Hellobee Boards


March To A BFP. March POAS thread...

  1. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @winniebee: That is how I was last cycle and was certain it was a good sign. I think my hormones were adjusting from the slow weaning since I wasn't KU that cycle.

    @Tidybee: So sorry for your loss. FX a sticky baby is in your very near future.

  2. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    So temps are up today! I'm hoping that maybe I FINALLY ovulated, but it's only CD 33 today and last cycle I ovulated CD 36. Either way, I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but will still try to BD tonight just to be on the safe side.

  3. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @mfa_lady: I really hope this is it for you! Try to enjoy your weekend and don't count yourself out just yet.

  4. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    WHAT WOULD YOUR EDD BE IF YOU GOT KU THIS MONTH? Somewhere between Nov 20-27th I think.
    Boy - if I'm putting the correct date.

    I'm really not trying to get too attached to any EDD at this point since it led to more disappointment last month. I think we are also going to be skipping the next cycle because that would put us at a christmas baby (unless this and the next cycle are unusually long) and I really don't want that.

  5. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts


  6. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    Girl. Which would be awesome because DD has a seriously enviable wardrobe and I want to use it again!

  7. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    Temp drop this morning, so AF should be coming tomorrow right on time. @MRSMCCARTHY, can you please roll me down to POAS March 26? (although I'll probably do so before then.. )

    Thanks! Baby dust to everyone testing this weekend!!!

  8. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    @Crystal: Mostly No, I think. Haha. My sleep schedule is so wakcky....sometimes I sleep through the night. Often I will wake up multiple times to use the restroom. I never seem to wake up at a consistent time. Perhaps next cycle will be better.

    I haven't been exercising this cycle at all and I think it really impacts my feeling of wellness, sleep and energy.

  9. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @mfa_lady: good luck honey! i hope this is it for you.

    @winniebee sounds promising!

    @Adira: yay!!! come on ovulation!!!

    @theotherstark: yay! looks like we will be cycle testing buddies. I'll update the rollcall again in a couple days.

    @HolisticMama: you should really look inot that book i mentioned Making Babies. I think it would be up your alley.

  10. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @littlek: @snowjewelz: @adira: @radish: @mrsmccarthy: Thank you, girls! Just had a slew of back to back meetings at work and it was so nice to come back to see you encouragement. You rock!

  11. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: Is it this one?
    I read it in August 2012. LOL.
    I used to be Waterlogged. Two years later I'm now tired.

  12. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    Ugh... So I'm pretty sure I just O'd, but after I punched in my temp this AM it says I O'd on CD 15. My CM is saying otherwise, as you can see. So, if I discard the temp on the 24th (CD 14) it gets rid of the cross hairs and is waiting to see what my temp does before it determines O.

    What do you ladies think? Is my temp, FF or CM screwing with me?

  13. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @mfa_lady: I really hope you only have good news to share. ♥

    I am currently trying to balance between hopeful and realistic, and its so hard!

    I have been doing a good job of not symptom spotting or looking too much into things so far, until last night.

    I came home, took a 2 hour nap, then went to bed again at my normal time. So, of course, this morning I started googling pregnancy symptoms by DPO.

  14. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @HolisticMama: that's the one!!!

    @HellOnHeels: My guess is you ovulated later. perhaps the 17th depending on if you maintain the shift and what your cm does. EWCM is possible after ovulation but usually its more creamy or sticky.

  15. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: I definitely feel like I O'd yesterday. Usually I get really goopy EWCM (yesterday) and then next day is in between sticky and creamy (today). Was planning on BDing tonight again just to be on the safe side, but when I saw what FF did this AM I was like WTF? Lol.

  16. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    @HellOnHeels: I am going to guess O was CD17. Do you use OPKs?

    @Crystal: Hmmmmmm.... fatigue was definitely my first pregnancy symptom, but you are probably kind of early. Then again, maybe not. Are you like 8-9 DPO?

  17. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    @septca: I actually didn't this cycle.. go figure. I was going to yesterday but I couldn't hold my pee long enough and just figured screw it, everything seems to be going as it should anyway. Hah.

  18. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: Hooray!! It's always nice having testing buddies How have you been??

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: Thanks! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

    @HellOnHeels: My guess is you ovulated later than FF thinks too. It's probably not super accurate because you didn't temp the whole cycle maybe? Fingers crossed for you!!

  20. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Crystal: I hope WE (!!!!) have good news to share! As in, you and me! Fingers crossed that next week is our week.

  21. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Crystal: have you tested?

