My DH just wants to "let it happen". I'm 30. I know that the number of eggs I have are not what they used to be. Last month, I really thought I was pregnant, I was pretty devastated when I wasn't. I know it hasn't been that long, but I want a baby so badly it hurts. I've never wanted anything so much in my life.
Last night we just got into it. I was ready for some BMS; I made dinner, I made nice drinks, I was ready! He was too tired. I was so angry. Before he didn't want to know when I was fertile, now he does. I'm just angry. I feel like he doesn't understand how hard this is, all the stuff that has to line up for a baby to be made.
So what should I do? What have you ladies done when you're DH just wants to "let it happen" but you know that a million things need to line up for it to happen. DH is big into numbers and facts, any articles would be greatly appreciated.