Hey Everyone,
Could I please get some advice? My 5 month old Adalae was diagnosed with MSPI almost 2 weeks ago and has been a special formula for a little over week. But I just miss nursing her. I know most of you went through the elimination diet with out stopping bf but for some odd reason I thought it would easier on both of us if I gave her formula to make her better and I would eliminate dairy and soy. I have been on the edd for over 24 hours and I wanna nurse her.. so I need advice do you think I should just nurse her and we continue the transition to a milk and soy free life together or should I continue with formula and the edd for myself and in a couple of weeks try nursing her? And I have another slight problem... I haven't felt a let down in a week and my supply has gone down.. I only pump one time a day cause I pump when they feel full. I'm so torn I hope someone can shed some light on my situation.
P.S. I willing to do whatever it takes to continue with breastfeeding