  22. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    Thanks for the kind words!! I'm feeling much better about things and super ready to get back in the game. And yes, this is the one month I can't wait to see AF! We might get started sooner but that makes me a bit nervous. I'll see what the doc says next week at my followup. Baby dust to everyone!

  23. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    Cycle Day: 24 (Goodness Sake. I'm officially joining this thread SO late. I've been way to busy. :: deep breath :: OR- Am I joining early? I didn't get to POAS in February, really.

    Expected Ovulation and POAS Dates: I think I ovulated on February 22nd. I will likely POAS on March 8th, but my dad's 60th birthday is on March 3rd. So I might sneak in an early test then, but if I ovulated when I think I did...it would be stupid early.

    Cycle #: 3

    How has your journey been so far ad what do you plan to try this month: Well, as most of you know, our RE gave us a 1% chance of conceiving naturally before we even started to conceive. I just a left voicemail with my RE to see if they have the results back from my last Ovarian Assessment Report. My RE wanted to make sure I wasn't losing eggs in an inappropriate fashion. I would be surprised if I was. So I guess we'll see. DH needs to do another SA to make sure his prostate infection is fully gone.

    I have done OPKs this entire cycle, since I likely O'd late last month. I have been taking a bit of royal jelly. I have been so tired this cycle. I think it's because I feel overwhelmed with work, school, and housework?

    Baby #: Please lord, give us at least one.

    Breakfast Club Character: I took a quiz online and it told me I was Brian Johnson.

  24. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @HolisticMama: I don't know if you ever mentioned it here... What led you to seeing an RE before TTC?

  25. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    I feel like I have been entirely too busy to symptom spot or really think much about being pregnant this cycle. However, my boobs have been crazy sore and I just wonder what my progesterone is doing and what I REALLY wonder is why my boobs didn't get sore BEFORE TTC? Because I would have noticed...they hurt when I walk down the stairs. It's pretty obvious.

  26. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    @snowjewelz: I had a dermoid tumor removed from my right ovary a few years back and wanted to check my hormone levels, because I know in the past they were imbalanced. However, the RE said that was silly and wanted to do all the testing, including an HSG to make sure that my tubes looked okay.
    Tubes and uterus looks great. Egg count of a 45 year old. (I was 29 at the time). DH had a prostate infection, low sperm count and poor morphology.

    It was pretty shocking. RE said, "Hm..sometimes that female intuition is really strong and it's good that you came in." It will be nice, because if we do decide to treat someday, we won't have to wait for too much testing. We've also built up rapport with the office, so last month when my cycle was long, they brought me in for an ultrasound and blood work, since that was so unusual for me.

  27. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @HolisticMama: Thanks for sharing! I guess it was good and bad. Good that you don't have to wait 6+ months to think about going to an RE, but bad that you had to know from the beginning what you're up against. Glad to hear your RE really takes care of you though! I SO SO SO hope for a BFP for you!

  28. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    @snowjewelz: Yeah, it's bittersweet. I never REALLY get my hopes up, because I know our chances. Because of that- I haven't experienced any serious disappointment.

    When I was in Santa Fe last weekend, we saw a number of very very cute children and babies- and it made me kind of teary. I think everyone has definitely experienced that feeling of wanting something so much that it hurts.

  29. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @littlek @septca: I'm way too early, I'm (at most) only 7DPO, but likely only 5 or 6. I'm just boarding the crazy train.

    @mfa_lady: meeeeee too, friend!!!!

    @Tidybee: I am here if you ever need to talk. I went through that recently.

    @HolisticMama: I often wonder if my symptom spotting makes symptoms appear, of if I was just that unobservant before.

    Kids are something I want so badly it hurts, so I'm right there with you. Hugs.

  30. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    @Crystal: Oh, yeah. I pay *so* much more attention to my body than I did before I was TTC... symptoms just magically appear everywhere! Actually, my favorite thing about FF VIP is that your chart retains all of the symptoms graph from month to month so it's really to compare symptoms from past cycles. This definitely helps me keep the crazy in check because when I'm like, "ooohhhhhh, I have cramps at 7 DPO, I *must* be pregnant!." I can look back at all my old charts and be like, "nope. I always cramp at 7 DPO."

  31. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @septca: I was just doing that with my period tracker app, lol.

    If we don't get our BFP this month, I'm going to try temping. It's one thing to know when my LH surge is from OPKs, but I've no idea how long after that I O. I'm hoping this will help me pinpoint it.

