Hellobee Boards


Moms: what would you tell the pregnant ladies about childbirth?

  1. MegWag

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    Be prepared to let go of your plan. My labour ended up not going at all the way I planned, but I'd prepared myself ahead of time to be flexible. I believe this is the reason I don't have massive regret about not having the experience I'd ideally wanted. The midwives kept apologizing that things weren't going to plan and I was like "I'm over it, let's do this".
    Also, pant through the ring of fire. Don't push. Let things expand on their own. I didn't have any tearing.
    And my recovery was a breeze, (Largely due to the lack of tearing, I think.) so don't think it's going to be awful. I didn't have any ruined clothes from awful bleeding. I felt pretty great, even though I laboured for over 40 hours. You aren't doomed to an awful experience!

  2. heffalump

    GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts

    @birdofafeather: seriously! For a second there in all of those crazy hormones my mind was thinking "I didn't actually see her come out......"


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