Max was diagnosed with GERD and a dairy sensitivity at about 6 weeks old. He's been on Prevacid since then, and I've been dairy free since then. When he turned 6 months, we tried to stop the Prevacid and it was a complete disaster. So we went back to the specialist for a follow up.
She evaluated my diet and his symptoms, and seemed shocked by the tiny amounts of dairy he reacts to. She mentioned that babies with reactions like this are often also sensitive to soy, and said that she was fairly confident diagnosing Max with MSPI.
All of that being said - I'm going back to work in a few weeks, and I need to start supplementing a bit with formula, since I'm really struggling to keep up my pumping output (especially now that I'm cutting out soy!)
Have you used Nutrimagen or Alimentum? Is one better than the other? How long does a can last (they seem EXPENSIVE!). Help!