  17. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @californiadreams: thanks- no with DS we got pregnant on the first try. But I'm 37 now with DOR.

  18. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @nanilani: congrats!

  19. JennyG

    clementine / 912 posts

    @nanilani: Congratulations!!!

  20. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @peaches1038: Not one tiny, wee little thing. 4dpo here. Good luck to you! I am so hoping to feel something (anything!) this time around!!

  21. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @nanilani: CONGRATS!!!!!!!

  22. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @nanilani: Congrats!

  23. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @peaches1038: I didn't have any symptoms when I got my BFP in July and thought I had tons of symptoms every other month, so no symptoms isn't always bad! Fingers crossed for you!

  24. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    Cycle Day: 27 (10 dpo and dying to test but know that I didn't have luck this early with my first pregnancy)
    TTC Cycle #: 2
    Ovulation and POAS dates: 2/20 (ovulation) & 3/6 (POAS)
    Baby #: #2 (son is 2.5)
    Your plan this month: This is my first month charting and I learned that I ovulated later than I thought. I got pregnant with my son on the first try but I had very predictable 28 day cycles back then. This month I used Conceive Plus, Mucinex, early evening primrose, and drank tons of water.
    Chart link: I'm new to fertility friend so I'm not sure how to link to my chart.

  25. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @DesertDreams88: @wrkbrk: @auggiefrog: Good luck to you ladies as well! I've never been pregnant so I have nothing to compare my 'symptoms' to. Hopefully I can hold out and test this weekend. I wasted so many tests last cycle.
    @nanilani: CONGRATS!!!

  26. nanilani

    apricot / 374 posts

    Thank you, all!

    @peaches1038: For what it's worth, I've had no noticeable symptoms so far and I'm ~16DPO. I was maybe a little moody yesterday before taking the test, but I think I was just hangry b/c I couldn't eat lunch until after 2pm 0:)

  27. lady baltimore

    persimmon / 1196 posts

    @nanilani: Congratulations!

  28. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @nanilani: Thank you!! That makes me feel better! I am always hangry so I know how you feel!!

  29. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @nanilani: congrats

  30. CObee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @nanilani: congrats!

    As for me, I'm 11dpo with several bfn's behind me, and feeling really discouraged my chart is as beautiful as it's ever been:


    but I am just trying to prepare myself for another bfn tomorrow after which I guess I'll admit defeat for this cycle?

  31. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    That charting looks great! How long have you been trying?

  32. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @shellio: @nanilani: Congratulations!

    @travellingbee: Yay for AF.

    @peaches1038: My only symptom is the sorest boobs but it's probably more likely PMS.

    @CObee: That is a very pretty chart, especially with the increase today. I didn't implant with #1 until 10 dpo so you aren't out yet!

  33. CObee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @NorthStar: thanks we had a miscarriage in November so have been trying since then!

  34. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @CObee: that is a great looking chart! I'm sorry about your loss. Fingers crossed for this cycle

  35. CObee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @AprilFool: thanks for the hope! With #1 I got a bfp on the afternoon of 11dpo, so I can't help but feel like it should be the same for this one when/if it happens. Maybe that's not always how it works but I can't get that into my head right now

  36. CObee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @HappyBluebird: thanks, I'll cross mine for you too!

  37. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @CObee: Every baby is different

  38. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @nanilani: congratulations!

    @travellingbee: glad to hear AF is here, and you can move forward to the next step.

  39. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @NANILANI: those are some great looking lines, congratulations!

  40. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @nanilani: congratulations!!

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