Hellobee Boards


March 2018 POAS (2)

  1. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @LAZB: so frustrating that littles don't sleep consistently

  2. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    March POAS 

    POAS Date:
    BadgerMom: 3/5
    MamaBear87: 3/7
    Lazb: 3/8(ish)
    2MamaKrewe: 3/9
    GinaandCorey: 3/10
    Marfi: 3/11
    Mrs Lavender: 3/12
    YouBoots: 3/20
    lioneyes: 4/4

    Any updates?

    Since the last one was several pages ago 😊

  3. Ginaandcorey

    cherry / 161 posts

    @MamaBear87: thank you! Hopefully we have a flurry of bfp's this month!

  4. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @Ginaandcorey: I'm so hoping!

    I'm so impatient today! I just want to skip to Monday so I can test 😂

    Eta just started spotting. So so sad now. I'm probably out

  5. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    Okay I've been debating to join this month or not so I'm a little late to the party!

    Cycle Day: 13
    TTC Cycle: 24+ I don't know anymore.
    Ovulation Date: any day now, likely around Sunday.
    POAS Date: I'll say March 22
    Baby # 1

    It's been a loooong road. I went for an HSG a few days ago and even though it was normal I'm hoping it helped "clean out the cobwebs" and this will be our lucky cycle. Both of us have come back normal from all the testing so this has been very frustrating. But I'm staying positive this month!!

  6. Ginaandcorey

    cherry / 161 posts

    @MamaBear87: noooo I'm so sad for you.

    @badgermom- how are your symptoms today?

    @Umbreon: welcome to this crazy group and fx for you this month!

  7. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @Ginaandcorey: i hate this part. Now I have to wait days knowing it probably isn't the month but not knowing for sure

  8. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    @MamaBear87: Crap. I’m so sorry. I was so hopeful this was your month.

    @Ginaandcorey: I’m feeling less symptomy today. My temp went down a little this am, but still pretty high. I’m a little less hopeful today, but we’ll find out tomorrow!

  9. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @Umbreon: Welcome! I'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks of that as "cleaning the cobwebs" LOL I had a Lap done before I had my son to clear some endometriosis and run dye through my tubes and I thought of it the same way!

  10. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @BadgerMom: fingers crossed for you!

  11. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Well now I think I must not have ovulated before, this looks positive to me.

  12. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @MrsMom: I can only hope! I have read posts with a lot of people saying they got a BFP after so I'm really really hoping.

    Otherwise we will try IUI hopefully next cycle. But I'd rather get pregnant naturally. And what if the IUI still doesnt work? Ah let's just hope for the best this cycle!

  13. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @LAZB: that looks positive to me too!! Did you have another positive earlier? Sorry I'm too lazy to scroll back through the thread haha. Good luck!

  14. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Umbreon: I thought I did, I had a test that was *this close* and lots of ovary pains, and it was all at days 12-14. Now I’m cd19, so I’d think this was late. Going to dtd just in case though.

  15. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @MamaBear87: Thank you for your advice about the Ava Facebook page. I just purchased a Bracelet!

  16. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    @LAZB: Definitely DTD just in case, but I'm not convinced that one's positive either... it still looks a little lighter than the control to me. But the fact that you're getting another at least almost positive this late in your cycle makes me think its more likely that you didn't ovulate earlier.

  17. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @LAZB: It looks pretty positive! just Keep DTD!! LOL

  18. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @Umbreon: Holding out hope for you!!

  19. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @MrsMom: yay! We can be ava buddies 😊

    @LAZB: i agree with BadgerMom. Bodies are so annoying.

    I took a test since I was upset anyway. Stark stark white. Which is to be expected, I'm only 9dpo. I just want to be pregnant

  20. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @Umbreon: i have a friend that tried a long time and got pregnant after an hsg so fingers crossed for you!

  21. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @MamaBear87: that's reassuring!! She had no blockages or anything? That's one thing that scares me is that everything up until now has been normal so why hasn't it happened?

    I'm sorry you had a BFN but 9 dpo is early so don't give up! I know how you feel though. I just want to be pregnant too. If we'd been successful our first try we'd have a two and a half year old now. Probably even two babies! It's insane. And depressing.

  22. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @Umbreon: I'm pretty sure everything was clear.

    The negative doesn't really concern me. It's the spotting I get every month pre period. But trying to get out of my funk and stop yelling at my husband 😂

    Yeah I've started doing that too. If we'd been successful first month wed be at this point. It's so hard not to compare.
    And you are so strong for it taking this long. I hope the hsg helps you 😊

  23. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @MamaBear87: Yay Ava Buddies! i'm excited! I woke up 5 times last night and told DH "SEE how am I supposed to track anything when I'm too tired to even pick up the thermometer!" LOL

    Sorry about the Negative. So weird that you spot like that!

  24. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @MrsMom: i do like to put the ava temps into another app though because look at how flat the ava chart looks
    First ava. Second is glow. Same temps.

  25. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @MamaBear87: Oh yeah I'll probably do the same! to appease my App addiction as well Lol

  26. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @Marfi: Wishing you luck on your transfer today!!

  27. Marfi

    clementine / 794 posts

    @MrsMom: Thanks!! We’re all done and on our way home! The doctor said everything looked great but my progesterone was a little low (they want it to be at least 20 and mine was 19) not a huge deal they are just having me up my PIO at night!

  28. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @Marfi: so hope this little bean sticks!

  29. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @Marfi: Yay! I'm really holding out for you!

  30. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    @Marfi: Yay! All the sticky baby luck to you!!!

  31. Mrs Lavender

    apricot / 302 posts

    IUI went great today! DH sample was more than enough. Thinking positive and praying this is it!

    @Marfi: Sending you all the sticky vibes!!

    @MamaBear87: Ugh. Sorry about the spotting. Your temp rise looks great though! You are not out yet!

    @Umbreon: Welcome! Good luck this cycle! We are also trying for our first, going on 20+ cycles... I've also heard of ladies getting their BFP after a HSG. Hope you are one of them!

  32. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @Mrs Lavender: so glad to hear your iui went well! Hope there's a positive for you this month.

    My chart does look awesome 😂 hoping it heads back up tomorrow! (Partly cause I want it to break 98 for some weird reason)

  33. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @Mrs Lavender: I'm glad it went well! and that you had everything you needed

  34. Marfi

    clementine / 794 posts

    Thank you all for the happy thoughts! This is going to be a long 12 days until my beta but I will definitely be testing before then!

  35. Ginaandcorey

    cherry / 161 posts

    @MamaBear87: I hope it went up today!
    @BadgerMom: Ps... it's Saturday!

  36. Ginaandcorey

    cherry / 161 posts

    @Mrs Lavender: @marfi: fx for you both!

  37. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Marfi: yay! Good luck!

  38. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Mrs Lavender: that’s great, good luck!

  39. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    Womp womp BFN. AF should be here Tuesday

  40. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @Ginaandcorey: nope down 😣 its still way above my cover line. but no spotting since the teeny bit yesterday. So I'm again crossing my fingers

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