I need your help.
LO is just a little over 2 years old. She has generally been a good sleeper with a few bumps once in a while but nothing i can't handle. She sleeps in her crib, and we will stay in the room with her until she falls asleep. She is content with us just being in the room (sitting in a chair across the room) and will fall asleep within 20-30 minutes.
The past week, it has taken us AN HOUR to get her to fall asleep, and we have to be holding her hand or patting her back. Sometimes i'll just climb into the crib with her. Then at around 4am she will wake up screaming for me. We started off by bringing her to bed with us, but that only resulted in her being awake for 1 hour and then waking up at 7am.
DH and i then resolved to stop bringing her into bed with us (it had only been a few days). This results in her waking up every hour after 4am screaming for whoever was the last person to put her back to sleep.
We have tried everything - putting her to bed early, having the least attached parent put her to bed, you name it. It's not teething - i gave her advil and she still woke up screaming shortly after i left her room.
I just need to know if anyone survived this without having to resort to a family bed? I really don't want that to be the only solution. I'm afraid to do CIO with her too. I've been working 14 hour days lately, and the lack of sleep is killing me. If anyone has any advice, i gladly welcome it!!