Long story short me and DH have been TTC for almost 2 yrs, the past 6 months we have been working hard with RE to start IUI and are on IUI #2

My mom is there for me/us but her advice and talks never help, I know she is coming from a good place but the things she says at times are hurtful and well don't make sense.....Example: After our failed IUI I was upset and told her I was fearful of the future...she says..." what would be the big deal if you could never get PG Is Adoption that BAD????"

I was like really MOM???? I am only on my 1st IUI Adoption is really not in my thoughts, and your going to say this on a day I found out about a chemical pregnancy?!?!

I know she was looking at the bigger picture and no adoption would not be awful but mentally I am not there yet......not even close....

It is hard to listen to advice from a person who gets PG at the drop of a hat...even if it is your mother