LO is just over four months old and almost 16 pounds. He is still waking twice a night to eat (EBF), and a few additional times to just cry. Mommy is incredibly sleep deprived and at the end of her rope.
Where do I start???
CIO is not an option for us. LO sleeps n our room and we have a small apartment so there's no "turn off the monitor and walk away."
LO sleeps mostly in his swing, which he's rapidly outgrowing. He has a crib in our room too. He gets naps in the swing, our bed, peoples arms, or random spots like the living room couch or recliner. We occasionally co sleep out of desperation. He also still sleeps swaddled at night, which I believe he likes, but he also fights to get a hand out sometimes too.
Please help me get more than 1-2 hours of sleep at a time!!!