Another desperate post about sleep...
Since my last post looking for sleep advice I hired a sleep consultant and began sleep training. The gradual approach that was recommended was just that, GRADUAL. After a lot of tears, my 5mth old goes to bed easily on his own but still wakes up 3 to 5 times at night. His first sleep stretch is 3 - 4 hrs and from then he may wake every 3 or even every 2 hrs !!
AND he gets up around 4:30 to 5am!!
Two nights ago I let him cry at his first wakeup. He was back asleep in 10mins for another 4hrs! But last night he cried for 30 minutes before I caved in and fed him. After that I fed him 3 more times before he got up at 5am!
Has anyone experienced this?? What would you recommend to reduce night waking and get baby to sleep til 6 or later?