  32. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @theotherstark: thanks for asking. I am doing really well. I'm sure it will change once we get closer to O but CD6 and I am feeling very relaxed about this cycle. I feel a bit like this is not going to be the one and maybe that helps in a way because its taking some of the pressure off. If it is the BFP cycle I will be over the moon but if its not perhaps I will feel a bit less surprised. I am also a lot more convinced that nursing is causing the problems in my cycle so I am working on getting my son to gradually cut out more and more feeds. He now feeds only from bedtime till morning. Usually 8:30-7:30 but sometimes he will nurse 3-8 times between then and a lot of suckling so it could take a whole for my body to be ready to carry another baby. I hope I am wrong and that we both have BFPs at the end of this month.

    @septca: how is weaning going? What CD are you? Are you noticing any changes so far? I know it can take a bit but I've also seen women see immediate change after weaning. Wishing you luck this month. I'm still holding on to hope that I might be able to get pregnant while nursing a little. We shall see. Oh also I saw a post a while back where you mentioned HSG dye pooling and in wondering if you can give me some insight. When I had my HSG two years ago the dye went through completely but the tech said there was a very brief pause before it spilled out. Is that considered pooling?

    @HolisticMama: so glad to see you back on here! I hope you prove the medical world wrong. I have seen it happen. It can be a bit tougher with both male and female factors but it does happen. Can I ask what sort of testing your RE did? Did they do a follicular count? I've read in the past that that can be WAY more informative than FSH estrogen and AMH alone. FSH fluctuates and it seems we are only as good as our highest number. Mine was 7 two years ago and my AMH was low at .55 (ideal numbers are above 1 and below 3 I believe. We conceived naturally and by surprise about 2 months after the test. Do you remember your numbers?

  33. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: Thanks for checking in, sweetie! We are down to one feed per day (at wake up) and it's going well. I have not had any physical issues and DD was okay with it after about 3 days of whining and pulling at my shirt. It helps that she gets a bottle at bedtime now (we'll deal with that issue later...). I haven't noticed any cycle changes except I seem to have more drive (which could absolutely be a sign that my hormones are back on track), but it's only CD8, so who knows. I am going to start using OPKs at CD14 (I used to O at CD17-18, but it's been more like CD21-23 since DD was born).

    I told myself that I was going to cut the wake up feed next week, but I am not sure now. I'm not thrilled about wake up + must get up and start breakfast, so I may wait a couple more weeks and see if we can get DD sleeping in a bit first (she just started walking and has been waking up super early to "practice" - sigh).

    Selfishly, and I realize this sounds RIDICULOUS, I would be okay with waiting until next month because I don't want a Dec-Jan-Feb/Mar mat leave. Last time I was off Feb-Mar-Apr-May and it was amazing. The weather was great for walks, etc. I don't want to be shut inside the whole time. That said, I would obv rather get KU this month than not... so I am just being stupid and selfish, as I said.

  34. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: Ah ha!
    Got my phone call! My Ovarian Assessment Report (http://fertility.attainivf.com/inmdweb/content/cons/attain/forms/armsbioclock/OAR-Details.pdf) actually has a better score this go around! Woot woot! I'm in the "good range!"
    I didn't know it could change...

    It looks like it is based on:
    FSH- 5.62
    Estrogen- 55
    LH- 3.02
    AMH- 1.18
    inhibin B- 83.3

    I haven't had a chance to google these numbers, but I'm glad that my eggs are appearing to be steady!
    I don't believe we have done a follicular count. Maybe we won't have to! That would be great.

  35. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @septca: we all just want babies but there is no harm in having a preference.

    @HolisticMama: those numbers all look normal to me. I have read that you are only as good as your lowest FSH but i still see so many women with high FSH getting pregnant all the time and many who have the follicular count get much better numbers. I honestly think that your husband might be more the issue at this point for natural conception. Hopefully that can be worked around. Maybe with something like IUI if you guys can't get KU naturally. I have VERY good feelings for you both.

  36. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @HolisticMama: so glad you got some good news!

  37. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Ugh, I REALLY hope I ovulated already because Hubs and I did NOT DTD last night. Blerg...

  38. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    I'm out, but hopefully I'll O in time to join again at the end of march

  39. Radish

    nectarine / 2079 posts

    @anyajenkins: Sorry.

    I'm so frustrated with long cycles this morning. If I had a normal cycle I would be in the TWW, but no, this already tortured process must be drawn out even further.

  40. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    Well, today is 14 dpo and I got a stark white bfn. Guess it's on to the next month. I am sooooooo discouraged and tired of trying, wondering, temping, timing, blah blah blah and getting nowhere. I may just give up until July when we have our IUI.

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