My husband and I had our consultation this morning with the RE's office. The good news is that we both realllllly loved the doctor. My husband isn't generally very emotive, but after the appointment he was sort of gushing about how great the doctor was, so that was awesome.
The bad news is that the doctor thinks with my previous blood test results (from OB) + symptoms (like heavy heavy periods and really bad cramps) + family history, that I have endometriosis. (My aunt had severe endometriosis that resulted in her having a hysterectomy at the age of 35 and my sister was diagnosed with endo last week through a lap).
He recommends moving onto injectibles + IUI or IVF at this point, but he's leaving the decision up to us. Tomorrow I have a call with his office's finance manager to talk about costs. I'm not sure what my husband and I will decide because we were sort of thinking adopting if it got to this point, but now I'm not sure....
Regardless, we're sort of holding tight for now because I'm on CD18, so we'll just wait and see if my period arrives and then go from there. I did have a vag. ultrasound today and the dr. showed me the (three!) follicles that I ovulated from, which was really cool and amazing. Unfortunately, I don't have much hope that any of them will stick, but who knows! It's just nice to know my little ovaries are working right.