My midwives prescribed 1500mg Metformin for weak ovulation, and PCOS. I didn't have any cysts, just the weak ovulation, excessive hair, ovulation issues, etc... The RE said I was borderline, and the midwives said they would treat me as if I have it. My insulin levels are writhin the normal ranges. I previously ovulated on cd 17 of a 28 day cycle, and have been ovulating on cd 21 of a 28 day cycle. So, pregnancy was not a reset for me! I am 17 months postpartum, and DD weaned a few months ago. I tried the Metformin for a few days, but it made me so sick I couldn't take it and confidently do my 2hr commute! We are getting more serious about ttc, and I'm trying it again. Did you ovulate early while taking it? Also, anyone successfully get pregnant on Metformin alone?